chapter 14 (longest chapter)

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Hi guys thanks for everyone who is reading this book right now just to let you know this will be the longest chapter of this book of all time this book has done so well thank you so much to everyone who has read it and please keep reading and let me know how you like this as you keep reading this book thanks love you guys. Also thank you to 1K people who have read this book it means so much to me please keep reading.

sophies pov

after that happened I went to my dad's office and grabbed my bag and started to do some school work for the following week that's coming up so I had more time off and as I was starting working on my social studies I hear my mom telling, me to come here. I quickly put on my mask grabbed my bag and my phone and headphones and put it in the pocket that did not have my medical stuff in... I walked out and saw my parents in the conference room I knocked and I carefully pocked my head in." you need my mom" I said quietly. when walked in I was someone I did not know I guessed they were a police officer or a detective because I saw their bag and gun that was on their hip. "hey hon come here please" my mom said, I walked in and quickly walked over to my mom said and grabbed her hand and I didn't even look up at anyone I just kept looking at my feet. "hon," my mom said and I looked at her. and she kept talking "this is Jay, Wills brother and Erin they both work with Antonio. Antonio got caught up at the district so Antonio asked them to come and pick you up and you are going to go hang out with him till we get off shift later today." my mom said. after she said that I think my eyes slightly got wider. and then I just nodded my head uneasy but at least maybe it won't be as weird because there's a female too, I don't know. "okay so why don't you go get your bag and then you can go with them." my dad said and I looked at him and kinda speed-walked out of the room a quick as I can I didn't like me being the center of attention and I went and grabbed my bag and put my charge for my stuff back in and to the conference room.

Erin pov

I saw Sophie walk back in after leaving and I looked at her she looked very nervous, her fingers were trembling and shaking a little bit. I could tell she was a good kid down below all the nerves but I just need to get her to open up because her parents already told us she can be very quiet when she first meets you but to give her time and she will open up, also they said she is very smart and not to underestimate her. when she walked in I see her go back in-between Gabby and Matt side right as we are about to leave Matt and Gabby hugs her and I could hear Gabby whisper in her ear 'do you have everything you need.' I see her shake her head 'yes' and on that note, we walk out towards the car and on our way out I whisper in Jay's ear "hey ImI'moing to sit in the back with her." he said okay and we walk to the car and get in and it like a 15-minute drive so while on our way I see Jay glance in the mirror and I turn towards her and I see her just staring out the window and I see picking at her nails so I decided to say "so Sophie tell me about yourself." she turns her head and kinda looks at me but not with eye contact and she said "what do you want to know?" she asks, "how about what school are you at?" "oh... um... I am homeschool, I use to go to school but I don't go to school anymore." she said small and quietly to me. "why is it you don't go to school anymore." as I asked that I see jay look in the mirror because I could see he was wounding the same question because from what he has told me he has asked will the day gabby and matts secret came up he tried to ask will what happened but all he said was patient confidentiality. so he couldn't tell him anything. "oh.. it just became too much for me." she said I could tell she wanted to not talk about it so I decided for her sake I would ask something else. "so what grade are you in?" in asked. "well I am in the 11th grade but I am only 16 years old I skipped a grade." she said and I could tell she was starting to open up to me because she started to look at me and she straightens up her posture. we kept asking questions about and forth and by the time we quickly asking questions because we ran out of questions to ask we were at the district. we hopped out and I see her grab her one bag that looks like space and put that one on her back and cared the one that looked like her school bag in her hand and then though one strap on her shoulder she still had on a mask, I would have asked her about it but I didn't want to come off the wrong way to her. we walked up to the main lobby in the district and I could see her started to get nervous by all the people so I pulled her to my side I could tell she was hesitant about pulling away but she didn't and I took her to the stairs and I scanned my hand and opened the gate and we walked the rest of the way up and then I said: "Antonio you got a visitor." I said to him 

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