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_______________c h a p t e r  f o u r

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c h a p t e r f o u r

After receiving a text to meet Scott at Derek's loft, Carson sneaks out of her window, driving down the street before her parents could stop her.

She gets there at the same time as Scott, stopping to see Malia in front of the building.

"Malia?" she asks, squinting.

"What are you doing here?" Scott takes off his helmet.

"I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a V-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone," she shrugs, and Carson nods in agreement.

"Lydia isn't wrong," she agrees.

"I'm not alone. Carson can handle him. She hates him, a lot."

"Hate is an understatement. I prefer, "Wants him to burn in hell for all of eternity," but I guess we can go with that," Carson smirks.

"Well, you can handle him better with both of us."

They walk in, as Carson feels slightly standoffish towards Malia. She seemed nice enough, and they probably were more alike than they knew, but it's a bit hard to get past the unmistakable scent of Stiles all over her. She didn't need werewolf senses for that.

"What's wrong with you?"

"There are a number of answers to that," Carson jokes, when Malia points to Scott. "Oh you were talking about him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your heart's pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?"

"He's just bad at introductions," Peter looks up from his book, Tyler scrolling through his phone in the seat next to him, pausing to wink at Carson.

"Peter... This is Malia. Malia, this is Peter, and his son Tyler."

"Tyler?" she asks, not recognizing the name.

"He's the reason I turned. He like, drowned me, it was very fun and not at all traumatizing," Carson whispers.

"Oh, you're the douchebag?" she makes a face of realization.

Peter finally gets up, staring at Malia, while Carson furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Beautiful eyes. Did you get them from your father?"

"Mother," she responds, clearly weirded out.

"Interesting... Anyway, I'm sure they've told you a lot about me."

"The homicidal killing spree came up."

"Come on, Carson's got plenty of blood on her hands. Right, babe?" Tyler smirks, making Carson growl at him.

GAME OF SURVIVAL - TEEN WOLF (3)Where stories live. Discover now