Chapter 16

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"Haru, say... what is your and Legosi's relationship like?" I hummed as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Mm? You mean interspecial marriage?" She asks as she takes a bite of her carrot.

I hummed a yes and she started after swallowing her carrot. "Well, he's a carnivore and I'm a herbivore. It kinda sounds impossible. It's hard because he's so big and I'm small so people will look down on us."

"But forget about what others think, what do you guys think?" I asked as I took another sip of my coffee.

"Well, it gets hard sometimes. It's like... hmm... I'm not sure how to describe it. I guess it's one of those things you don't really understand until you try it out. Why do you ask?"

And before I could answer she dropped her fork and looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Did you catch feelings for someone out of your own species?"

My mouth dropped as I felt my claws sink I not my coffee can as I shushed her and said, "W-What? No! Why?!"

"Mmmm, you expect me to believe that?" She hummed as she picked her fork up and pointed the sharp edge at me.

"Well, I haven't told this to anyone... well actually I have but...." I paused as I leaned over to her and whispered as quietly as I could, "I'm half wolf."

I straightened my back and looked at Haru's face which was one of absolute shock and disbelief.

Then her eyes started sparkling in amusement as she leaned over the table and said, "You're telling me that Legoshi and my child will be so pretty?!"

I felt my face heat up from the compliment as I shook my hands in front of my face and said, "You're too nice Haru. I'm really not that pretty."

She sat back down and said, "You are unbelievable. If my kids get to look like you I'd be very happy. But..." she paused. Her face got more serious as she said, "I would've never guessed. You don't seem to have any wolf features. Tell me more about it."

I nodded as I started rubbing my chin trying to think of which wolf features I inherited. "Well, I don't think I inherited any physical features, but I do wag my tail when I'm happy and my ears twitch a lot and that's about it. I act very much like Legoshi. I act very canine-like. So, you could say I inherited a wolves' habit."

She nodded after taking in all the information I gave out. "Who else knows?" She asked at last.

"I told Legoshi the other day... and... someone else. An old friend of mine outside of school." I half lied. The Legoshi part was true and the second part was... a bit of a lie, but it was true that I hung out with that person outside of school?

"Mmmmh, are you planning on telling anyone else?" She asked as she poked on one of her mushrooms.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not planning to. At least not yet."


"Haru, I'm out tonight okay." I announced as we got out of the school building. She nodded not questioning it as we went our seperate ways to the dorms.

I walked into my dorm room and saw my roommate applying some makeup. "Looking good." I compliment. She turned to me and gave me a thankful smile as she continued applying her makeup.

I walked into my room and changed into some casual clothes, then checked myself in the mirror before placing some cash into my purse and grabbing a charger and heading out my room with my bag.

I decided to study out of my room today, sometimes I liked treating myself to some coffee outside of school and the dorms. I double checked to see that all my supplies were in my bag before heading out of my room and leaving the dorm building.

I walked down the streets and headed to my favorite coffee shop. Well it was more of a fast food resteraunt, but the coffee there was splendid.

I headed in and saw a very familiar figure seated on a stool in front of the counter with 2 burgers.

What was with my luck? Button up shirt, mask, antlers, a slender body. I really didn't want to do anything anymore.

With a sigh I approached the counter and ordered my coffee. Obviously I tried avoiding Melon, but within seconds I felt his stare rooted into me.

I turned to him and gave him a sheepish smile before walking over to a table and placing my things there and taking a seat.

What was he doing with a carnivore and herbivore meal?

I pulled out my phone and started looking through news articles before my phone started ringing.

It was... my manager. I picked up and was greeted by her outraged, yet worried voice. "We need you tonight, Y/n! Please! We're losing customers and people are demanding to see you!"

"Good afternoon to you too." I start off politely before getting straight to the topic, "Isn't Cosmo there? How serious is it?"

"Cosmo is still there but we're only getting agressive and hundry carnivores, but that's not the point. Let's make this simple. If you don't come tonight, you're fired."
"Wait! What!?" I accidently raised my voice a bit too high, getting everyone's attention. I gave everyone an apologetic smile before letting out a sigh and saying, "Listen... I'll do it. Just tell me the time."

"Make it 10." I sighed at her answer before telling her I'd be there and hanging up.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 5 pm. That meant I had 4 hours to study and an hour to get ready. What the he'll happened there while I was gone? I sighed at the thought and pulled out my study supplied before getting my coffee from the counter and starting my work.

Every now and then I stole a glance of Melon to see if he was still there, and each time I did, I saw him staring down at him food and taking a big bite.

History was next after Japanese literature. It was... devastating. I wasn't the best in history, obviously. I sighed at the thought of needing help. But I was too scared and embarrassed to be the one to approach Melon.

"Looks like you need help there." I heard Melon say as he took a seat across me. Speak of the devil himself.

I looked up at him and sighed before saying, "How long were you here for?" before turning back to my coffee and taking a big sip.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that." He said as he gave me a smile. His mask was on, but his eyes were open.

I nodded to myself and checked my phone to see that it was already 6:37 pm. That meant I had less than an hour and a half before I had to leave.

"Say Melon. Are you heading to the black market tonight?" I ask without thinking. Why did I ask that? Did I want him to come to my show? NO! I just wanted to..?

"Mhm. Why do you ask? You either want me to come to your performance or you want me to kill you. I wonder which one it'd be..." he sang.

I shook my head, keeping my eyes away from him as I said, "Surprise, it's none of those. I was just curious. Silly question."

"What happened to the animal society after the Herbi-Carni war..." I mumble to myself. I scrolled through my textbook on my iPad but found nothing...

"Page 693." Melon said. I looked at him and back to my iPad before typing in the numbers which led me to a page about the Herbi-Carni war and the after math.

"Thanks sensei." I said before starting to skim through the texts and writing down useful information.

I took a sip of my coffee which was now empty. I sighed as I placed the cup down.
"Uwa! Aren't you Y/n?" Someone called out. My eyes jotted up to the source of the sound as I saw a young looking leopard approach my table. Did I know this man? He was in his 20s for sure. I don't know him...

"Oh hey, yeah that's me... do I know you?" I sheepishly ask while placing my pen down.

He walked over to me and towered over my body. "Ah, you probably don't know me. I'm your biggest fan."

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