chapter 5

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Matts pov
after we left Antonio gabby brother in the waiting room, me and gabby got on the elevator and went to the 4th floor and then we went to her room. at the time we walked into her room she and her nurse who was April was helping Sophie set up her feeding tube which runs 24 hours. gabby went in but I just leaned against the door and her and April were laughing and smiling so it made me smile knowing that she was okay and going to get healthy again. once they were done April was leaving when I said "thank you for helping her and keeping her Company" "no problem Matt she very bright and positive person." she said and then walked out. that when I went to Sophie and said "hey Sophie I have a question for you?" she just looked at me and I continued "so your mom and I was wounding if you would like to meet gabby brother Antonio he's here in the waiting room and would like to meet you, so what do you say?" Immediately after I finished she said "YES, please" which Kinda and didn't take me by surprise because she has always asked about our family and our firehouse family asked If she would meet them. "okay kiddo well then me and gabby will be right back and go grab him so he can meet you" right before me and gabby left I kissed her on the top of her head and then we left.

sophies pov

well, my parents went ago to get gabby brother Antonio I was so excited and nervous because this would be the first time I got to meet anyone from my mom's or dad's side. one thing I was grateful about was that when the paramedics found me I passed out next to my phone and headphones, so I had that to keep me company while I was stuck on the CF floor because one thing for CF people is you can't be around people that are sick are be around other CF people which is why I hate being in the hospital but my thoughts got interrupted by my mom and dad coming into my room. also, something that the hospital politic is that when you come into a CF's patient's room is that you have to wash your hands but doctors can just put hand sanitizer on. which I get but like why dose my parents need to do it. once my mom and dad were done washing their hands you can tell he didn't know what to do because it was kinda awkward until my mom went to her brother and got some hand sanitizer out of her purse and gave him some then came next to me like every time we are here and sat next to me on my bed and then I didn't know what to do so I just there quite hoping someone would speak up, which in this case he did "hi Sophie I'm your mom's brother." and while he spoke I just watched him you could tell he was nervous to meet me but that was okay. then I spoke, "I have heard so much about you and I so happy to be finally meeting you." I said it with a smile on my face so happy that I get to finally get to meet someone from my mom's side of the Family. also, you could see once I said that he was kinda relaxed and he took the seat next to my dad and we started to get to know each other. "so Sophie I heard you like to cook and play the cello?" "yeah I like well I cook and play the cello it has a calming effect and when play it's like it puts a pause on everything going on around me." "that's cool. have you ever played for an audience before?" "well the only audience I have ever played for was like when I end up staying here for longer than I would like one of my parents would bring my cello and I would play out there by the nurse's desk and everyone would come and stand by there doors, so that's the and there was one other time I was invited to play the national anthem at a baseball game so I think that might have been my biggest audience." "wow now I am going to have to here you play for me and see how good you are." "okay for sure" me and him talked back and forth for a little while and then I heard a knock on my door "come in," I said "sorry to interrupted but visiting hours have come to an end an hour ago sorry." another nurse said. he goes up and said "Sophie I am so happy to meet you and also we will have to get together so then I can hear you play." "yeah that sounds good. it was nice to meet you." I told him, then he was kicked out of the room by a nurse. I put on some music and after a while, my dad left to go home to grab some stuff for my mom and me. then after 15 minutes later, he came back with our stuff for a couple of days, and then he told me and my mom good night and left because he had a shift the next day. by this point my mom was asleep next to me in the hospital bed it was 1:04 am when I hear a small knock that's when I got up and pulled back the curtain a little bit because I didn't want to yell because my mom was asleep. that when I saw will and nat. they came in and nat said "Soph why you not asleep yet." she said it kinda scolding me. "because you know how I am, I am hard to get to sleep."I said to them, then I walked back inside the room so they can come in and I sat down in a char as my mom was still asleep. then I started to cough then it stopped a couple of minutes later. will just looked at me and nat like what is going on. then he spoke up "how you feeling." that's when nat gave me the 'you better answer honestly look' because on time I didn't and then ended up back into the hospital but I was also one like 10. "I'm feeling much better than before that's a fact, "I told him. then he said "well that's a good thing those anabiotic's have kicked in then" then I spoke and asked them "when am I going to be able to go home" "not for another day or two. sorry you're stuck with us." nat said "okay," I said kinda disappointed because I was, I wanted to get back home so I could play my cello and cook. we talked for a couple more minutes then they said good night and nat told me to go to bed. once my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

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