Graduation and Good-byes

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Week 9 and 10 passed was a blur of tests, drills, and traditions. We all looked so good in our blues. Laura, Nic, Bill and John came to camp and it was the best feeling to see them. We laughed and took a ton of photos. Laura was a proud mom with her beautiful blue and purple sundress. She spent the entire time video tapping, making comments, and clapping. I was so glad that I got to eat and hang with them for a while, but my next round of training was unfolding. Bill and Nic looked so cute in their suits. They cleaned up good for some tattooed, scrub wearing nurses. It was the first time I had seen them dressed all nice. Everyone looked and happy, except John. He looked exhausted and angry. I push that thought down and focused on the ceremony.

When we had been officially given and sworn to the Army lifestyle, Valeria pulled me aside.

"Private (y/n), don't forget to be packed and ready by first light. Tomorrow, you are moving out to do more training in Georgia and then you will join our team in 6 weeks."

"Yes, ma'am" I said giving her a nod. It was something I needed to remind my friends.

"For now, enjoy your time with your friend. You are going to be amazing. As the Army would say, don't fuck it up private." She said and gave me a smile. "Go see your friends. It will be a while until you see them again. Have fun."

I nodded and then joined my friends who were all excited and relieved. Everyone talked to me about back home and what was going on. Between funny patient stories and the dates that the guys went on, it felt like we were in the lunchroom in the hospital. So much had changed from the last lunch on Floor 16 to graduation dinner. We headed out to grab food and catch up. I didn't mind hearing their stories all over again. All of us privates seemed to pick the same place to gather on base after the ceremony. Of course, the Commanding Officers were watching us.

"So where do you go from here?" Bill asked eagerly.

"Well- "I said smiling and Valeria nodded to me from across the field "I am going to get my wings. I got Airborne training in Georgia next week." I said giving them a smile. We all knew this, but everyone seemed to want to forget that. I felt rage and I looked at John.

"So, we see you for basically a few days and you are gone again. With limited talk time and basically letters?" John asked clearly pissed off.

"Look we knew (y/n) was going to be in trainings and getting ready to save the world." Bill said looking at John.

"Whatever, I will be in the car." He said to the group. "I just thought you were coming home. I wished you had failed but now I just hope you don't die." He spat at me.

I didn't know what to say. John had every right to be upset but I had told him weeks ago that this was my next step. I looked away for a minute to collect myself. As soon as I looked out the window, there was Captain Edgewood. He smiled and raised his glass to me and gave me a nod of approval. I closed my eyes and gave him a nod. We weren't equal and he was still cocky, and even though I had won the challenge, I felt like there was a bigger game that was just beginning, and I was merely a pawn place on the game board.

I got the rest of the night to hang out with my friends. We hung out for a bit and Laura sent the film to me. It was amazing to watch it later that night. She had recorded her entire trip with the guys and the ceremony for me. I hugged them and cried when they had to leave. I walked them to the gate and hugged them good-bye. I waved to John who got out of the car and hugged me. He had been crying and I could feel his pain.

"It will be alright. I am going to be fine." I said trying to push the confident military persona I had adopted.

"I know. I'm sorry about earlier. I am just worried about you. We are all and anyone who says they aren't worried or sad is lying. It's not the same when we get together." He said looking at the rest of our friends who had walked enough of a distance to let us have a moment in privacy but close enough if John lost his control. I did everything that I could with me limited power to keep him and I both calm. I knew enough now that my power could really affect a group if I really wanted to or if I lost control.

"I know. I miss and worry about you all to. We are family and we will get through this. I promise to call more and to write more." I said holding him against me. He was broken-hearted and I was the one who did it.

"I don't want phone calls, skype calls or letters. I want you back in my house and me playing nurse to you. I miss taking care of you and helping you. Sick, isnt? I am so messed up because of your absence. For Christ sake stop doing this and come home." He barked out and broke out in tears. I just rubbed his back and tried not to let his words hurt me, but they did.

"I love you." John cooed. It slipped from his lips and I stopped moving my hand. "I love you and I don't want you to get hurt." He said pushing out of the hug.

"John" I tried to talk but I didn't know what to say. I could feel his grief and I knew he was honest. He was truly broken and upset. I tried to comfort him and get my words to come out, but I kept fumbling on them. Nothing would come out besides air with hardly a sound. My uncertainty about my feelings spilt into his emotions. I lost control and now he felt everything I felt. My fear, uncertainty, and worry. It was my unspoken rule never to use my powers on my friends, but I couldn't help it.

"Don't say anything please. I don't want to hear you love me or that you are doing this for some moral reason. I just wanted to get it off my chest. I love you and please don't hate me for my feelings about you or your career." He said before kissing my cheek and walking back to the car. I

We were all a crying mess, but I hugged the guys and Laura. She promised she would look after John. She grabbed the graduation gifts out of the car and started tearing up when I opened them. They had gotten me chargers for my camera, which they had snuck in the bag, and my phone along with an MP3 player full of all my favorite songs that we used to sing like drunk idiots on the floor. Along with that they gave me a scrap book to put all the letters they sent. Each person had gotten me little things like runes and cartouches of my name and theirs, an amethyst crystal, a rosary, a St. Christopher metal but Bill gave me the gift that made me cry. He had given me a metal coin with Janet's name on one side and the helmet from the Battle of New York. The card simply said grieve, hate, forgive, rejoice, fight. I put it on immediately along with the rosary. I wasn't big on mystic or religious beliefs, but this was going to fuel me and push me to be better. Hate and love. The two most unstable and evolving powers of the universe and I had them on my chest. 

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