File 93 Male reader x Yandere Harem Finale

Start from the beginning

Samantha:l feel so bad for doing Those things to

Elen:l feel such a wh0re for trying to kiss another guy...

We patched him up and left the room to our bedroom...

Phin P.O.V

Phin:l remember how he got that burn mark

#Flashback# Phinls Age 6

I was hiding in my room crying as the fire got closer my parents were rescued and I could hear my mom yelling my name...

[y]'s P.O.V

I saw the house of my friend Phin on fire I rushed over to it to see Phin's mom yelling her name and crying I sped into a window without a care in the world and jumped inside the house. Looking over for Phin I found her in the bedroom crying.

[Y]: Phin!

Phin: [Y]?

She rushed over to me and we exited through the same window, as I was climbing out my hand got stuck on the window and the fire spread onto it burning my hand badly.

Phin: [Y]!

[Y]: ok I've been through the worst...

Phin's Mom: My dear! Her mom came in and held her Dad picked me up and rushed me to an ambulance

#Actual Time# Phinls P.O.V

Phin: Oh [y] I love you so much... I said as I hugged my pillow imagining me and [y] cuddling...

Elen's P.O.V

I was sitting down in my room hugging the plushie [y] gave me...

Elen: This was the first gift I ever got...

#Flashback# Elen's age 7

I was crying in my mom's arms as she tried to comfort me I wanted a plushie but my family couldn't afford it and kt was my birthday

Mom: lm sorry dear

Elen: it's ok mom I understand... It's just I never had a toy...

Mom: And I feel so sorry I wish I could give you all the toys in the world...

[y]'s P.O.V

I was walking with my dad as we walked into the mall to buy a toy for me since it was my birthday I saw a little girl crying right outside the toy store with her mom trying to comfort her...

[Y]: What's wrong?

???: She's sad because she wanted that plushie since it was her birthday but we can't afford it... I looked into her and felt bad for her so an idea popped into my head...

[y]: Dad! I know what I want!

Dad: Ok let's go then...

I walked in and bought the plushie she wanted to exit the store and saw her in her Moms arms still crying I ran to her

[y]: Miss hey!

She looked behind...

???: Oh hello little boy what do you want?

[y]:l wanted to give you this...

I held the plushie to her she smiled and took it and her mom was really surprised.

???; A-Are you sure? This is really expensive...

[y]: Yeah! Anything for having a smile on everybody's face!

She smiled and the girl hugged me tight

???: Thank you so much!!

[Y]: Happy birthday!

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