Chapter 6

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I couldn't help but notice the Hybrid's tail swaying from side to side, however he stood still when writing thing on the board.

One second it's still, and the next it slowly swaying side to side. I decided to shrug it off. I was mad at him. Who did he think he was to grab my tail like that. Just the thought of it made my ears heat up. It was embarrassing.

I mean... the man that I met at the Champion Cafe, the one who groped my tail was my professor. Give me a break. I sighed as I rested my head on the table and stared off at the wall beside me.

Sometimes I really wished I were a different person...

"Miss L/n? Could you please answer this question?"

I sighed as I lifted my head and saw the Hybrid's disfigured body pointing at me with his hungry, red eyes. I looked over to Haru, who sat next to me and she was missing her eyes. Instead there was an empty black hole. I stood up in fear and looked at everyone in the classroom and they all looked like Haru. All disfigured.

"Stay away from me!" I ordered as I backed up. They were starting to get closer and closer to me and I stepped back each time, until I hit the wall behind me.


My eyes jotted open and all I saw was my class staring at me and the Hybrid walking over to me. Haru's hands were on my back and I shot up when I realized what was happening.

"Are you alright? Do you need to take a break?" Hybrid asked. I looked down at my hands and saw them viguroisly shaking... I was trembling.

I looked at Haru who had a worried expression plastered on her face, then I looked at the Hybrid who stood in front of me.

He also had a worried face plastered on his face but it was a fake... I sighed and slowly stood up but my knees stopped working and I had to catch myself before I fell.

The Hybrid walked over to me and put his arm around my torso to help me keep balance as he helped me off my seat. "Take it easy." He said in his fake voice.

From this angle he really looked like an innocent gazelle. Haru got up as well but the Hybrid said that he'd help me to the nurse's office.

"Everyone, stay put okay. I'll be right back. Make sure not to cause a commotion." He said before closing the door.

My right arm was wrapped around his neck and my other was hanging loosely as we walked.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked in his same old innocent voice. I didn't say anything.

"Why?" I finally ask as I stop walking. He stoped to stay my rhythm and gave me a confused look.

"Why what? Why am I looking after you like this? I mean it is my responsibility as a profe-" I cut him off and said, "No... why are you like this?"

He started walking again and said, "You're a hybrid. You should know shouldn't you. Actually no. We're very different. Unlike me, you don't have your other features. You're lucky for inheriting your cheetah features only."

I pushed him off and tried my best to stay up, "Like I said before. I am not a hybrid!"

"Careful you shouldn't be making sudden moves Y/n." He said as he walked over to me and caught me before I lost balance.

"You're only 20 right? You shouldn't be going around the town and doing these things just yet."

I felt a smile make its way up my face as I giggled a bit, "You're really in no position to tell me that."


We arrived at the nurse's office and the hybrid left. I apparently was going through a lot of stress and haven't been sleeping well at night. I mean the nurse did get that right.

She gave me a pill which I was told to take if I couldn't fall asleep, but for now she told me to lay down in the furthest bed in the far corner and rest a bit.

Well that was one hell of a nightmare.

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin