Chapter 2

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matts pov

earlier that day gabby came into my office and let me know what happened at Sophies appointment then halfway through the shift gabby got called on a call when normally she would call to check on Sophie so I decided I would call. "hello? dad?" Sophie said. "hey kiddo just calling to check in on you gabby got called on a call so she couldn't call you." I let her know. we talk for a little while about school and how culinary arts that she was doing and then we hung up. a couple minutes later gabby walked in my offices. "hey while you were out, I called Sophie and checked in on her so don't worry she fine and everything fine" I reinsured her. the rest of shift went by slow until we were about 10 minutes until shift over and Herrmann said that we should come to Molly's. Everyone said that they were in but me and Gabby said, "we might come." "okay" Herrmann said. then shift was over we only had one call and it was a false alarm. we went home and once home me and gabby said that "maybe we shouldn't go tonight, but maybe another night because Sophie was one a new medication and didn't want to leave her alone" "gabby come on please she already told us we spend way too much time here at home and go hang out with friends" I said to gabby

gabbys pov

I sat there thinking maybe one night will be okay with us gone and I told him "okay let do it but let make sure she I still okay with it first" he said okay. he got up and ask Sophie if should be okay home alone for the night of course she said "yes go have your guys fun and go hang out with friends and I will call if I need anything" I knew she was okay but still uneasy about going but me and Matt still did and we arrived and walked into Molly's and I went behind the bar grabbed drinks and talked while we were there people from Chicago med came after they got off the shift and also pd. and by the time we had been there for a few hours and Maggie and Natalie was there so was everyone from the fire house and intelligence unit which my brother was in.

sophies pov

Before my mom left I take my new pill and then after my mom and dad left to go to a bar called Molly's I went to my room got on my PJs and then I went to the living room and started to watch a movie and while doing that I started to feel very dizzy I thought nothing of it and kept watching when I went to go get a glass of Water and then felt like I was going to pass out and then I thought of calling my mom but I knew she was out and I didn't want to ruin her night with my dad and I kept think it was going to go away but it didn't that when I started to feel very nauseous and I kept ignoring it and then it got to the point I got sickened that when I knew I got to call my mom but I called it just rang ... rang, rang ,rang and it went to voicemail "hi you reach the voicemail of Gabby Dawson please leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible" it said "mom it's me I have left you and dad messages and can you please call me back like soon like now maybe" I said and hung up. by that time, I knew I was going to pass out because of how sick and dizzy I was. but the I remember that Natalie got off shift tonight and sometimes she goes to the bar my mom and dad were at. so, I decided she was my last resort, so I called her. it rang once and then she picked up.

Natalie's pov

I was at the bar with Maggie and then I felt my pocket buzz and saw it was Sophie and picked up. that went I asked "hey Soph is everything okay" that's when she told me she couldn't get a hold of her parents and told my she wasn't feeling good at all and I immediately got up and Maggie looked at me confused on what was going on and that's when I went up to gabby and told her Sophie said she tried calling her and gave her the phone.

gabby pov

Natalie told me what was happening and that when I was very scared and that's when I kind of started to Panic.

while I was on the phone I could hear her and she told me that she was going to pass out and that's when Matt and Kelly just looked at me for a moment and I could hear her pass out and that's when turn to Matt and said trying to stay calm and tell Matt who was trying to figure out what was happening and said "grab your phone and call 911 and tell them that they need to go to our home and get an ambulance over there and that Sophie had passed out and tell them about her medical conditions." he for a moment I didn't even realize that everyone was quiet and looking at Matt and me. that when momma mode switched in and I was getting more scared for her and that when I said louder "Matt do it NOW". and that's when he hurried and got his phone and called 911. and he said "hi I'm Matt Casey with CFD I need an ambulance at 423 oak Ridge Drive my badge number is 68453. my daughter is in that house and is passed out she has cystic fibrosis. I need ambulance at that house now." and as he said that the phones disconnected so that when me and Matt both stood up and hurried and grabbed our coats and I said to Natalie "can you call in the ED and let them know they have a cystic fibrosis patient coming in the ED. please" she said yes and that when me and Matt ran out the door to the car.

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