Rainbow bridge and Cosmic Drug Mule

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I hadn't imagine that my first time on the rainbow bridge would be like this. I was punped full of Midgardian pain medicine and antinausea medication, that everything was changing shapes and colors. The bright blinding light hurt my eyes, but the motion made everything worse. I was still laying on the bed and Frigg was looking after me. I felt my whole body vibrate as we crossed from Midgard to Asgard. There were plenty handmaids and healers waiting for us along with Hemidal. He nodded to Frigg and hoped I made a full recovery. I tried waving but most of my body was beyond control. I clutched the chain in my hand and looked to find him.

The chain glowed and burned my hand a little. I hope that it didn't burn his ribs. When my astro form found him, he was unconcious. I walked over to him and smiled. He looked so beautfiul asleep in his Jotun form. I tried to was him several times and grew worried as time rapidly passed.

"Loki, come on. Don't be a dick you fucking Jotun. I need you to consent to me giving you medicine. For fuck's sake get up." I said as I held his face. He was as warm as the room. The engine room was barely warm and hardly lite. "Loki, please give me something to tell me your alive."

I shook him again and he moaned. "Well, that is close enough to consent, I guess. I mean who is really going to through HIPPA at me? Now time to stab and drain."

I smiled hoping that one day we would joke about this. I pulled an astro IV tubing and two needles. "Okay Loki, I am going to give you all the drugs in my system. I hope they are strong enough to help you and that this works."

I got the needle into him but it wouldn't punctor my skin. It just went through. I pushed back into my form on Asgard. Frigg looked at me , startled when I moved around. "Did you find him?" she asked.

"Yes but I can't get the needle in my arm. The Astro projection isn't connecting with my actual body." I said with panic in my voice. I tried to relax but the fear of failing was killing me.

"Don't panic, we can fix that." She rushed out of the room they had brought me to. She quickly returned out of breath. She flipped feverishly through.

"Found it. Now please buy me some time. I need to get these herbs and feed them to you while you are there. It will only give you a 15 minutes over there so please don't fool around. "

I nodded and projected. I showed her and then left to be with Loki. My mouth filled with a bitter smoky taste. I wish it tasted like blood but it only tasted like blood, iron filings, and smoke pit ash. Finally getting back to the ship, I found him, this time the needle went through and gave me a stung. I focused on separating the medicine in my blood through the needle and into him. It took so much time and energy to focus. The bitter taste in my mouth got worst and I started to feel weak. I felt the last bit of medicine leave me. My body ached and I knew that getting back to Asgard was going to be hell. I was going to be a reck for a few days. My astro form rested against the ground, waiting for a sign.

"Loki, please if you can feel me or hear me, please give me a sign" There was a rustle in the chains and then a pair of crimson eyes looked at me with the fury and rage.

"Its nice to see some creature at my feet. However, I feel all out of it." He saw the IV connecting us and looked at me. "Get away from me and get this off of me." He demanded.

"Oh calm down and stay still." I said detaching it from me and him. I kissed his mark and it healed up nicely. "There you go prince Pain in the Ass. I prayed to Aesir and all those in Vallahalla for this to work."

"Why do I feel completely all out of sorts?" He said looking down at me after I sat back down. I felt like shit but it was nice to see he was still self-centered as normal. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him.

I could help but smile and give a little snort. "You gave an audible consent and I completed your treatment. Its Midgardian medicine so I don't know how long it is going to last. Frigg and I are working on a plan to come get you. You might feel a bit off but you should be fine. I pretty sure that Jotuns can digest and handle the same medicine." I said giving him a nervous smile. The books didn't disagree.

He looked down at himself and looked back at me. He was a pale blue and his body was lined with lighter blues in weird designs like a tattoo on him. Like ancient tribal calligrahy tracing his body. One could almost get lost in his devoted yet wild, choatic, untamed beauty. Black, blue and crimson red.

"So your grand plan was to drug me, track me, and then rescue me?" he asked with a splash of anger and humor. He really was an ass but a beautiful ass.

"Calm down, Frigg is helping me. Right now she is force feeding me herbs so I can transfer the meds to you. Once I get back to Asgard and my body, then we will figure out a way to get to you." I said a little breathlessly. It was exhausting being an multiple space traveling drug mule. My body wasn't going to last much longer and I knew Frigg was running out of the herb but I didn't want to leave him alone and he didn't want me to go. Hanging on and staying here was getting harder as Frigg pulled harder on me.

"Great, so the plan is to let one and half witches bust me out of a space ship in the middle of nowhere?" he said looking at me like I was the one who came up with it. It was mostly Frigg's game plan.

"Basically. Odin, Thor and the reason of the group were taking too long. Mostly because I neuro linked with Stark but it was worth getting him to see my life and your problems from a realistic prespective." I said looking at him. He seemed mad at the idea of Frigg and I coming to his aid. This poor, dumb, stupid boy still thought that no one cared for him. What a poor abused fool, if only he knew how loved he was.

I felt a strong pull but I fought it. Staying here was making me sick."Loki, I am going to have to go soon."

"I know but you will be back soon right? Maybe with some actual good stuff?" He said trying to ligthen up the mood. It was kinda hard because it was like a child that had been abandoned and I was leaving.

"I will be back with all the healing and medical devices I can bring. Please just hang on for me. Please just buy me and Frigg time. We are working hard to secure a ship and find you." I said nearly whimpering as my astro form began to pull and burn. I knew I was coming down to the last minutes with him.

"Try the portal again. I felt like shit after but you could concentrate on the link and find me." He offered. "Recover quickly midgardian witch. Give me something to remember a place to go to when I need an escape." 

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