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It was not long for a week to pass. My friends threw me a going away party and I had already shaved. They gave me their address along with envelops, pens, and paper. I smiled and was happy to see them all here. Who had known that everything would have changed, or our lives would be going down such different paths?

I rested against the couch once everyone had left. John had the night shift and I was blackout clear. I packed everything twice already and ready for John to drop me off station but that wasn't until his shift was over. It was wonderfully peaceful in the house, but the silence seemed to be screaming in my mind. I was alone and it would be my last night without a bunch of other recruits, but the silence seemed to be taunting me almost haunting me. I checked my bag again and then walked into my room. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.

I drifted to sleep and soon found myself on the barren icy wasteland with the blue man. He looked winded and exhausted.

"What in the Hel are you doing here mortal?"

"I don't know. I guessed you summoned me dammit. God, I hope you don't make a habit of doing this while I am in basic or advance training."

"Yes, I am a god and what training are you talking about?" He asked almost panting.

"I joined a group that requires a crazy amount of training. Don't worry, I will be fine thanks for asking." I said and stuck my tongue out. Childish but it felt good.

"I don't want to know what this" he said sticking his tongue out "means on Midgard but I am a little busy right now."

"What are you doing? Is everything alright?"

"Running currently. Apparently, announcing yourself as the rightful king and killing the interim ruler isn't the best idea when you have a price on your head." He snapped. "Look, get out of here before you get hurt or distract me further. I will speak with Frigga once I am not dealing with this."

"Who is Frigga?" I asked only to get a frustrated look and his hand brushing my image away.

After that I couldn't sleep. I was buzzing with nerves and excitement. I had missed my tall blue man even if he was very short tempered. I prayed to what god would hear me to protect him and deliver him from all those who would harm him. I couldn't imagine what he was going through but I was glad that I just had to focus on making it through the next 16 weeks and then I would see the world hopefully with new eyes and a better perspective.

There was a knock on the door, and I heard John's voice. "Hey, (y/n) its time if you still want to do it."

"Ready as I will ever be." I said as I opened my door. He wasn't the only one here, but he looked the most upset. I smiled at him and then I looked back at my room. The last look was always the hardest. I sighed and left the room after making my bed up. I sighed a goodbye to my room and privacy and jammed myself in the car with my friends.

A half hour later and we were standing in the early light. It wasn't a long good-bye, but we hugged and cried.

"I promise to write. It will be alright. We will all see each other in 10 weeks. You are all coming to graduation?"

"Definitely, I will make sure we are all there. I am so proud and so worried for you." Laura said choking on tears.

I gave her one last hug and got on my bus. Time for basic and advance training. I was so excited and terrified at the same time. I looked out the window after climbing up on the bus. I waved good-bye to them and the last thing I saw was Laura crying into John's shoulder. Ten weeks until I could see them again. Ten weeks.

Drills weren't too bad, but they exhausted me. Captain Happiness along with six other drill sergeants were in charge of us and they gladly made threats, yelled, cussed, and screamed at us. Most of us deserved the smoking and roasts of the drill sergeants. I loved finding time to write letters to my friends back home along with getting their letters and little packages. Laura treated it like I was on some deserted island and she sent me several chocolates and snacks that I had to run to the bathroom to hurry and eat them. Some of my bunk mates caught me one time so I had to share and tell her to stop sending me food.

Today had been worse than the last 5 weeks. We had all pissed off Captain Happy and the drill sergeants made us do a 25-mile run right before we had class. They didn't seem to give a shit and so we went running with all our gear which was like ever soldiers sack along with med kits. It honestly weighed about 100 pounds with supplies. My ribs, spine, soul, and everything in between ached. Between the days of fighting and this run, I knew this week was going to be the week that separated the quitters from the ones staying. I felt everyone around me. I couldn't help and this taxed me even more. I pushed harder and hard to send waves of encouragement and strength to my group. We were going to make it.

This tyrannical rain of hell continued for the next two weeks. He was a totally jackass who took absolute pleasure in killing us. Everyone who was going to be a part of Global Nurse group was constantly woken up, told to run, or taken to drills before, after, and once during our classes. He really didn't care if we survived and that was going to get us killed. We had so many runs and barely any sleep when they took us to the shooting range. There were so many negligent discharges I was amazed that we didn't get killed. We were sleep depraved and thrilled to be alive. After another round of discharges, we were told to find all the mile markers around base. My legs were burning, and all of my muscles were firing or cramping. There was so much pain and I could feel each breath but at least we didn't have the packs. I pushed my team to think on that and to feel the wind and relief. Soon after finding some forty-eight markers we came back to the range and settled into position. Soon we were firing of rounds properly and somewhat accurately.

Chow time was quick, and the phone call home was even quicker. Laura was a mess and my friends missed me. I gave them all the details about graduation which was sooner than I could believe. That night after night classes on combat nurse training, a run, and a day full of hand to hand combat training, I rested against my cot. It was dark and there were two guards on duty. I closed my eyes and woke up to a glow. 

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