Chapter 32: The Picture

Start from the beginning

"Uh oh, we have a pouting maknae alert," Jimin announced in a teasing tone as he gestured to Jungkook, who looked away still pouting. Seokjin and Y/N pulled apart when Jimin announced this. Everyone looked over at Jungkook, who was trying his best not to look so upset. Y/N giggled as she went over to him and pecked his lips. Jungkook's pout formed into a small smile as he wrapped his arms around Y/N and pulled her close to him. She giggled in response.

"Aw, Jungkook is so lucky, I want a cute siren girlfriend too," Namjoon complained with a heavy sigh as he looked up. The other nodded in agreement to that as they were quite envious of Jungkook and Y/N's relationship. Although Jungkook still hadn't had the chance to confess his feelings, in a way, he didn't truly have to through words because he showed his feelings clearly through his actions. "Wow, so is this where the moon shines through?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, that's where the moon shines through. This is why it's called a moon pool. Like I had told Jungkook, there really isn't much in a way of magic that happens here and siren transformations don't happen here either. It's mainly used as a hideout or a meeting place," Y/N explained briefly with a small smile as she thought for a bit, "Although, it is said that the very first sirens of the world came here to refuel their powers, but the siren pod and I came here lots of times and our powers weren't really refueled. Nothing truly happened while we would be here."

"I can do some research on the island," Namjoon suggested as he poked at the side of the moon pool. He could see something shiny poking through. "I can see something shiny in there."

"That's probably the water," Y/N voiced with a nonchalant smile. The others looked at her in confusion earning a laugh from her. "The water that comes from within this moon pool... when it's against rocks and the walls of the cave, it becomes shiny and sparkly. I don't why either. I guess that's maybe where the whole theory of refueling power comes from."

Namjoon looked around curiously as he got out of the moon pool and examined the rest of the cave walls more closely. He could see water running down the walls through the solid rock that the walls were built from. It was shiny and sparkly against the rock. It made it looked like there was diamonds hidden within the walls. He was no scientist, but he was a curious individual. He wouldn't mind taking some samples to look at underneath a microscope.

"Y/N, do you mind if I take some samples?" Namjoon asked curiously as he glanced back at Y/N, who gave a small nod in response.

"With what? We didn't bring anything to take samples with," Hoseok stated with a questioning look.

"Yeah, why are you playing scientist anyways? Just sit down and enjoy the view," Yoongi insisted as he sighed in content while leaning his head up on the side of the moon pool. Namjoon scoffed and rolled his eyes at Yoongi's comment.

"Aren't you guys curious about this place? I mean, the water sparkles when it hits rock. Don't you find that intriguing?" Namjoon asked as he dug through his pocket. He grinned when he managed to dig out a small vile. He didn't remember when he put that in his pocket, but he must have known that he was going to do something like this at some point. He opened the vile and dipped it into the moon pool. He filled it up halfway before closing it tightly then sitting on the side of the moon pool. He held up the vile and analyzed it. "Thanks for letting me take some of the water Y/N."

"No problem, just make sure it doesn't fall into actual scientists' hands," Y/N responded with a nervous smile. Namjoon nodded in understanding as he looked at the vile one more time before putting it into his pocket. Y/N watched closely before sighing and looking around. "Yeah, this is definitely a place that scientists would love to explore. So many things that can't be explainable. As much as I'd like to have scientists digging around here, it would be dangerous for both me and the pod. Sure the pod is gone, but it's better that the world doesn't know about us. Just imagining being on a stone cold table and having unfamiliar people looking down at me while sticking needles and whatever kinds of objects into me is terrifying to think about."

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