Chapter 21

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Lucas's POV: So today is Sunday. Toby is a bit sick. He had a game on Friday and it was raining, and the temperature dropped a bit so he probably has a cold. The guys wanted to hang out but I had to stay with Toby. I invited them over tho.

I made Toby some Mac and cheese. He ate it all,  thankfully he doesn't loose his appetite when he gets sick. We laid down on the couch, we were watching Need for Speed. He laid down on my lap and fell asleep a bit later. I put got the blanket and covered him.

The movie was almost over when the door bell rang.

Lucas: Come in! - I kinda yelled but not too loud so Toby wouldn't wake up. It was just Jake, Rik and Chloe

Chloe: How is he?

Lucas: He's ok. His fever settled for now. I have to wait till the medicine effect goes away to see.

Erika: Did he eat?

Lucas: Yeah. You don't have to whisper, he's a heavy sleeper

Erika: Oh ok

We sat down on the living room and chilled for a bit

Jake: Ryan said he's in his way

Lucas: Alright

Chloe: Can you change? - it was the Axeman movie

Lucas: Pick something

Chloe: Oh in which episode did you stop?

Erika: The 4th one of the second season

Chloe: Alright - she put on gossip girl

Lucas: Seriously?

Chloe: Just till Ryan and Dani get here, then we pick a movie or something

Lucas: Ok ok

The girls were watching gossip girls and talking about the characters and all. Jake and I were watching some videos on YouTube, some drift videos.

It was actually the time for the episode to end and Ryan got there

Ryan: Hey guys

Lucas: Sup man?

Ryan: How's the little dude?

Lucas: He's ok - I caressed his hair

Erika: aww

We all sat down on the couches

Jake: Ok which movie?

Ryan: Good question

We were trying to pick the movie when Toby woke up.

Toby: Hey - he said rubbing his eyes and getting up - I'm going to my room

Lucas: How're you feeling?

Toby: I'm good, just tired, my head feels a bit heavy - I put my hand on his forehead and he wasn't hit yet - I don't think I have a fever

Lucas: Ok, yell anything

Toby: Ok

He went upstairs. We tried to pick a movie for like 20 minutes. It was getting boring cause we could t decide

Lucas: I have a better idea - I got up went to the basement and got my dad's guitar

Erika: Yesss

Lucas: Shoot it

Dani: Hmm Little things one direction?

I started playing, they were all vibing and the girls were singing. When I finished they clapped

Erika: Wow you're really good

I started playing photograph. And I looked at Ryan. Yeah Ryan sings, I've met Ryan since 4th grade. He used to sing very often. Then some people started to make fun of him  and he stopped. I tried to tell him that what those idiots said didn't matter but he didn't want to anymore.

Lucas: Come on man.

Ryan: Dude..

Lucas: Come on - he sighed, I played from the beginning and he started singing. They were all shocked. Even Chloe since when we met her he wasn't singing anymore.

Ryan has a lot of talent, he's a great singer, he just doesn't believe in himself. Maybe they can help with that. When he was done they all cheered and Ryan was kinda embarrassed.

Dani: Oh my god! That was incredible

Chloe: You can sing! Like actually sing, even better than Lucas!

Erika: You sing too?

Lucas: I try, not like him tho

Dani: Why you didn't tell me? You're really good, you need to do this more often

Ryan: I don't like to sing in front of people

Dani: Well we're not just people. We're your friends. Come on, sing another one - he chuckled

Erika: One more, come on

Ryan: Ok ok. Hmm which one

Lucas: I got you - I started playing say you won't let go, it was probably his favorite song to sing. He was really into it while singing. Dani was admiring him and her eyes were shining. He's really good. I really hope he starts believing himself.

Dani: Wow..

Chloe: You're really good. How come you haven't sung before?

Ryan: I don't know.. I thought I wasn't that good

Lucas: And?

Ryan: I used to sing a lot till like 7th grade. Then some people started to talk shit and I just didn't want to sing anymore

Jake: Who cares man, you're really good. Fuck what they think.

Erika: Yeah, if singing makes you happy, which apparently does, you should do it, no matter what other people say

Ryan: Yeah..

Dani: Ryan. - he looked at her - Your voice is amazing. You're really talented. You shouldn't let someone else's opinion hit you like that. You live your own moment when you're singing it's beautiful to watch. Don't let stupid people ruin that - he smiled and kissed her

Chloe/Erika: Awwwww

I was about to start another song when I heard Toby yelling. I put the guitar down and went upstairs. He was probably having a nightmare. He shot up and started breathing heavily

Lucas: Hey hey hey. It's ok! I'm here

Toby: No no - he looked scared then he looked at me

Lucas: I'm right here. It's ok. I'm here - he started crying. He hugged me and cried for a little bit. Chloe was at the door and the guys probably behind her. I mentioned it was ok and they went back downstairs.

He said he had a bad dream about mom. I feel really bad when I see him sad, and even if I'm sad as well, I'll do anything I can to make him smile.
He calmed down and we went downstairs, he didn't have a temperature and he said he was ok, which I think he is as well.
We joined the guys then we were all singing and dancing and laughing and having a good time.

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