Chapter 1

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"Please! Please have mercy on m-"

I loved when they cried and begged for mercy... although I didn't feel anything about it. All they wanted to do was live, what would happen if they lived? Nothing much.

I put my gun back into my pocket and slowly start tearing the tiger's flash into pieces and ripping off his skin. I took off my mask and placed a handful of meat into my mouth.



"Haru-chan!!! Help me!" I whined over and over again as I followed the first year drawf rabbit down the hall. "Again? I thought you said that last time would be the last time." She replied as she walked down the halls.

My slim body hovered over her small one as we continued down the hall. "Haruuuuuu. I promise this is the last time!!! Please! History... this is my second year taking the same history course. Please have pity on me..." I continued.

She stopped and turned to me, her ears twitched a bit as she said, "Fine, but this is the last last time. No more." I get on one knee and hug her tightly, "Thank you!"

Haru-chan and I were good friends, mainly because of our sex history. She used to sleep with almost every herbivore at her school, while I worked as a dancer and slut you could say. We went to the same high school so everything was cool between us.

Haru, Legoshi, Bill, Louis, Aoba, Juno, Sheila and more. I'm friends with all of them. I wasn't a smart kid so I stayed a grade back. Being older than Haru and Louis was kind of fun. I could always pull out the 'you should listen to people older to you' card anytime.

I am a hybrid, but no one knows, not a living soul. Half wolf, half cheetah. No wolf features at all. Just a pure blooded looking cheetah. Except for I'm a bit taller than your cheetah. Sometimes my canine instincts kick in.

"Well, you know that history is next right?" Haru informs. My tail swung from side to side as I nod. "You didn't come yesterday, but we have a new teacher. He's a part timer here."

"Really?! Who is he?" I asked. We continue down the hall as I pulled out my history notebook and started flipping through the pages.

"Well, he's a young gazelle, he always wears a mask, which gets a bit scary sometimes but he's a herbivore none-the-less." I nod and skim through my history notebook trying to find something I've written the other day. "What were we studying?" I ask.

Haru replies with a quick, "Herbi-carni relationship." as we continue down the hall. "I found it!" I exclaim.

I crouch down and show her my notes, "I remember doing research on that. Teehee! Looks like I am smart." I say placing a handmade check under my chin.

Haru starts walking again and says, "Well, I guess that means you don't need my history notes." She was a master teaser.. she did it to me all the time.

I quickly run up to her and say, "Noooooooo! I never said that..."

She lets out a chuckle and waves at me gesturing that it was joking. "I think I'll visit Legosi today." Haru brings up. "That sounds nice. Tell him that I said hi okay." I say with a wink.

She nods and we walked into our classroom. Haru and I sit down on the second row and take out our pens and textbooks. Everyone was already seated while a couple students joined in.

After a while, a slender gazelle with visible antlers walks in. He had a mask on, a button up shirt. He was... slender.




"Good morning class." I greeted the students, keeping a close eye on the new face.


Suddenly a smell started lingering the the air. An intoxicative aroma. It was driving me crazy. For once I felt hungry. Very hungry.

I couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying. The smell was so thick and foggy. I grabbed onto my neck trying to stop it. I quickly got out of my seat and ran down the aisle and ran out the room, still holding onto my neck.

My mouth was watering at such a fast rate as I ran down the halls as fast and far as I could from the classroom. After a while of running I collapsed on the ground and started gasping for air.

"Are you alright?" I heard a voice call out. I looked up and saw a tall muscular body hover over me. My vision was still foggy and I couldn't see anything clearly. I just kept staring at the figure before closing my eyes.

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I continued gasping for air, trying to filter out the toxic smell from my lungs, but it wasn't working.

"Someo-" everything was muffled and I heard a high pitch 'zing' pierce my ears.


"Will she be alright?!" I heard someone ask. Huh? Isn't that Haru-chan's voice? Where am I? Haru. I'm okay. I'm alive, look at me.

I tried moving my hands but they felt heavy. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids felt like a ton. I tried opening my mouth, but they felt stapled shut.

I'm alive! I feel something. I... wanna eat him...

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