A Strange Encounter

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"I am Dr. Stephen Strange and the surgeon on call. How is your head?" He asked arrogantly.

"I am fine, and I am ready to be out of here to be honest." I said looking at him. He was handsome but full of himself.

"Yeah, well your friends here say that you are doing a little dance with your body and you like to randomly black out so, I think you need to stay." He said with a cocky attitude.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my friends. We were all thinking the same thing. When the hell did a nurse ever let a doctor think for them?

''Look at the light." He commanded as he clicked on the pen light. "Normal. How's the hearing?" he asked as he snapped his fingers closed to my ears.

"I can hear you perfectly fine. Look everything is totally fine. You guys already took images, and my pictures came our clear. I am sure my blood work came out fine too. There isn't anything wrong with me." I stated calmly. There was nothing wrong with me and I believed that.

"Except when you close your eyes you go into convulses." He remarked. It must be asshole night.

"It is probably just a reaction to the medicine they gave me to go home with or non-epileptic seizures. I have been under a lot of stress and that would explain it." I offered with no tone.

"Right, I was just about to say that. What medicine are you on for the pain and headaches?"

"Gabapentin for the pain and nortriptyline for the depression." Laura said looking at me.

He nodded and left the room after saying he would gather up some paperwork. A nurse came in and gave me a smile. She read me all the necessary pages about how to take care of myself and to come back if I needed any help.

"Looks like you are all clear to go. Just sign here." She said looking at me. "You probably could have done this faster"

I smiled at her. ER night shifts were hard, and she was definitely new. "Thanks for getting this together."

"No problem. I should be the one thanking you. It's not every day that you see a patient shutting him up with a correct diagnosis. You just made my shift. He is always such an asshole when he can't operate."

"I'm glad I could help. Are you guys a couple?" I asked curiously

"No but he is all about himself. He is wonderful to learn from but sometimes I want to punch him in his perfect face. He wasn't even thinking about medicine and was hoping to get a look in your head. He has been a little stir crazy since all we have right now are patients that are recovering from the hospital on 34th street. They only really needed stitches and he has been dying to get into someone's head."

"Well, he isnt welcome in mine. At least not for a little while because I am going to walk it off." I said smiling at her. Nothing was worst that a butcher pf a surgeon.

"One more thing before you walk out of here, someone is going to be looking after you from now one until you're healed right?" She asked. "Until you have had a few weeks without convulsions, I don't want you to be by yourself."

"We got you" John said to me and I couldn't help but smile. I still had some friends and they were willing to help me. Eventually, I would have to be on my own two feet. "We will take shifts to make sure she is alright."

She nods to us and gave me a smile. I was going to be fine because I wasn't alone., even if I wanted to be. There was going to be no freedom from the watchful eyes of my nursing team. They were going to be going for it while we all applied for new jobs and healed.

Getting home wasn't too hard. After getting out the hospital, it was only a 45-minute drive to John's house. I slipped into bed after Laura yelled at me to sleep. Apparently, that was the common cure and my dream brought more of the blue man on the icy cave.

"Hello, mortal. Did you come back for more conversation?"

"It seems like you know everything. I don't know how to I got here but I am back apparently." I gave him a smile.

He said silence and looked at me with glowing red eyes.

"I will have to talk about this Frigga. You shouldn't have these dreams. What is a mortal like you using magic? Are you sure you aren't a witch or an Asgardian?"

"Definitely mortal here. Trust me I nearly died twice in New York."

"Tell me about New York. Tell me what happened to you and why you despise Loki so much."

I looked down and smiled as my feet touched the ice of the cave, but I wasn't cold. "He took everything from me. My friends, my god daughter, and my mentor."

He looked at me almost like an animal when their master is in pain. He could sense my pain, but he said nothing. It was like his empathy was mixed with something. I just couldn't tell if that was regret.

"Tell me of your mentor. What was her name?"

"Janet. She was sweet and old. She taught me to Norse ways of life and taught me how to control my emotions. I haven't been able to do that since I was a kid. I had it under control until Loki came by the hospital. Then I felt it all at once. The rage, pain regret, anger and mostly fear. He was so afraid and was in pain."

"Maybe you should go." He said looking to the cave entrance.

"But what about you? You are alone and in pain. Trust me, I literally can feel it melting off of you. If you let me, I could- "

"Could what mortal? What could you do for a god, a frost giant that has no idea who or what he is? What could you do for someone who can make himself into anything, hmmm? What would you be able to help erase this past? Like I said before to a woman on your realm, how can you wipe out that much red? My history is that of blood and pain. Leave me mortal." He shouts and swipes through me. I just disappeared in golden flakes.

That was the last time we would talk for months.

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