Chapter 15

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"But Legoshi, I want to hear this from you." I said as I looked off into the crowd again, "Are you a hybrid?"

To my surprise he didn't seem tense at all. The atmosphere was the same, somehow even calmer.

I turned to him and saw a smile on his face as he said, "Yeah, my grandfather is a comodo dragon." I nod and he asked, "Did Melon tell you that?" as his eyes furrowed.

I nodded nervously and said, "If this makes you feel any better, I also am a hybrid. Actually, I'm half wolf myself." Legoshi's face softened and he seemed amused. He almost looked like a child.

"You're serious!?" He asked in awe. I nod with a smile and soon he calmed down and said, "I'm glad." I nodded at his statement and started telling him about Melon.

"He's a part timer at our university. He's also the leader of the Shishigumi. So if you need him now, I could lead the way, but..." I stoped myself before saying, "Well, I don't think that'd be a good idea."

He nods as he carefully listened to my each word. After telling him about all I knew, I said, "That's about it."

He nods and gets up before bowing down and saying, "Senpai! I owe you a big one now! Thank you."

I wave at him and say, "It's no problem. You should go back though. It is really late now."

And with that Legoshi left into the crowd. I didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do. All I knew was that I just outed Melon. Maybe I regretted it.

I stared at the empty bottle of milk and sighed to myself as I thought about what to do. It'd really be easier if I killed myself now and here. Life... is hard...

I leaned back on the bench and closed my eyes as I stared off into the sky.

"Yoo hoo." Someone said from above me. I opened an eye to see a smiling Melon staring down at me. Eyes closed, mask on. I quickly put my head up and thankfully before I could bump into Melon, he moved his head away as if he knew this were to happen.

I jumped up and eyed him as he walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"Don't worry, just relax. I just wanna talk." He opened his eyes, and the murderous look on his face appeared.

I slowly sat down, still tense and my fur sticking up.

"I didn't expect that you'd tell that little wolf, all about me." My eyes widened, but I keep my eyes away from him.

"Not gonna lie, it did offend me a bit. Seeing my favorite animal alive betray me like that really hurt." I felt the atmosphere grow thicker and thicker, as well as colder and colder each second.

"But it's fine. I'll forgive you-" but he stopped mid sentence. I felt the suffocating atmosphere lighten up a bit. "but only inter one condition."

I turned to him and say that genuine smile on his face, his eyes closed. I loved when he looked like this. He looked like a helpless herbivore who could cause no harm.

"But, I'll tell you what that condition is later." He said with his innocent smile still glued onto his face. "Tell me, how've you been?" He asked as he averted his gaze to the crowd.

"I'm sorry. You do understand that you're a criminal. If the information I gave to Legoshi saves at least one life, it was worth it." I said, it was really how I felt.

"That didn't answer my question though." He stated. No emotion visible in his voice.

"I'm a bit worked up." I answer. I turned to him and examined his fascia, features. From the side he did look different. Cold eyes, ears looked like a herbivore's. I didn't even know. But what I did know was that he looked even more like a fallen angel.

"Mmm, if I were to point a gun at your head right now what would your last words be?"

"Well, I wouldn't know unless you actually did it." I state as I keep my eyes glued on his face.

"Well, it would be awkward if I pulled out a gun right here, wouldn't it." He stated in return. I nodded and looked down at my feet and said, "About your gun and knife. I'll return it tomorrow."

He nods and we look at each other simultaneously. I quickly look away but Melon kept his eyes glued on me.

"Tell me more about the fallen angel incident."

I turned to him and said, "Forget about it." It really was embarrassing.

He rested his elbow on the table, then put his head on his palm as he eyed me.

"I'm kind of curious."

I turned to him and quietly said, "I just thought that you'd look good with black angel wings."

It wasn't the exact thing I thought about, but it was a part of it.

"You think, maybe I should've had a bird as a parent instead of my mom." He emotionlesly joked.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said tha-" he cut me off my saying, "No need."

After that we were silent. I hated it. It was so cold. I meant the air surrounding us, well yeah, I was getting cold physically as well, but it didn't seem as bad as the cold atmosphere.

I had a full on hoodie on, with a shirt underneath, and here I was freezing to my bones. While Melon had only a black button up shirt.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked as I stood up. He shook his head and got up as well.

"I'm going to go get some food." He nodded and started following me. "What are you doing up so late?" I asked him. But soon I answered my own question in my head. He's the leader of the Shishigumi, obviously he'd be up this late. The Shishigumi practically rule the black market.

"Well, I couldn't sleep." His answered really did surprise me. I wanted to say something but stopped myself.

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now