Chapter 39

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I woke up in he morning feeling rather anxious and nauseous. It was the day I'd die after all. But even if that were the case, my face held a smile on it.

My roommate woke up a bit after me and said, "You seem rather happy." in a sneer one. I smiled at her and said, "I don't know." and with that she left to get changed. I smiled again and picked up my phone.

"Wait... how did I get here?" I asked myself as I tried recollecting my thoughts. Did Melon bring me back? I don't think so...

I decided to ignore this for the time being and ask him later. For the time being, I had to get ready. We didn't even decide where to meet...


I walked through the school halls with Haru, and she said, "Did you study for the history test next week?" I shook my head and said, "Nope. I'll be leaving soon either way."

She sighed at my reply and said, "What do you plan on doing when you leave?" I pretended to think about it and said, "I'll probably get myself a stable job for the time being. That's it."

Another sigh. "Well, make sure to keep in touch." I smiled at her reasurringly and said, "Of course."

We walked into our classroom and I sat down near a window in the back, with Haru in the front row. A sigh escaped my lips as I rested my head on my desk and stared out the window.

'I guess this is the last time...' I told to myself. 'I should probably write a goodbye letter to everyone...'

Then I started.

I didn't have a lot to say. And I only planned on writing to a few people.

Dear Haru,
Thanks for baring with me throughout these years. I appreciate your company ad everything you've done for me. Thanks for making college at least a bit more enjoyable. I think you're the first person I could ever rely on and relate to. I hope you and Legoshi make a great living and family with each other. You guys deserve the best. I love every moment I spent with you. Thanks for being there with me. And I'm sorry for being an ass sometimes. I love you and please.. don't miss me too much.

Pretty cheap.. I know. I just never wrote anything for anyone before.

Dear Legoshi,
I don't even know what to tell you. Thanks for being you I guess. I'm only going to say this once, make sure Haru is happy. Be a great boyfriend and husband. Make sure Haru doesn't shed a tear because of you. I guess that's it. Also! Stay safe, and become strong. Make sure you change society, normalize interspecial marriage, become strong and protect all herbivores. Make sure to be the changer of society. You can do it. You have potential.

I knew for a fact that Legoshi would know what I was trying to say. He was a smart kid, and I respected him for that. And next was Louis.

Dear Louis,
Fuck you. You must be an absolute dumbass for joining the Shishigumi. You're an idiot, but I still love you. You're an awesome being, and I love your strong spirit. Make sure you keep that up and use it for the best. Don't be reckless and enjoy your life as much as you can. Since you're a 'royal' you'll probably get a fiance, but make sure you're happy with her. If you love her congrats, but if you love someone else, make sure you make some time for them. Don't listen to me though, I'm sure you're smart enough to come up with plans on your own. I wish the best for you, and I'm sorry that you had to see me like this. I should've been a better friend to you. Live happily.

Louis' letter was the longest to my surprise, but he was probably the closest as well... kind of..

Then I decided to write a cheap letter for Bill, then Aoba.

Dear Bill,
I don't even know what to say to you... you're an idiot. A loveable idiot. I'm glad I met you, I'm glad I got to share a few laughs with you, and I hope you find your true love soon. Make sure she's kind to you, loves you, and brings you joy. Well, don't be too sad when I leave. And that's all.

And finally Aoba.

Dear Aoba,
You are a great guy, make sure you're happy with everything you do. You're a nice guy and deserve the best. I can't express how much I appreciate your wisdom, you're just the best. I hope you find happiness and live long. And I know that I should probably write more but I have nothing else... so sorry. Don't miss me too much.

Dear Sheila,
You are gorgeous, don't worry about me, I'll be doing okay. Just make sure you find the man (or woman) of your life, and live happily with them. I wish the best for you. Also has anyone told you that you should try modelling? If not, you totally should, you're beautiful and deserve the best.

After writing all these letters, I debated whether I should write one for Cosmo or not. She was a co-worker, and we did have beef before, but like... I didn't know.

Dear Cosmo,
I hope you don't get eaten. I know that I was supposed to eat you, but I guess I'm off before you. You probably won't miss me at all, after all, you won't have to fight to become the #1 stripper with me, but I hope you have a great life. Also the Black Market isn't a safe place and I want you to live, so consider leaving and getting a stable job. Love you.

Yep, I did decide to write to her. I knew that she wouldn't care and wouldn't even shed a tear, but it was worth a try.

And with that I neatly folded the papers and made a cheap envelope with another piece of paper and put all the letters in. I would ask Haru to deliver them after school.

Then I thought about Melon. I actually wanted him to live and have a great life. He deserved it. He deserved the best. So I decided to write a short letter for him too.

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