Chapter 2

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Lucas's POV: I went outside to find Jake sitting on the stands and Mason and his dogs messing with him. I went near them

Mason: A walkman in the 21st century?

Joe: Weirdo

Lucas: Knock it off - they looked at me - Leave him alone

Mason: Or what?

Frank: What you gonna do?

Lucas: I'm not doing anything. You three are leaving. - they heard the rest of the boys coming outside so they dropped it and left - You good? - Jake got his things

Jake: I'm fine. Thanks. Sorry for the trouble

Lucas: Don't worry about it man. I'm Lucas

Jake: Jake - we shook hands

Lucas: Nice to meet you. Come on, let's meet the guys.

Jake: I'm good, thanks though. - he got up and went somewhere inside

Ryan: What's up man?

Lucas: I don't know..

Ryan: What?

Lucas: Never mind

Next stop, English.. here we go.. It's that kind of class that takes 5 hours to finish. Of course when we got there she was already there. We sat down and she's already complaining about something.

Teacher: Can you be quiet? - everyone stopped talking - Thank you. I see there are some new students, I'll be your English teacher. You'll have a small test each month. The other teachers don't work like that, but I do. If you don't bring the material needed, that's a warning, the 3rd warning, detention.

Dani: The biology teacher was a little bit nicer.

Ryan: A little bit?

Lucas: It's just this one, the other ones aren't so bad.

An hour later, that felt like three, we got out of class. It wasn't lunch time yet. Everyone was doing there own thing. I put my earphones on and just walked around. I saw Erika sitting on the bench outside so I went near her.

Lucas: Hi

Erika: Hi - she said still looking at her phone

Lucas: How do you like the school so far?

Erika: It's alright

Lucas: So.. do you usually talk that much or?

Erika: Look, it's Lucas right? I've had my experience with the jocks and I really don't need another one

Lucas: What do you mean?

Erika: Let me guess. All the teachers love you. You get invited to every party. All the girls are all over you, you've probably made out with all the girls in our class. You're captain of the football or the soccer team. You win all the games. You get into a fight but you don't even get in trouble because mommy and daddy wouldn't let their precious boy be in trouble. They gave you a car when you were 16 and a motorcycle so wow. Point made. - she looked back at her phone. I sighed

Lucas: The biology teacher and the Spanish teacher like me.. kinda.. I'm not captain of any team. I definitely don't win all the games.. I've only been with Chloe. I bought my car when I was 16 with the money I got in the 2 jobs I had during summer. A few months later my godfather gave me a bike. My parents are dead so they didn't give me anything... But you almost got it - I got up and she was about to say something. I put my earphones again. I went to the locker room.

Coach: Lucas

Lucas: Hey coach

Coach: Nice to see you again boy

Lucas: You too coach. Do you know when the try outs are going to be?

Coach: Friday after class

Lucas: Cool

Coach: You alright kid?

Lucas: Yeah

Coach: Ok.. go on then, it's lunch time

Lucas: Alright. See you coach

I can't believe that some high school bitch got into my head like that. Well not her exactly but the memories she brought up I guess. I was so lost in my head that I didn't notice the bell was ringing.

Tony: Lucas!

Lucas: What?

Ryan: You wanna go grab some pizza?

Lucas: Nah, I gotta go pick up Toby. I'll see you guys tomorrow tho

Ryan: Alright, see ya man - they left.

I got my helmet and went to the parking lot. I was putting the key in the ignition when I saw Erika coming closer, I closed the visor and took off. When I got to the school Toby was outside talking to some boys and girls. I beeped and he said something to them and came near me.

Lucas: Let me guess "that's my ride"

Toby: Shut up.

We were almost home when some idiot came out of nowhere falling in the middle of the road. I slammed the breaks and thankfully we didn't fall

Lucas: What the fuck?? - I got off the bike

Jake: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry

Lucas: Jake? - I took the helmet off - What the hell?

Mason: Hahaha that was epic bro! - I looked at them and they had a skateboard

Jake: Give it back

Mason: Yeah right - I was so done with his bullshit. I was still pissed about what Erika said at school so I kinda lost it.. I held my helmet from the inside and hit him with it

Joe: Holy shit!! - he fell backwards right away. I got Jake's skateboard

Jake: Oh my god..

Lucas: Relax, he's not dead - I handed him his skateboard

Toby: Damn bro that was sick

Lucas: It wasn't sick, it was deserved tho. Don't do it. - I got back on the bike - Where do you live?

Jake: Down the street

Lucas: Haha no shit, so do I. 16th

Jake: 13th

Toby: There's a blond guy in your house that was hugging a tree this morning

Jake: It's my older brother

Lucas: This is Toby, my brother. That's Jake.

Toby: Hi

Jake: Sup little man? - they fist bump

Lucas: Well I guess you do talk

Jake: And I guess you're not what I thought

Lucas: You like Mac and Cheese and nuggets?

Jake: Yeah

Lucas: Come on

Jake held onto the bike and I slowly started going. Guess he's not that shy after all.

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