Chapter 47

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Her ring ^^^

Lily's POV

Hayley went to her room but me and Marlene saw a ring on her ring finger. Me and Marlene walked to Hayley's room and knocked on her door then walked in. She was putting something away. "Hey Lily Marlene. Said Hayley" "hey Hayley. Said Marlene" "What was in your hand." "Nothing was in my hand. Said Hayley" "no we saw something. Said Marlene" it looked like she was debating on telling us. "Yup nothing. Said Hayley." "Are you sure because we saw a ring on your ring finger." Her eyes widen. "Fine you guys are the only ones who can know alright. Said Hayley" "our lips are zipped. Said Marlene" She pulled out a small box and pulled out a ring. "Omg." "Yeah that's what I said. Said Hayley" "when did he. Said Marlene" "tonight that's why I got back a little later. Said Hayley" " when is it." "Well we are waiting till we graduate then we'll start to plan everything. Said Hayley" "congrats. Said Marlene" "Yeah congrats." "You guys can't tell the boys especially not my dad. Said Hayley" "we promise we won't."

Hayley's POV

We all went downstairs for a little bit. Then I noticed Harry ain't down here. "I'll be right back." I went to check on Harry and saw him with my ring. "Harry what the hell." I screamed. "Is this what you were hiding. Said Harry" "its not your business Harry." "Yes it is I'm your brother. Said Harry" "so what if your my brother you don't see me going through you stuff do you."

James POV

We all heard shouting from upstairs. We all looked at each other we all knew it was Hayley and Harry so we all walked up and saw them arguing. "Hey enough." I yelled they both stop arguing and looked at me. "Harry what are you doing in here." "He's going through my stuff. Said Hayley" "I wanted to know what you we're hiding and I found out. Said Harry" "well what is it. Said Sirius" "it's a- . said Harry" Hayley tackled him to the floor and covered his mouth. "That's is not your secret to tell do you hear me. Said Hayley" I had to pull her off him Sirius was laughing in the back the others held in their laughs too. "Harry what were you saying." Hayley tried to get out of my grip. "It's an engagement ring dad. Said Harry" We were all shocked not expecting that. "I was going to tell you but just not right now. Said Hayley" "is it an engagement ring Hayley." "Yes it is I was going to tell you when I was ready but someone here has to be a big mouth. Said Hayley" "I'm not a big mouth. Said Harry" "yeah you aren't your nosey Harry. Said Hayley" "Hayley be nice." "Dad are you mad. Said Hayley" "no just shocked when did this happen." "Tonight that's why is took me longer. Said Hayley" "have you started anything yet." "Nope we are waiting till we graduate then we will start planning everything. Said Hayley" "can you all leave so I can talk to Hayley." They all went downstairs. "Dad are you mad at me. Said Hayley" "no princess in not mad. Why didn't you tell me." "I was scared you would get mad or be disappointed. Said Hayley" "are you pregnant." "God no we talked about kids but we want to wait for everything to be over. Said Hayley" "well I guess your not my little girl anymore your growing up now." "I'll always be your little girl dad. Said Hayley" "always." "And forever dad. Said Hayley" I laid on her bed and she came and laid next to me. "I guess your getting married." "Yeah I am and I'm sure Sirius is going to want to help me pick out my wedding dress. Said Hayley" "YES I AM HELPING YOU. Said Sirius" We both laughed. "Told you. Said Hayley"

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