chapter 10

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matts pov

once Sophie gets up and leaves to go outside you can hear before the door closes you can hear her coughing. we were silent until Herrmann said "did I said something wrong?" "no you didn't, she just needed to step out for a minute." I said. Herrmann nodded. then we started to talk about something else and then we cleaned up from lunch and me nor gabby has seen Sophie since earlier today and I decided that I was going to go outside and try to talk to her. I walk down the driveway to see her on a bench looking up at the Chicago streets. I walk over to her and sit down and stay quiet for a moment before she speaks up "sorry I walked out like that dad" She said with her head down. I take my fingers and lift her head by her Chin "I know there was a reason you walked out. but I would like to let you explain why you walked out and just know that I am not mad nor disappointed in you for walking out I know today has been hard." I told her in a calm and Study voice. she stayed quiet for a moment and then "there are two reasons the first one is that I had to have a coughing fit and I didn't want them to think that I was "the sick girl". and the second reason was that I just needed a break from the questions because I didn't know how to answer the last question I was asked." she told me. all I could do is put an arm around her and pull her into a hug. "hey just remember that just because you are sick doesn't make you "the sick girl", but all I ask is that when you are here at this firehouse try and let them in I know you don't trust them yet to tell them everything about you but just slowly let them in." he told me. "okay, I will." then the bells went off and I had to go.

"truck 81 ambo 61. house fire, 48th, and Walbash"

I jumped off the bench and "go inside and watch tv or something and when I get back we can talk more okay?" I told her. she shook her head, yes and I ran to the truck and got on my turnout gear, and jumped in the truck. And then we were off. but for this call, I told mills to stay back because it was an easy house fire, and also the chef wanted to talk to him.

sophies pov

as my dad got into the truck I watched as they pull away and then I put my mask back on and went inside I walk slowly so I can look at the squad truck and I stop to look at the emblem ok the side when someone from behind me said: "did you know squad and truck do different jobs?" I jumped by the voice and turned around and saw Kelly standing there. "no I just thought that you guys carry different things but I didn't know you did different jobs?" "no the difference from truck to the squad is that we can go on rescue missions and we have scuba gear and your dads truck get a call on more calls because their equipment gets more use on a Day to day basis." he explained to me. "that cool." I say not knowing what else to say. I turned back towards the truck and stared at the logo, after a couple of awkward minutes he spoke up. "so what are you wanting to do went you grow up?" "well right now I am wanting to be a professional cello player." I told him. "that sounds like a go job career, are you good?" he asked. "I get told that I am, but I don't think so as much." "are you working on a piece right now?" he asked as walking back to the table he was sitting earlier today. "um... right now I am working on the national anthem. but I already know how to play it because one time I was invited to play for at a cubs game" I say and then truck 81 pulls up and parks and my dad gets out along with the other members. then Kellys kinda yells "Casey." "yah" he yells back everyone is listening in to the conversation at this point "when were you going to tell me that your daughter has played the national anthem for the cubs." everyone looks at my dad and my dad looks at Severide and said "well I didn't think it was a big deal." my dad said. then people from my dads truck said "well that's a big deal." Stella said. "it's not that big of a deal," I say while trying not to cough. they turn and look at me, I could feel my cheeks start to get rose red. they look at me like I was crazy. some of the people from my dad's truck already went back inside and some were still talking to my dad about that. I went inside because I didn't want any involvement with that. I walk inside and sat at a table and pulled out my computer and started to work on some extra school Credit. after a little while it was almost 5 pm. while I was still working on my computer I decided to start working only own song I have working on so I started writing when someone comes and sits in front of me and starts talking to me. and I look up and it was Mills "hey Sophie I am about to start working on dinner and I was wounding if you wanted to help me?" he said to me. "umm... yah sure it will be fun." I say excitedly. we get up and I grab my bag and go into the kitchen and I ask him "so what are we making?" "well, we can make spaghetti. what do you think?" "sure, we could also make garlic bread for everyone." I say to him. while he getting the supplies out I ask him "so how many people are you making for?" I question him "well we need to make for 11 people and that including you too," he said. "no, I am not hungry we just need to make for 10 people then." I tell him. "okay then." he said looking at me confused, but then he's not trying to push it. so we start making it and while he's working on the spaghetti I'm working on the garlic bread. and then he asked "where did you learn how to make these?" he ask as I put them in the oven "now this recipe is a homemade recipe that I made and my parents love these." I tell him we wait 10ish minutes and the spaghetti is done and then I pull the garlic bread out of the oven. and you can smell the garlic bread and Mouch turns around away from the TV and said "what is that? it smells so good?" Mills said, "it's Sophie's famous garlic bread." I laughed and then my dad came into the common area and said "is that what I think it is?" I nod. "okay is that THE garlic bread that me and your mom can't get you to make when we want it or give us the recipe too." "Yup, I decided I was going to make it tonight while mills were making spaghetti. and by the way dad you are still not getting the recipe." I say to my dad and then. he goes over to the intercom system and says "dinner". then when everyone enters the room I heard a bunch of 'it smells so good' 'who made dinner'? while everyone was getting dinner there plate I sat down at the table and then went to my backpack with my computer and stuff and grabbed my pills and pulled out my water and took them and then went and sat down next to where my mom sat earlier that day and everyone sat in the same place as when it was lunch. I sat there while everyone was eating but it never bothered me by others eating in front of me. then my mom and Sylvie walked into the common room. and my mom said to my dad "is that the garlic bread, that we can't get Sophie to made nor give us the recipe too." she said and I start laughing. "come on gabby it's just garlic bread" mills said. "oh no its not just any garlic bread. This is the best garlic bread you'll ever taste in your life." she said. and she starts walking to go get food and comes and sit next to me and of course, she grabs me an orange that I have to eat. and then people start eating garlic bread. and mills try it and said "okay what do you do to this food, to make it this good." he said directed towards me. "I just make the food. I don't know." "okay I need the recipe to this. please," he said and I start to chuckle and say "oh no, no one is getting this recipe at all, and when I say no one I mean no one." I say. and then other people start to try to get the recipe out of me but no one can crack me. then mills said to my parents "Casey, gabby, hear me out on this." he starts everyone turns to look at him and he continues and said "I think what we need to do is have Sophie come and cook the food from now on because this is much better then any food I can make." he said and my dad then said "sorry mills but kitchen duty is for you, but maybe once and a while she could pop in and cook if she feels up for it." he said and I nod and smile but you probably can't tell. "that sounds good but only ever once in a while." I say. while everyone was still eating and then my feeding bag starts to beep and I try to hurry and turn it off so no one hears so I turn around and try to turn it off but it wouldn't and people started to hear it. so then I started to get stressed out and embarrassed and I couldn't get it off so I just grabbed something from my other bag too and hurried out of the room. I did everything to turn it off but it wouldn't. so I just took out the main battery and went back inside and went to the main bag I brought and grabbed that and walked out giving my mom the stressed/annoyed look and you could tell to.

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