Chapter 14

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Lucas's POV: So today is Friday. The little math test we studied for a few days ago, it's right after lunch and the guys are a bit nervous about it. But we all just wanted to end so we can go to New York!
Right, New York? Yep! After we studied and all at Jake's house, Dani came up with the idea of going to New York for the weekend, and we kinda just dived into it. It's like a 2 hour drive so it'a all good.
So there's 10 of us. We were going to rent a Airbnb for the weekend and split it but Mack's parents have an apartment there and they let us use it for the weekend, which is even better.

Jake: Relax man

Lucas: Yeah, just think that after the test we're on our way to New York - Kade smile

We went to the classroom, the teacher had already put the tests on the desks. I sat down, I looked at everyone and they were all kinda taking deep breaths before starting, which is good, keeps them calm. I started doing the test. It wasn't big, it wasn't very hard, it was very chill actually. I finished mine after 30 minutes or so, the teacher gave 45 so it was my normal timing. She saw that I stopped writing

Teacher: Lucas, are you done?

Lucas: Yes ma'am

Teacher: You can get your things, put the test on my desk and leave. So can you Mackenzie. - I got everything, put it on my backpack, put the test on the teacher's desk and left the classroom. Mack followed

Mack: All good?

Lucas: Yup. Excited?

Mack: Obviously!

Lucas: It's going to be fun.

Mack: Yeah

Lucas: I'm hungry

Mack: I have an apple

Lucas: I'll take that - she giggled and gave me the apple

We wait a little bit for them and eventually everyone started to come out. When we were all there we went home, got our bags set and got ready to go

Brian: Don't do anything stupid

Lucas: And when do I do those?

Toby: Like every now and then

Lucas: Shhhh - I pushed him to the couch

Brian: I'm serious Lucas.

Lucas: I know, relax

Brian: How are you guys going?

Lucas: Well we're taking my car, Kade's and Tony's.

Brian: Ok. Don't speed too much - I chuckled

Lucas: You got it boss

Brian: Well have a good trip

Lucas: Thanks. Stay out of trouble alright? - Toby and I did our little handshake

Toby: Yes sir. Can I stay in your room?

Lucas: No

Toby: Oh come on

Lucas: Nope

Toby: Fine, whatever - he crossed his arms, I threw a pillow at him and he started laughing

Lucas: Of course you can, I don't why you want to but sure.

Toby: Sweet, thanks

Lucas: Anytime 

Toby: Laters bro

Lucas: Bye

I went outside, put my bag in the car, beeped, Jake came outside and put his bag on the trunk

Lucas: Let's go

Jake: Who are we picking up?

Lucas: Rik and Chloe

Jake: Alright. How are things between you two?

Lucas: What?

Jake: You and Chloe

Lucas: We're cool

Jake: Are you dating?

Lucas: No

Jake: Why not?

Lucas: I don't know man, we're just living

Jake: And you can't live dating?

Lucas: Dude

Jake: I'm just saying bro. Your clearly into her and she's into you

Lucas: Ok, cool.

Jake: Alright..

We stopped at Rik's house and I beeped. She came outside

Erika: Hi!! - she put her bag on the trunk then got in

Lucas: Someone is excited

Erika: I haven't been in New York since forever. Hi - she kissed Jake - Someone else will go with us?

Lucas: Yeah, Chloe - I drove to Chloe's house. I beeped and she came out

Chloe: Yoo - she put her bag on the trunk and got in - Whats up?

Erika: Hey girl

Lucas: Alright. Call the boys, see where they at

Jake: Tony texted, he's heading to the mall. I'll call Kade

We headed to the Mall, Kade said he was on his way as well. We got to the mall, saw Tony's car. Kade got there a little bit after

Tony: All good then?

Kade: Yeah

Lucas: Let's do it

We took off to New York. It wasn't a long drive, it was like two and a half hours. It was chill tho, we were jamming to some music, they girls were singing, we were laughing and singing with them. It was really fun.
Jake asked a few times if he wanted to change, if I was tired or anything. I kept telling him not to worry.

We finally got to the New York and damn what a difference. Mack's parents apartment was like 15 minutes away from Central Park, in upper manhattan. It was really cool. We went upstairs, put the bags there. It was around 5pm, it was already getting dark but it didn't bother us at all.

Jake: So where to?

Tony: We need to eat

Ryan: Yes, I'm starving

Sunny: Picnic at Central Park?

Chloe: We can buy somethings and eat and walk around

Erika: Yes, love that

Lucas: Let's do it

We started driving. We got Domino's Pizza. So yeah, ten teenagers with pizza boxes walking around the Central Park. We sat down in a little picnic tables, ate our pizza, it was great. This weekend is going to awesome, after all, the crew is in New York

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