"Hey!" Carlos exclaimed and started to make his way toward Freddy but it was another blond that beat him to the punch. Literally.

"Stay away from my sister!" Chad exclaimed, running up and punching Freddy in the face so that he'd fall away from Alexandria. Just as Ben had before him, the punch caused Chad to bruise his knuckles but it did get some distance between Alexandria and Freddy.

Chad looked at his baby sister, who was still backed up against the tree in fright. "You okay Alex?"

"I'm good," Alexandria nodded, giving Chad a surprised but grateful smile.

"Okay, good. Get your sisters and get out of here!" Chad told her before turning to Audrey. "Audrey, this is insane. What are you doing with him? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the new look, especially with the feathers but seriously? You heard the Cotillion broadcast just as I did!"

He may have been the 'worst brother' Harry had ever seen but that didn't mean he didn't remember the days his parents brought his sisters home from the hospital. Granted, the day they brought Alexandria home was a bit clearer compared to the twins since he was four then instead of two but he could still remember his dad sitting him on the sofa, his mom handing him that tiny bundle.

Both of his parents telling him that he'd need to protect his sisters from harm, that they'd be able to take care of themselves one day but that until that day came, they'd need their big brother watching their backs.

And that was just what Chad was going to do.

"Did Chad just punch Freddy?" Carlos muttered to Jane.

"He did," Jane nodded.

"Okay, I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming."

"Carlos, in all honesty, would you ever have Chad and me in the same dream?"

"That is an excellent point," Carlos said with a small chuckle.

Freddy rubbed his jaw and glared at Chad, unaware of the background conversation that was being had. "What is with Boreadon Boys and punching me today? I thought you all were supposed to play nice with the VKs or is there another reason why DeVil the coward and Gil the imbecile are here?"

"We play nice with those who don't knock out our King!" Kitty exclaimed, making her way from Roland to stand next to Chad.

"Kitty, get out of here," Chad ordered.

"If you think I'm leaving you, you're mad," Kitty told him. Sure Chad was an annoyance of an older brother but he was her annoyance of an older brother. She didn't want him in harm's way any more than he wanted her.

Jane bit her lip in fight. Why in the world didn't more people listen? Or run when they saw that Audrey had Maleficent's scepter and Freddy Frollo was at her side?

"Carlos, run to the parking lot," Jane muttered to her boyfriend.


'It's got better cell service! The only other place is by the edge of the lake but both Audrey and Freddy will see you. Call Mal or Ben, I can see about keeping Audrey distracted until help can arrive."

"I'm not leaving you, Jane," Carlos shook his head.

"It's my party. I'm not leaving my guests in harm's way. Plus, I've got magic," Jane told him.


Jane kissed his cheek. "Go. And see if you can take Alex with you. Something tells me Chad's not going to relax until his youngest sister is out of harm's way."

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