Chapter 25

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I stayed frozen on my chair with a piece of decorative paper and pen in front of me. What was I supposed to write about?

Slowly picking up the pen I wrote down, 'Dear Melon,' on the top left corner of the page.

I decided to write down whatever I felt like writing.

'Sorry about last time we talked, I guess I just wasn't ready to face you like this. How have you been? Here's how things have been on my end, I've been working, and I'm tired of it, and right now, I wish you were here to shoot me. We have a new history teacher. He's a jaguar, and his name is Phil. He has silky black fur, and he's quite tall. He seems to be in his 30s or early 40s. I'm not sure what else to write about... I sent a cake with this letter. I know it won't taste good but... at least the appearance is appealing. I'm not sure how it works for you though... Stay safe.


I re-read the letter, making sure there weren't any mistakes, and after doing so, I carefully stuffed the letter in the beige envelope I picked out.

Would he even appreciate this letter? Will he write back? I sealed the envelope and signed it with my name and left it lying on my desk. There was nothing I would be doing just yet.

I walked over to bed and tossed myself on it, rolling around trying to think about what I should do with my life.

I could:

A. Go to the Shishigumi again.

B. Kill myself.

C. Try to get Melon out myself.

D. Just do what I'd do without Melon.

'A' doesn't sound like a plan. The Shishigumi denied me once, and they'll do it again. I could kill myself, but I'm too scared to. Melon should be the one to end my life. Getting Melon out myself doesn't seem like an option at all. What am I going to do? Burn thw place down? Living without Melon... I did manage to do exactly that somehow before I met him.

I quickly got up and put the letter in my bag and pulled out piece of paper from my drawer and started drawing. I didn't know why I was in such a hurry, I just felt like drawing.

Was I good at it? No...

I ended up drawing a bunch of scribbles and lines. Who knew what it was.

I crumbled up the paper and rested my head on my desk, a loud sigh escaping my lips.

"What do I do now?" I started rambling to myself, "Even if Melon manages to get out of jail... he won't teach here anymore. Which means he'll get another job. Maybe I should drop out? What am I learning either way? Math.. history? I have a stable job. It pays me enough. I could get a rich husband."

I thought about my own words before realizing what I'd just said, "I should drop out. That is so smart! I don't have parents meaning, I won't have anyone tell me not to." I got up and grabbed my laptop, opening up the screen.

I opened a new tab and started searching for a cheap place I could rent out for the time being. I could even settle in the same condo as Legoshi.

All these ideas filled my head and I started writing down the plan on paper.

"If I spend 500 dollars a month that's gonna save me 100 dollars. And each month I get around 800 dollars. So that means I'll have a plenty. And if I work a bit harder at the Champion Cafe, then I could get a few more free bucks." I calculated to myself.

"But then again.. what about Melon. I also can't live on sex forever. I'll need a stable job some day." I reminded myself, as I started thinking of jobs that were out their.

"A hostess doesn't sound bad." I hummed as I started searching for popular places in Japan, with a high rating.

"I am quite popular... but I'm known for working in the black market... that might not work..." I noted as I searched further into it.

"I could just settle in as a waitress somewhere, or a maid... maybe a full time maid... maid outfits sound cute. I should probably buy one for my next performance..." I again said to myself as I wrote that down on a sticky note.

I spent the rest of the evening planning and searching, alone in my room, the only source of light being the small lamp on my desk.

"500 dollars..." I mumbled to myself before a yawn escaped my lips and I checked the time to see that it was already 10 pm.

A sigh escaped my lips as I got off my chair and without changing or washing up, I collapsed on my bed and drifted into deep sleep.

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum