039, WA 2 FL

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AUGUST 6TH, 8:15 AM.

jackie threw her trash away, putting the phone against her ear.

"i bet that you'll lose your phone again."

"haha very funny," jackie opened a pack of gum. "i can cancel my flight. i'll do it right now."

clay huffed, "you can't cancel on someone that bought your plane tickets, providing a stay, and paying for everything that you'll want."

"see, all you do is just make me feel bad."

"well don't, i can't have my girl show up to my house feeling bad."

his girl, jackie liked that. she liked it a lot, who wouldn't? they weren't even together, but everything just feels so right for the both of them.

"now boarding group 5 for flight 1396 to orlando." jackie smiled, "that's my cue, i'll see you soon."

"soon can't come any slower, have a safe flight jackie." dream replied, jackie said goodbye again and hung up the phone.

she joined the line to enter the plane, once she did so she found her seat. a window seat, he knew her too well, sitting in the aisle gave her too much anxiety since she'd be exposed.

the flight wasn't too bad, jackie basically slept the entire time since she downed three melatonin gummies to ensure she didn't spend a second awake.

once jackie woke up she made sure she had her phone in her hand. she texted dream that she had landed.

jackie was eager to get out of the airport, unfortunately she waited at the baggage claim for about twenty minutes since there were problems with the airline.

jackie manolah | jackiewasfoundL
just landed..?????

Dream | dream
why is this the way i am finding out


jackie was only fifteen minutes away from dream, all she could do was listen to music and attempt to calm herself down as she sat in her uber.

she began reminiscing how this all started over dms and her lowkey being a stalker, with that fact she laughed to herself.

"this your first time in orlando?" the driver asked, looking through the rear view mirror, jackie took her headphone out of one ear. she nodded, "my first time in florida actually, i'm really excited to see everything."

the driver chuckled, "as long as you stick to famous places then it's exciting, otherwise there's not much here."

"oh," she paused, "that's encouraging." she also began laughing along with the driver. "luckily i'm gonna be staying with people who live here so that's nice."

he shook his head, "that's kind of them, can't have a pretty little lady like you be alone around here." jackie instantly became uncomfortable to the point where she laughed due to the feeling, all she could do was shake her head in order for the conversation to be over with.

she texted the groupchat with alex and karl, letting them know what just happened. while waiting for their responses she played her music once again.

there was nothing that could keep her excitement and nervousness contained, her right leg had been bouncing up and down throughout the whole drive. countless of scenarios ran through her head, would he like her, hate her, love her, or how would she would react when first seeing him.

he never showed his face to her, he had asked jackie to let him show his face many times before but the mystery was apart of what intrigued her to him.

no matter what he looked like she knew there was no chance she would run the other direction because of his looks.

obviously every thought still came to her, but it was too late to continue worrying because time has passed fairly quickly and the uber driver was finally turning into a neighborhood.

he pulled up into this very florida looking house, the outside was white and a pretty decent size. he parked right in front of the house and got out of the car to get jackie's baggage.

after he got jackie's luggage, she thanked him and jackie grabbed her things. she made her way to the front of the house, maneuvering her way past the cars in the driveway.

she walked up to the front door, she stood in silence for a minute before knocking. she lifted her hand to knock, but before she could the door opened.

she kept her eyes closed, scared to see who had opened the door.

"calm down it's me, nick." as soon as she heard the familiar voice she let out a heave and opened her eyes.

nick opened the door widen, signaling for jackie to walk on, "clay is in his room, he's literally shitting his pants." as jackie walked in, nick grabbed her baggage from her.

"thank you." she told him, "jackie don't be so nervous!" nick laughed, in fact he never thought of jackie being so shy.

"i'm sorry, i just can't believe you're not 5'4." she jokingly confessed, nick let go of her luggage. "nevermind, bring your own stuff in."

jackie shook her head and began laughing, "damn is this really how you treat your guests? wait till twitter hears about this."

jackie pulled out her phone, she began rapidly typing until nick grabbed her phone out of her hand and put it in his back pockrt.

jackie shot him an amused look, "are you twelve? where's my room." she asked him, not giving into what he was trying to get at.

he sighed as he gave back her phone and picked up her luggage again, he walked past jackie to lead her to the guest bedroom.

"let's go see dream first," nick told jackie as she followed behind. nick stopped at the second door in the hallway, he knocked on the door.

it swiftly opened, as if he had been standing there the entire time and was patiently waiting for nick to walk up to the door.

nick moved out of the way in order for jackie to view him entirely, and wouldn't have the time to cover her eyes or turn her head.

"holy shit."

authors note
i wrote this chapter like 2 months ago i'm sorry 😭
excuse the typos if there were any & lemme finish this book cuz ...

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