Chapter 41

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I smiled to myself as I looked down into the dark blue water with the letters in my hand. The cliff I sat on was way above the waters. The wind ran through my fur, sending chills down my spine.

This hour and a half was enough for me to think through everything, and by everything I meant every single thing.

Everything I've gone through, everything I could've gone through. Just everything.

I thought about the letter I wrote for Melon. I poured my heart and soul into it.

"You weren't planning on dying alone, and leaving me with this cheap, pathetic letter and sweets." I heard Melon say from behind. I turned around, a bit surprised by his sudden appearnce.

"I guess I should've jumped earlier. How'd you find me?"

"Tell me, why were you planning on going without me."

"I thought I wrote the reason in the letter."

"I want you to live and be happy. You deserve the best. Is this the best you could come up with?" Melon asked.

"Are you upset? Or are you mad?" I asked. He looked like he was in the verge of snapping. He walked over to me and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me up. I didn't bother resisting and stood up.

*an hour ago (melon pov)*

"What did she get..." I asked myself as I opened the box Y/n left behind for me. There were a bunch of bags with what I assumed were food and a piece of paper sitting on top, with a credit card resting next to it.

I picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. A bunch of letters and sentences were neatly written across the page, so I started reading.

Dear Melon,
I don't know how to start this letter. There's so much I want to tell you. I can't express how much I love you and how happy I am to have met you. You made me a bit happier to be born a hybrid. I remember the first time me met. I was really scared of you. I was sure you were going to kill me. You promised to kill me a lot of times now, but I guess it won't happen. You're probably confused right now... well the thing is... I want you to live. This is weird. I know that hybrids are outcasts and dont belong in society, but you dserve to live. Not only do you deserve to live, but you also deserve to be happy. You may be a murderer and a bad person, but I know that you're good at heart and that the only reason you ended up the way you did was because of society. I believe that if not society, you'd be a good person. I love you. Please live. I wish I were as free as the waters. I wish I were never born, but I'm glad I met you. There were a lot of great people I met along the way. I hope someday you'll live and be free. I hope you'll get to taste all the flavors out there. I love you Melon... but I also hate you. Well, don't miss me too much. I'm sure you'll find someone better than me someday. Someone who'll accept you for who you are. You're the best. Thanks for being with me and making me happy. Thanks for protecting me from everyone. Thank you for staying by my side. I love you. Please live for me. Normalize interspecial marriage, and live happily. I want you to live and be happy. You deserve the best.

After reading the last sentence I crumbled up the letter and stuffed it in my pocket.

"This dumbass.." I groaned out as I looked down at the box of sweets. There was nothing I could do. I could follow her scent and try finding her... but then again, what was I going to say?


"You know that you're a pain in the ass right." Melon asked. I nodded as I snuggled into his warm sweater.

"Tell me how you felt while reading the letter." I asked.

"Dumbass. I was pissed, but it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't think you'd write something like that. I took you for the smart type."

"How do you feel now?" I asked when he finished .

"I'm just glad you're still here. I needed to hear your voice." Melon replied, patting the top of my head.

"I didn't know you were capable for feeling these feelings..."

"I'm not. And you realize that you got manipulated." Melon stated. I looked up at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He gave me a smile and said, "I don't feel emotions, and the fact that you felt pity for me. I didn't expect it. You were too easy to fool."

I felt tears start swell up in my eyes. And before I could pull away from the hug, Melon tightened his grip around my back. I looked him in the eyes, ready to break down at any moment. I felt like a pitiful being. My heart was played with...

"Don't give me that pained expression. You were the one who put yourself into this. There's no one to blame other than yourself." Melon huskily whispered.

"You really are cruel... you're worse than a fallen angel. I'm an idiot for fall in for your pathetic play." I reluctantly said, as I tried pulling away.

He refused to let go and finally said, "You're an idiot."

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now