Chapter 31

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"Thanks, Melon." I said with a smile. We were a block away from school. He didn't want to risk getting the both of us caught. I looked him in the eye and smiled before pulling him into a hug and saying, "You're a life savior."

His hands gently wrapped around my back and he said, "I'll see you after school." and with that he broke the hug and we went our seperate ways.

I limped my way to school and now all I had to do was make an excuse to why I was limping. Maybe I should say that I sprained my ankle last night. That'd work perfectly.

It was still early in the morning, about 5 am or so. I walked towards the direction of the school, heading straight to the dorms.

After arriving, I popped into the shower, stripping down to the bone. I watched the water sprinkle down on my body. Each drop felt like a needle as I remembered last night...

Mr. Phil. I didn't want to face him.

Taking a long shower was always nice. Especially after days like yesterday. I rubbed every inch of my body making sure nothing was left of it.

After a long 2 hours of washing myself up, I walked out of the shower stall and looked myself in the mirror. It was a terrible view. Marks covered every crevice of my body. It was so embarrassing, I couldn't bare looking myself in the mirror. It was truly a horrible view.

I started drying my fur and put on some clothes. A long sleeved turtleneck, with a hoodie on top, and some black jeans. I made sure I covered and every hickey on my body. Nothing was visible.

My ears twitched when I remembered Melon's soft touch. It was so gentle and kind. I held onto the memories not letting them go. Never ever will I forget the time I spent with him.


After class, I stayed in to inform Mr. Phil that I didn't do my homework. He didn't really have anything to say. Students were handing in their handwritten essays and I stood there dumb founded.

"May I ask why." He said as he pushed back his glasses. I felt a lump in my throat as I quietly and hesitantly said, "I... didn't have time to do so."

Mr. Phil... I didn't like him. He was doing this on purpose, and if he wasn't then that meant that he knew about my meet up with Melon. Which would only mean that he knew that he was the one I liked.

"Meet me at the library at lunch time or after school. You'll tell me what you'd write in the essay."

Before I could say anything, Mr. Phil looked me dead in the eyes, filling me with fear, so I stopped myself and left the classroom. As I walked out the door, I heard Mr. Phil say, "Cover your neck."

I quickly tugged on my hood, pulling it up, trying to cover my neck.

"Y/n. Are you alright? You seem different." Haru-chan said as she waited for me to catch up with her and I said, "Just a bit tired." in return.

She didn't seem convinced and asked, "Why are you limping and what did Mr. Phil mean by 'cover your neck'?"

I looked down at her and said, "Well I twisted my ankle yesterday, and Mr. Phil was there to witness the scene, so he helped my but apparently something got on my neck according to him, so he told me to keep it hidden for the time being."

I was the worst liar, but this time Haru seemed to believe me a bit. "Do you want me to check it out?" She asked as she stopped in track. I immediately shook my head and said, "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll go away soon."

She nodded and we continued walking to our next class.


Right now, of all times, I wished I had Melon's number. I was in the library, sitting across Mr. Phil in a darkest and furthest corner of the library. It was scary and I felt my fur stick up.

The memories of last night returned, haunting me down, terrifying me even more. I stuttered my words out each second, trying to answer Mr. Phil's history questions.

"Pay attention." Mr. Phil said. His tone was the same as last night's. 'Pay attention.'

I wanted to call Melon so bad, but I knew that I'd only burden him, and I didn't want to do that. I finally felt like he was on my side.. but I didn't think we were close enough to call out for each other.

"This won't do." Mr. Phil repeated his words from last night, as he got up and sat down next to me. I flinched at his warm, moving an inch away from him. He rested his hands on the desk and started flipping through the history textbook pages.

He started explaining and I tried my best to listen to everything he said. It was hard to keep track of his words and understand when my mind could only feel fear and the desperate need for Melon.

"Do you understand." He said after a while of explaining. I hesitantly nodded and gulped back as I waited for him to say or do something.

"We're surrounded by people, don't worry. I won't do anything here." He said as he continued flipping through the pages as I took notes.

I scratched my wrist through my hoodie and shirt underneath but it didn't relieve the itch so I slightly lifted the sleeves, and quickly itched my fur before pulling down the sleeve back to how it was. The bruises made scratching my skin hard. It added a sting to it whenever pressure was applied.

Mr. Phil stopped and pulled down the collar of my hoodie slightly, revealing the side of my neck and the hickeys he placed all over me last night. A chuckle escaped his lips as he let go and said, "You had a total different expression in bed."

I flinched at the change of his tone. It was darker and lower. He placed a hand on my thigh, moving it up and down my jeans as he whispered into my ear, "We should meet tonight. I'll order a hotel room for the two of us."

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now