Chapter 5: I shouldn't Like How You Smell

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A/N: hey guys! remember to vote and comment if you like the story/ want to give criticism or recommendations! Follow my insta @nunlikenarutofor some edits! I hope you like it and give suggestions of what (y/n)'s Jutsu/ powers should be!!! I'm not sure yet!

as always enjoy the story!


Shikamaru's P.O.V

My dad and I ended Shogi earlier tonight.

We were interrupted by the constant ruckus (y/n) and my mom were making.

What a drag...

Don't get me wrong, I was happy they were having a good time, It felt like old times, but my dad and I take Shogi very seriously and we couldn't focus.

A slight blush appeared on my cheeks thinking of all the possible embarrassing baby pictures my mom must have shown (y/n). I know I won't ever live those down... if (y/n) remembers anything in the morning.

If she doesn't, I'm sure my mom will show her the pictures again.

Note to self: steal the embarrassing baby pictures and hide them, or better yet, burn them.

"Alright, let's go tame the women and make sure they are okay," my dad voiced while getting up from his spot and walking towards the door.

"Okay," was all I said before walking behind him through the door.

My dad and I chuckled at the scene before us. (y/n) and my mom were hugging and telling each other that they love each other while slurring their words.

My dad and I looked at each other, knowing this task might be more effort than we hoped, we both let out a small groan.

My dad walked over to my mom, "Honey, I think it's time we headed off to bed, huh? "(y/n) and my mom were still holding onto each other tightly.

"no, "my mom whined, holding (y/n) like a protective mother cub.

"I know it's been a lot of fun, but we should rest, you guys can do it again sometime," my dad said trying to bribe my mom out of (y/n)'s arms. When that didn't work, my dad motioned me and I walked behind (y/n), understanding his plan.

I grabbed (y/n)'s arms while my dad grabbed my mom's arms and we pried them apart.

"I love you Yoshino, Goodnight," (y/n) said while stumbling on her words.

It was so cute.

No. forget that. I shook my head before turning my attention back to my mom and (Y/n).

"goodnight, I love you too," my mom said while my dad guided her to their room while laughing together. They aren't usually publicly affectionate, but you can tell they are best friends and that they truly love each other, I smiled softly.

I tried to help (y/n) but she stubbornly pushed my arms away.

This is going to be a lot of work, what a troublesome woman!

"It's so great to see two people in love like that," she began, but then noticed my attempt to try to help her, ". Oh! I don't need help, I'm not even that drunk," she said, trying to form a coherent sentence.

"oh, really troublesome woman! Try walking to me" I said while stepping a few steps away, challenging her.

"Easy! It's a straight line," she said while tripping on her own foot. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

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