Chapter 18

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Lucas's POV: I was chilling at home with Toby, he was playing FIFA and complaining how he was loosing.

Toby: Duuuuddeee - he lost

Lucas: You used to be better at this

Toby: Shut up. - I chuckled - I have a question for you

Lucas: Shoot it

Toby: Are you getting back together with Chloe?

Lucas: Uhhhh... I don't know

Toby: Fair. You know I like her

Lucas: You make that very clear yes

We were talking and I was making fun of him when Ryan storms in

Ryan: Dude!!

Lucas: Jeez man what's wrong?

Ryan: I haven't heard from Dani since yesterday!

Lucas: Okok.. Come on - I grabbed the car keys - Toby are you coming?

Toby: Where? - he put the controller down

Lucas: Dani's house

Toby: The cute blonde?

Ryan: Hey!

Toby: What she's your girlfriend?

Ryan: No..

Lucas: Toby, don't push it. Let's go. You take your car, I take mine - Ryan looked at me confused - Well you know..

Ryan: Alright alright

Ryan's POV: So Lucas said we should go to her house to check in on her. We all got in the car and headed to Dani's house. Her mom opened up

Carol: Oh hi boys

Us: Hi

Ryan: Sorry to just come here.. is Dani home?

Carol: Yeah she's in the kitchen. Come inside

We went to the kitchen and Dani was there. When she saw me she was like.. freaked out almost

Dani: Hey guys.. peanut butter sandwich?

Toby: Oh hell yeah - Dani giggled and gave him a sandwich. She wasn't even looking at me

Ryan: Are you ok?

Dani: Yeah, I'm good

Ryan: I called you.. like a thousand times

Dani: Sorry I was taking a shower I didn't hear it. I saw Lucas's call. I was going to call y'all back

Ryan: You took the hole day to get a shower?

Toby: Oof..

Lucas: Come on, outside - Toby and Lucas went outside

Ryan: Did I miss something? Is something wrong?

Dani: Nope, nothing

Ryan: Dani, come on.. I thought you were going to my house and we were going to lunch.. what happened?

Dani: Nothing, I forgot. Sorry - she wasn't looking at me. She was about to walk to the kitchen and I held her hand

Ryan: What the hell?

Dani: Ryan I forgot, ok?

Ryan: Ok.. sure.. - I let go of her hand. Lucas saw me and came inside - Let's go?

Toby: Aren't you - Lucas slapped his arm. We walked to the front door

Dani: Ryan.

Ryan: I'll see you tomorrow.. ok? - a tear dropped down her face

Lucas: Can you drop Toby off at my house?

Ryan: Sure

We left her house and got in my car. I was kinda hurt. I wasn't expecting her to be like that so yeah I guess it hurt

Toby: Are you ok?

Ryan: I'll be fine..

Toby: I'm sorry man - he tapped me on the back

Ryan: I'll see you around

Toby: See ya

I dropped him off, he went inside and I went home. I just want to go to bed and forget about all this.

Lucas's POV: When Ryan and Toby left, Dani and I went to her room.

Lucas: What the hell?

Dani: It's a lot..

Lucas: Explain

Dani: It's complicated

Lucas: Well make it simple!

Dani: I'm in love with him!

Lucas: I know that

Dani: What?

Lucas: It's not that hard. So? That's how you show it??

Dani: No! I.. - she sat down in bed, took a deep breath - Everyone I've known basically.. stabbed me in the back and left - another tear came down her face - Then I met you, and the crew.. and Ryan.. - she started crying - I didn't even know you could feel like this over someone.. And I'm just scared I'm gonna loose it and blow up on him..

She sat down on the bed and I sat next to her

Dani: I will never forgive myself if I hurt him..

Lucas: Dani..

Dani: And at the same time, I won't recover if he hurts me..

Lucas: Look..

Dani: No - she got up - I know what you're going to say, that it's stupid, but it's very valid for me ok?

Lucas: I understand

Dani: You do?

Lucas: Yeah. I get it.. you've been through a lot.. but.. The thing is.. you're scared you'll hurt him or he'll hurt you.. you're both hurt right now and no one is winning - I got up and held her hands - The future is unpredictable.. you can't control it. Maybe he'll break your heart

Dani: Great..

Lucas: Maybe you'll break his. Maybe you'll get married. Who knows?? You can't control it. So therefore.. maybe.. you should just enjoy it. Enjoy the good moments, and learn from that bad ones.

Dani: You really do have your way with words.. - I chuckled and she wiped off her tears - I blew it tho.. - she sat down again

Lucas: You did. So put it back together

Dani: Huh?

Lucas: You know that quote, when you break a glass and you say sorry it won't be the same again?

Dani: Yeah..

Lucas: Well.. I believe that if we were always the same we wouldn't evolve. If you really mean your sorry, you'll find a way to put it back together and make it better. - she sighed - In this situations, some of course are unforgivable. If you ever cheat on him, don't ever look at me again, I'll despise you

Dani: I think that's fair..

Lucas: So now you rest and tomorrow you talk to Ryan. Alright?

Dani: Yeah.. thank you, so much - she hugged me

Lucas: Night - I kissed her cheek and went downstairs

Carol: Bye sweetheart

Lucas: Bye, goodnight

Oof.. tons of emotions. I got in the car and went back home. They'll figure it out, hopefully.

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