020, very dark brown

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11:22 AM.


jackie manolah | jackiewasfoundL

quackity | quackity
jackie can't drive 😬😬

jackie manolah | jackiewasfoundL
shush 👩🏼‍🍼👩🏼‍🍼👩🏼‍🍼👩🏼‍🍼

username | username
anyone wanna talk about
what dream said to jackie
during last night's stream?

jackie manolah | jackiewasfoundL


dream | dream
100k retweets and i'll
reveal what i told jackie
last night 😍😍😍

karl :) | karljacobs_
retweeted 👍 jackie
wont tell us

jackie manolah | jackiewasfoundL


"you're letting us choose your next hair color?" alex asked once more, browsing through the various colors on the shelves.

jackie stood next to him as she put a box dye back on the shelf, "why not, i trust you two to pick a good color."

"do you want something natural or no?" jackie shrugged, "you can choose literally any color you want."

"except red, no red."

she let alex look at the boxed dyes, wondering where karl had gone to. she left the aisle to grab snacks and to look for karl.

she read the signs that categorized each aisle, once finding the snacks aisle she instantly spotted karl. he already had a basket full of various sweets.

she walked over to him, looking at the basket in his hand. "karl, you don't need all this candy, nobody does."

karl looked at jackie in disbelief, "no we do need all of this, you don't understand."

jackie shot a concerned look, she faced the candies that were very unorganized. "at least put in reese's, superior candy."

karl gave her a disgusted look, "superior? it's average maybe."

"superior, average, sucks, it's going in the basket." she put a pack of 12 into the basket, leaving karl to do his own thing.

"jackie! i found the perfect color." quackity said as he saw jackie walk down the aisle towards him, looking down at the boxed dye that showed a woman with black hair.

"all these colors and you choose black." she said, taking the box from his hand.

"it's very dark brown, black hair dye is not good." he confidently responded, jackie looked over at him, wondering what the difference really was.

she scanned the box and its contents, then giving it back to alex. "alright then. very dark brown it is."


"karl you're going to dye her neck black!" alex laughed, he pointed the phone camera on jackie's neck as karl poorly applied the dye on her head.

"karl!" jackie groaned in fear, not wanting her hair to damage more than it already was.

"no no it's fine you're good, i'm highly trained," karl looked back at alex and the phone, mouthing 'no i'm not'.

"karl you literally suck at this." dream laughed from alex's phone, karl mumbled nonsense as he continued dyeing jackie's hair.

once karl finished dyeing jackie's hair, she let the dye sit for 35 minutes. using up the time to talk to dream wirh alex and karl, who were constantly asking what dream told jackie the night before.

"before you rinse it out, are you sure you won't tell us what dream told you?" alex sweetly asked, jackie shook her head and kneeled down against the tub.

karl detached the shower head, "do i rinse with warm or cold water?"

"cold." jack answered, "and don't forget to pass me the shampoo and conditioner after you rinse." karl nodded and turned the shower on. instantly hitting the back of jackie's head, karl throughly rinsed her hair, he passed her the shampoo and conditioner.

after jackie finished washing her hair, karl rinsed the excess conditioner and dye out jackie's hair successfully.

"alex, grab a towel." karl instructed, alex put the phone down and left to grab a clean towel.

"does it look good?" jackie hesitantly asked, "so f-"

"it'll look good no matter what." dream interrupted, still on the phone.

"talk about a suck up." karl mumbled quietly, only enough for jackie to hear, causing her to let out a quiet laugh.

"what- why are you two laughing?" dream asked, jackie made eye contact with karl, "karl..slipped?" she made up, making her answer more like a question.

alex came back into the bathroom with a towel in hand, he walked over to jackie and karl.

jackie put her hand out for the towel, alex quickly handed her the dark blue towel. jackie flipped the towel over and gently patted down on her hair, leaving the rest to air dry.

she rubbed the towel behind her ear and neck, just in case there was dye left on either of those places.

once she finished, she laid the towel on her shoulders and stood up. stretching as she walked to the mirror to examine the how karl did, knowing it was a risk to let him dye her hair.

she looked at her once blonde hair and now black hair, karl and alex who had dream on the phone still stood by jackie. waiting for her reaction of her newly dyed hair.

karl attempted to read her expression, "do you like it?"

jackie smile slowly grew, she raked her hands through her newly dyed and wet hair.

jackie looked back at karl, "i love it!" she grinned, spontaneously giving him a hug. karl was caught off guard but he returned the friendly hug jackie gave him.

"wow karl has reached hug status, dream are you jealous yet?" alex laughed.

"no, their hug doesn't mean anything," he returned, jackie walked to alex and the phone.

"you like?" she asked dream, showing off her hair to him.

"very much, it suits you well."

authors note

karl, alex, and jackie's friendship >>>

my birthday is march 10th, literally
hands down best sign and yes that's a
biased opinion but it's also the correct
one 👩🏻‍🍼

thank you 50k & 51k!!!! HALFWAY TO 100K, i honestly
didn't think anybody was going to like the concept
of this book. but i'm really happy that you
guys do :)

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