Chapter 11

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We ordered our food when the menu was served to us. I ordered a miso ramen and melon ordered a hidakaya.

Melon was leaned back on his seat with his arm resting on his backrest while he inspected the place. I had my back up straight as I stared at the table.

"Melon?" I ask catching his attention. He looked at me, his poker face still on. "Could I be the one to shoot myself?"

His expression didn't change. We stayed silent for a while. Our eyes locked on each other.

"No." He plainly stated. I nod as I went back to staring at the trees.

"Aren't you cold in just a button up shirt? It's not even buttoned up completely."

"I'm fine." He bluntly stated. I nod as I rest my chin on my hand and stare up at him. He didn't react to my actions so I kept going as I waited for our orders.

"Melon."  I call out again. He gave me his cold poker face again as he said, "What is it?"

I sigh as I said, "I like your tattoos. Where'd you get them?"

"Do you know the tattooist Holger? The sloth. He does my tattoos."

My eyes widen when I hear the familiar name. He was a tattoo artist who killed a majority of his patient's while tattoing them.

"I don't know what to say to that. You're such a masochist, as well as a sadist."

He looked down on me and mimicked my position. Resting his chin on his Palm he stared into my eyes.

"It's already 6 am you know that right?" He asks. I nod and he says, "How are you planning on going to school like that?

I shook shook head and said, "Well, it won't be my first time for sure. I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks for the concern."

He smiled again and pulled out his mask before putting it on. I gave him a confused look before asking, "What'sthe mask for?"

"I don't like showing off my leapard features."

"Is that why you have those tattoos?" I ask in curiousity. He nods and says, "Do I look different with my mask on?"

I nod in response and say, "You look nicer and less of a treat."

He nods and days, "Yet you're still scared of me." I nod and say, "I'm a different case. I'm an actual hybrid, like you. Now tell me what I look like? How'd you know that I was a hybrid? Am I developing some wolf features?" I ask looking at my hands.

He shook his head and said, "You don't really smell like a pure blood. Cheetahs and leopards are similar. I remember the smell of my mother, so it was easy to figure you out. Your tail wags a bit too much. Like someone I know actually."

That last part caught my attention. I leaned over to him and said, "Is that someone a big grey wolf?"

He nods and says, "He's also a hybrid. Kind of a rare case there. His grandfather's a comodo dragon."

I stare at him in disbelief. Legoshi? A hybrid? No way. He looks like a pure blood. "How'd you find out?"

"It doesn't take an idiot. Haven't you thought about how abnormally big he is compared to other wolves?" I rub the back of my neck and say, "I'm not the observant type."


Our food arrived and we started eating. After filling my mouth with some noodles I looked at Melon, who had his mask off and was putting some noodles in his mouth.

"You remind of a fallen angel..."

"You think?" He asks after a few seconds while picking on his teeth with his fingers.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask. Very embarrassing. "Sorry. Never mind me."

He nodded before stuffing his mouth with his ramen again. I followed suit and drank some of my soup before having some of the other foods in the ramen.

"Do you ever wish you were a pureblooded gazelle or leapard? Or maybe something else?" I ask as I wipe my mouth.

He stayed silent. "What's the questions?" He asked. "It's like me asking, 'How don't you get pregnant after sleeping with so many men?'." I looked down at my soup and nervously chuckled before apologizing.

"I don't feel bad, but... never mind."

Ow that comment kinda hurt. I decided to stop asking him questions and went back to finish in my miso.


After finishing our food, we payed for it and headed to a dark alley not so far away. So this is it.

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at my head.

"Give a good reason on why I shouldn't kill you." He asked hysterically. I sighed as I started brainstorming, "I- at this point I'm desperate Melon. I'd do anything. Quite literally. Money? Sex? Anything."

"Now I can confirm that you're like the others I've killed."

I nod at his statement and say, "Well, I'll turn around. Can I tell you how I feel?"

He hummed a response before lowering the gun again. I turned around and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath in then out.

"It's kind of the same as last time. I'm scared as shit. I'm desperate. I have regrets. Oh, also I enjoyed our meal. This part is genuine. I know that this won't mean anything to you but, I just wanna say that you think too low of yourself. Im sure you'll find happiness in your life one day. I believe you will. Maybe in my next life I'll help you out? Who knows."

"You should become a comedian someday." He said. I knew where he was coming from.

"You can't just quote me on that." I saw with a single faint chuckle. "Can I pray before I go?"

"Wanna pray out loud as well?"

"Dear heavens," I start, then take a deep breath before continuing, "Thank you for letting me enjoy my life so far. Even if I had my ups and downs, I wanna thank you for it all. Thank you for my friends, and family that left me. That experience helped me learn how to survive on my own. I didn't really make the right choices in life, but thank you for it all. Please guide the people who mean a lot to me, you know who they are. Please guide them and help them. Well, thanks you gods." I finish off before lowering my hands and taking one last breath.

I heard Melon doing something with the gun so I wait. I was starting to get worried. He was taking so long.

"It's almost 7 am Melon." I remind, "You still teach at our school don't you?" I add.

No response.

What do I do?

A. Stay still and wait.

B. Turn around to check what he's up to.

C. Say something else.

D. Run.

I turn around and see that he wasn't there anymore. His gun was lying on the floor. I slowly walked over to the gun and picked it up. Carfuly inspecting it I started looking around. Did he leave while I was praying? No I heard the gun.

How do I check if it has bullets? I was so tired it was surely 7 am, and by the time I got back to the dorms, it'd surely be 8 am...


The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now