Chapter 4

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Lucas's POV: After class, Erika wanted to talk. I took a deep breath and went outside with her

Erika: Look.. I was a real bitch. And I'm really sorry. I didn't know you and i had no right in assuming all that bullshit. I am really sorry - she looked down

Lucas: It's fine. I don't know who hurt you but I'm sure he is an asshole

Erika: Yeah..

Lucas: It's fine, ok? Relax, let's not make this awkward. Come on. Let's meet the crew - we went inside - Alright guys, this is Erika. You know Sunny, this is Jake, Ryan, Tony and Mike

Erika: Hey

Them: Hi

Sunny: See now I won't have to deal with all your crap alone whenever Mack goes out with Kade

Erika: Lol

Sunny: Are you trying out for the cheering team?

Erika: Yeah

We talked for a while and I noticed Jake looking at Erika every now and then. When we went to class, we let the guys go in a front of us

Lucas: Do you have a crush on the new girl?

Jake: What? No!

Lucas: Lol you do, I saw you staring at her

Jake: Shut up man

Lucas: Lmao

After our favorite class, notice the sarcasm, it was lunch time.

Mike: We're gonna grab a table

Lucas: Alright - we got our food and sat down. Me, Jake, Ryan, Mike, Tony, Sunny and Erika

Mike: Did you talk to the coach? When are the try outs?

Lucas: On friday, after school

Ryan: That early?. usually they are closer to the humiliation and disaster

Erika: The what?

Sunny: Homecoming dance - Erika looked confused

Lucas: Ryan hates homecoming dances. His ex girlfriend kinda broke his heart in front of everyone in the homecoming dance last year

Ryan: You sure you didn't forget anything?

Lucas: He's a horrible dancer too - Ryan rolled his eyes

Erika: Sorry about that. I know the feeling

Lucas: I think that might change this year..

Ryan: What?

Lucas: Dani! - I saw Danielle walking around a bit lost so I told her to join us

Danielle: I didn't give you the permission to call me that

Lucas: Dani is only for close friends or more?

Danielle: Yes, in fact it is

Lucas: And which one would I be in that equation? - she stared at me and gave me the middle finger

Mike: Oh finally a girl that takes your joke without melting or being pissed

Lucas: Sunny

Mike: Besides Sunny. Sunny is a bro by now

Tony: No she's not

Sunny: Why? Just because I'm a girl?

Tony: No. You're just not a bro... You're Sunny

Sunny: Aww thanks. I think - we chuckled

Mike: Pizza after school?

Lucas: I have to pick up Toby

Sunny: Bring him too. Please

Lucas: Ok

After lunch we went to biology. The teacher was writing stuff on the black board

Teacher: Ok. What do you know about volcanos?

Josh: They go boom - everyone laughed

Teacher: How?

Josh: I don't know

Teacher: Anyone knows?

Kalani: The magma keeps filling the magma chamber and when there's too much pressure, it explodes. The magma turns into lava when it comes up to the surface

Teacher: No one better than a Hawaiian to talk to us about volcanoes. And could you tell us what makes the magma fill it's chamber?

Kalani: I don't know

Teacher: Anyone knows? - he looked at me. Ok so.. yeah I'm kinda popular, yeah I have my way with girls, I get invited to the parties.. all that stuff. But I'm actually a really good student. I don't know what that has to do with anything but people think "jocks" as they call me, can't be smart.

Lucas: Magma is less dense than the rocks around it. Therefore it's always going up.

Adam: You're smart?

Lucas: Thanks? - the class laughed

Teacher: Focus here guys. Is that all?

Lucas: Well there's the convection currents.

Teacher: Great, unroll

Lucas: So the surface is divided in tectonic plates. There's moving magma underneath it. The Earth's core releases heat. The magma with higher temperature goes up, then it cools when it gets close to the surface, then it comes down. Gets reheated and goes up again, creating a cycle.

Teacher: Perfect. - Jake looked at me impressed and we fist bumped

The class was interesting. After that we had english, not so interesting. It's always the same thing, the teacher talks and no one listens. But anyways. After that we left.

Lucas: I'm gonna go pick up Toby and I'll meet you there.

Them: Alright

I drove to Toby's school and he was outside the gate. He saw me and came near me

Toby: Hey

Lucas: Sup kiddo? - I drove but a different direction than home obviously

Toby: Where are we going?

Lucas: Meeting the guys to go get some pizza

Toby: Sweet

We got to the mall and they were waiting for us in the parking lot

Tony: Sup little man? - he high fived everyone besides Erika and Dani

Lucas: This is Erika and Danielle

Toby: Hi

Dani: Oh my god he's so much alike you

Ryan: You have no idea..

All: Hahahaha

We walked around the mall for a little bit then went to Pizza Hut

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