Chapter 17

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Jake's POV: It's our last day in New York. The crew is all up and finishing getting ready. Ryan said he knew a great diner he used to go with his grandparents near Times Square.
We're eating, then we're going to the One World Trade Center, where the Twin Towers used to be. Then we're going to a baseball game, that's right, Yankees baby

We got everything packed and put it in the cars, we wouldn't come back in the end of the day, we would go from wherever we were, back to Connecticut.

Ryan was right, the food was amazing.

Tony: God this was so good

Jake: It really was

Ryan: I used to come here all the time with my grandparents.

Lucas: More coffee?

Dani/Chloe/Jake/Rik: Yes - Lucas asked for more coffee. The waitress said she would get hot coffee. A while later a nice old lady came with the coffee

Lady: Hi sweetheart

Ryan: Miss Flores, hi - he got up and hugged her

Lady: Look at you, a handsome young man

Ryan: You remember me?

Lady: Honey I've known you since you were three years old. You came here every month for 15 years? Of course I remember you

Ryan: It's really good to see you

Lady: How's everyone?

Ryan: We're all good. Mom and dad are in Connecticut, my grandparents are in a senior community, but they're doing great

Lady: That's wonderful

Ryan: How are you?

Lady: I'm great, I'm a grandma. I have a granddaughter, she's already 2

Ryan: Wow. I'm really happy for you

Lady: I have to go back to work, but I loved seeing you hun

Ryan: Me too

Lady: Say hi to everyone for me ok

Ryan: I will

Lady: Excuse me

Us: Bye

He sat down, he was a bit emotional. Dani put his arm around him. It was a cute moment. We paid the bill, Ryan said bye to the nice lady and we left. We went to the subway and went to the One World Trade Center.

When we got there it was harsh. Seeing those huge squares with water dropping in and all those names written all around it, it was tough. There was a story in the murals around the hole block as well, statues carved on the stones of the firefighters. There was a museum, to see the wreckage and the hole story, but I guess we just didn't have the guts to go down there.

Sunny: I can't go in there

Ryan: I'm not looking forward to it either

Lucas: We don't have to.

Jake: yeah. Come on, let's go.

We went to the One World Trade Center. There was a big line, but it didn't take very long, 20 minutes, which again New York wise, it's nothing.

Worker: Anyone with labyrinthitis, neurological problems?

Us: Nope

Worker: Come in. Just breath normally, you might feel a weird sensation in your ears, but it will go away

We got in an elevator. It went unusually fast. We rode 100 floors in like 30 seconds. My ears felt like they were blowing up. But it went away after a little bit.

Sunny: I'm confused

We were in a black room, then a voice started talking saying welcome and all and then the curtains opened.. just wow

Tony: Damn

The view was beyond spectacular.

Jake: Wow, what a view

Erika: It really is, very tall too

Jake: I wasn't talking about that view.. - she blushed and then kissed my cheek

We took a lot of pictures! We asked for a nice guy to took a pic of all of us. It was so much fun.

The way down was a little weird too, but not as fast as the way up. We actually stood up there for a like an hour. Then we went to the gift shop, cause why not.

Chloe: It was so beautiful

Kade: The way up weirded me out, I wasn't expecting it

Jake: Right, my ears had like pressure when we got there

Lucas: It's normal, it's like when we go on a plane

Tony: Yeah but I wasn't expecting it on an elevator

Us: Lol

After that we went to the car and decided to go to the stadium because it was an hour away, plus traffic. The game is at 3pm and it's already 1pm. We split in the cars obviously, it was me, Lucas, Chloe and Rik in the car. We were vibing to some music, Lucas was driving.

Not gonna lie, the traffic in New York is a bitch. But we got there in time! Now it was Kade's thing

Kade: Ok we weren't ready for this, we need foam fingers, hats, some souvenirs maybe? - he was excited and then he looked at us and we were all smiling at him - Sorry

Ryan: No man don't be!

Dani: Yeah it's really cool watching you talking about it, your eyes light up

Lucas: Let's go get the stuff

Tony: And food

Jake: Best part of any game

Chloe: So true

We got foam fingers, we got hats, shirts, we all got together and got Kade an official Yankees baseball ball and a glove. He almost cried.

Then we got food. Holy Jesus! We got nachos, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, pretzels, popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts.
Baseball games are about 3 hours long. It's safe to say we spent 3 hours eating

It was so much fun tho! Unfortunately we didn't get any ball from the game, but we were all so happy, specially Kade.

When the game was done it was already dark, it was about 6:30pm. We headed to the parking lot

Tony: Time to leave :(((

Lucas: We're not that far, we can come back soon

Ryan: Yeah he's right

Jake: Next to a football game

Kade: I'm down for that

Chloe: We'll be back soon, now let's go

Erika/Dani: Bye New York

We all pretended to cry, but eventually we got in the cars.
We drove back home.

It's always sad to leave wherever you go for vacation but it's a 2 hours drive, we'll be back again, soon. It was really fun tho, it was only a weekend but.. what a weekend!

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