Chapter 12

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Lucas's POV: English class ended and my phone was blowing up. When the bell rang I went outside and it was a lot of messages from Toby

Chloe: You ok?

Lucas: Fuck.. Toby got in a fight at school. Brian is in Canada. I gotta go there. Tell the guys for me k?

Chloe: Yeah don't worry. What about the teachers?

Lucas: I felt sick or something, whatever you can think of.

Chloe: Ok - I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

I went to the parking lot, got in my bike and drove to Toby's school. I went to the principal's office and right outside was a kid with a bloody nose and what will be a black eye. I knocked on the door and the principal let me in

Principal: Hello Lucas

Lucas: Hello sir

Principal: I believe you have classes still so I'll be quick.

Lucas: I appreciate that

Principal: Toby, you may wait outside

Toby: Yes sir - he left

Principal: You saw the boy outside?

Lucas: Yeah..

Principal: Look, I'm not saying it wasn't well deserved. That kid, Brandon, thinks he can say and do as he wishes because his father has a lot of money. So as a human being I say it was well deserved. As a principal.. he has to go to detention for the rest of the week

Lucas: No suspension?

Principal: As I said, it was well deserved. - I chuckled - Toby is a good kid, he doesn't cause problems, has good grades, treats everyone well. He didn't tell me what Brandon said to make him angry, I'm sure he had a good reason, but he can't use violence in school

Lucas: I understand sir, perfectly.

Principal: Good. Well that's all then

Lucas: Will you have problems with Brandon's dad for not suspending him?

Principal: Problems? No. Will he come here winning? Definitely - I chuckled

Lucas: Thank you sir - we got up and shook hands

I left the principal's office and mentioned Toby to come. We were walking and Toby was looking at me then at the door and on and on

Lucas: What did he say?

Toby: That mom and dad were stupid bitches just like me. - he was getting angry again

Lucas: You hungry?

Toby: What?

Lucas: I'm already late for this period so mind as well skip it. You hungry?

Toby: I could eat some nuggets

Lucas: MacDonalds?

Toby: Sounds good

Lucas: Let's do it - he smiled but then looked confused

Toby: I thought you were gonna ground me or something

Lucas: No. I've done worse. You shouldn't be violent tho, unless it's extremely necessary. - he sighed - I get it sometimes the blood boils. - he nodded - So, next time, punch the stomach. Hurts like a bitch, and doesn't leave any marks

Toby: oh

Lucas: I never said that

Toby: lol

So then we hopped on the bike and went to MacDonalds. We got there, got some food and went to the park right next to it

Toby: I thought you were supposed to be in class

Lucas: I was, but I had to leave to clean up your mess.

Toby: I'm sorry.

Lucas: I know

Toby: Am I grounded?

Lucas: Not by me. You do have to go to school later because you have detention all week

Toby: All week???

Lucas: You're lucky you didn't get suspended

Toby: Hm.. it wasn't even that bad

Lucas: You broke his nose

Toby: So?

Lucas: So you get detention

Toby: Fine..

We finished eating, put things to the trash and I drove him home

Lucas: I'll see you later

Toby: Bye

I went back to school a little late for the next class, but it was biology so it was fine

Teacher: You decided to join us Lucas?

Lucas: Sorry I was-

Teacher: Sit down

Lucas: What the hell?

Teacher: Don't talk back boy or you'll go to detention - I was so confused. Then Ryan coughed, well he pretended. I look to the back of the class and the counselor was standing  there. Right, game on

Lucas: You know you shouldn't play bad cop every time he comes around

Teacher: Lucas..

Lucas: Come on you're the best teacher in school, just because the counselor doesn't like you, doesn't mean you don't deserve to be here

Counselor: Boy! Watch your respect!

Lucas: Sir, I'm not missing any respect. Everyone knows you don't like him because he's a better teacher then you've ever been - he started walking towards me, I glanced at Ryan and he started recording

Lucas: You can't stand that he treat us as equals and is respected more than any other teacher in this school. And why? Because respect is a double way street. You don't earn respect by threats, you don't earn respect by being feared, you might get despise, but not respect - he took a few more steps, stopped in front of me and slapped me

Teacher: That's enough! - he pulled me back and stopped the counselor - You can't hit a student!

Counselor: These so called students need limits. And if their parents can't give them, I will

Lucas: Would you like me to go to the principals office?

Teacher: Lucas, don't push it - I mentioned him to relax

Counselor: You will go, and who do you think the principal will believe? His old friend or a little prick that think he can change the way things work around here. Teachers only stay here if I want them to, understand?

Lucas: I think.. - I looked at Ryan and smiled - You should smile for the camera - he death started me then looked at Ryan as he waved

Counselor: Who do you think you are kid?

Lucas: Well.. I'm Lucas sir - I smiled and he left. We all clapped and cheered

Teacher: My god.. you are crazy.

Lucas: Meh

Teacher: Come on, let's try to learn something

We had our class. Well this was a hell of a moment. We were all smiling and still laughing about it. I mean, it's only fair, no one deserves to handle that man

Hey guys! The sequel to my other story is out, go check it out! Hope you like it! And also thank you for the support on this story! 

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