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______________c h a p t e r  f i v e

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c h a p t e r f i v e

Carson wakes up with a start, clearly haunted by yet another nightmare. She hasn't stopped having them since her brother died. This time him and Allison were quite literally hunting her down to blame her for their deaths.

Her dad walks in, hearing the screams.

"Are you okay?" Drew looks on in shock at her terrified expression.

"I'm fine, just a nightmare," she brushes him off, looking for a tank top to go with her skirt.

"Didn't sound like nothing. Look, maybe it's time to see an actual professional. I know we tried to compromise with the guidance counselors, but they seem to disappear after a few months, so you're going to a therapist," he drums his hands on the desk, adjusting his lab coat. "I promise it doesn't make you crazy."

"Why are you here?" she gives him a look, begging him to drop it.

"I'm here because this is my house."

"But you're like, not with mom anymore, and you've been living at the lake house. You said you were moving."

"Well, yeah, but your mom wasn't doing too well when you went missing, so I stuck around to make sure she didn't go insane."

"You mean, to make sure she wasn't knee deep in a bottle of tequila. Are you trying to get back with her? Because that'd be really shitty of you," she looks at him in disappointment.

"I am not! I just wanted to comfort her."

"Gross. Is that an innuendo of some sort? That's disgusting."

"No," he chuckles. "She's still my wife, despite how much I've messed up. I do care."

"When you care about someone, you don't move on to some other girl in two seconds."

"Are we still talking about me? Because if we aren't, it's important to note that we don't lie to or abandon the people we care about either."

"Well then I guess you haven't cared about me since I was four," she deadpans, pushing him towards the door. "Now get out. I have to get ready for school."


Carson walks into math class, somewhat confused by the problems on the board. Luckily Lydia had practically tutored her for the past month, just in case she decided to come back, so she had a slight grasp on the standard. Emphasis on slight.

"Carson, glad to see you back! I hope you're feeling better," a teacher in the hallway smiles, as Carson's face contorts into complete confusion.

"Your dad told them you had a nervous breakdown and went to therapy in Mexico," Lydia whispers as Malia walks in. Well, she really tries to escape, before Stiles makes her walk in.

GAME OF SURVIVAL - TEEN WOLF (3)Where stories live. Discover now