Chapter 18

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(2 days after that incident)

Melon and I have been at this place for at least an hour by now. I sighed as I looked out the window of the same fast food place and drank my coffee.

"Melon.." I hummed, "do you have dreams for the future? I mean we are adults but there has to be something you wanna do or be, right?"

He averted his gaze to me, at least I think he did and he said, "Nothing in mind. Should I ask you the same thing?"

I let out a sigh before saying, "You make it seem like such a chore."

He didn't respond to that so I said, "Well, now I'm considering to become a historian."

His expression became... a bit gloomy before I said, "Just kidding. I don't wanna be a teacher. I don't know... I just wanna travel the world. Maybe even write a novel on how I befriended a criminal?" I joke.

Melon's face went back to its original state and a single chuckle escaped his lips.

"Befriended..." he quietly mumbled to himself.

The situation was:
After that incident Melon didn't change at all. It didn't effect him, something I didn't expect. We didn't talk about it ever since. We didn't even talk to each other, which was something normal. Then, I asked him if we could meet up and here we are.

"You wanna know how I feel right now?" I ask. Well I wasn't really a question. I was going to tell him whether he wanted to hear it or not.

He hummed a yes and I started, "Well, now that I think about it, I'm not that scared of you anymore. The more I spend time with you, the more I think we'd become good friends. In all seriousness. I feel like you won't kill me anytime soon, so I want to know more about you." This was exactly how I felt. Not a single drop of lie was present.

He hummed and said, "Do I come off that kind."

I nodded and said, "Well, at least to me. Say Melon, if I were to rat you out to the police right now, what would you do?"

"I'd point a gun at your head and run off." He wryly stated. I sighed and said, "That hurt."

I took a sip of my coffee and Melon said, "Tell me more about what you think of me."

I always thought to myself that he was a cold hybrid, which he often was, but lately he's been more talkative and showed a bit more emotion. I mean it was a  possibility that he was just pretending for, who know who's sake, but he's been acting a bit more human, I'd say. Joking with him was a bit easier as well.

"Well, especially lately, you've been acting kinder. Again, at least to me. I think you've been showing more emotions." I said.

"I'm glad." Was all he responded with.

I took another sip of my coffee, finishing up the last bits. "I'll go order any other cup. Do you want anything?" I ask in advance.

He politely shook his head with a smile and I headed to the counter to get myself another cup.

I came back and took a seat before asking, "Do you like history?"

He shook his head and said, "No, it doesn't change anything does it."

I nodded and said, "Well, it kinda does if you think about it. You and I probably wouldn't  have existed if history didn't happen."

"I wouldn't have existed. The chances of you existed would still be higher than mine." He shot back calmly.

"Mm, do you wanna go to the black market tonight? It's my treat." I offered. He shook his head the second I said the last word.

"I'm not in a good mood today, so you'd probably end up dying if you go with me." He stated. His voice had a little bit of sadistic tone to it.

"I also need to get a tattoo later today." He added. Makes sense then.

"Mind if I join?" I asked out of curiosity. Obviously he'd say no. "No." Guess I wasn't wrong.

"Mmmm, but I do wanna see you 'alive'." I said as I waited for my name to be called by the employees.

"No." He coldly stated again. This time he toned down his sadism. I was wrong. It was masochism before and now.

"Well then oka-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw the caller's ID with made a big smile cross my face.

"Speak of the devil." I said before picking up.

"Hey hey idiot senpai!" Bill shouted from the other side. His voice, filled with happiness and excitement.

"Wahh, is that how you treat a senpai you haven't talked to in years?" I overexaggerate, my voice filled with the equal amount of exitment as Bill's.

"Mhm, that's what you get for not keeping in touch." He states before getting straight to the point. "I don't have time to talk right now, but do you wanna hang out later on today? Or whenever you're free? Aoba's tagging along." He said.

"Well speak of the devil!" I exclaim, directing it to both Bill and Melon. "I just just trying to find people to hang out with."

"Sounds great then senpai. See you then. I'll text you the info a bit later." He said with exitment. I nod to myself before saying, "Sounds great. See you then."

"Mhm, see you letter than senpai. Oh, Aoba just said hi."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I said, "Tell him I said hi as well, see you then. Bye."

After I hung up, I placed my phone down on the table, with a big smile on my face. I couldn't care less about anything right now. All I wanted to do was reunite with my old friends.

"Well, isn't it your lucky day." I joke, "I won't be bothering you, not that I planned to either way." I added.

Melon had his head resting on his palm and he nodded before saying, "Then I guess I'll head out now."

He got up and placed a few yen on the table, enough to pay for my drinks before heading out.

I turned to him as his slender body left the building. Did he really just leave like that?

I turned to look at the money and started packing my things and grabbed the money, before heading to the counter and getting my coffee. I played for everything and left the building as well with the coffee in hand.

The Sad Hybrid {{Melon x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now