Chapter twenty six

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The next morning, I woke up to the sun rays beaming through my curtains. The smell of fresh coffee brewing from the kitchen filled the air. I rolled over and checked the clock which read 8:06 am. I woke up a bit later than usual, but I was content with that. I yawned as I slipped on my robe and tied it around my waste, before heading to the bathroom across the hall to splash my face with cold water. I felt a kick flutter in my stomach. Though I've been pregnant once before, this pregnancy was completely different. Being fifteen and new to motherhood when I was pregnant with Oliver, I was too anxious to enjoy any of it. Now that I'm assured this little love bug is going home with my sister, the best care giver in the world, I can go about this with ease. My entire family knows about the adoption agreement by this point. Some are on board, some disagree, but either way it's my decision. Everyone has been asking me if it's a boy or girl, but I told them I'd surprise them this afternoon at the baby shower. I didn't want to tell the rest of my family that it's a girl, but leave Jasper and Allison completely clueless- the people who are going to be raising her. I looked in the mirror and rubbed my hand on my stomach and smiled to myself. Lately, with everything happening in my life, I've been longing for comfort. I've been craving peace. This morning I finally had felt both. "Today's the big day," I whispered. I turned off the light before heading downstairs to see Allison pouring a cup of coffee while waiting for pumpkin to come back inside from going potty.

"Morning!" I smiled as I skipped over to the cabinet and grabbed the box of decaf coffee. I can't wait until I'm allowed to drink real coffee again. Allison smiled, "somebody's in a good mood this morning." I couldn't help but to smile. "How can I not be? Today's the big day! How should we go about this? You and Jasper open presents with me, or you guys can just open them?" "The three of us can open them together." She shut the sliding glass door once pumpkin came in and she sat at the kitchen table. "How are you feeling? Is it getting any more real yet?" I asked her. I grabbed the pad of paper and the pen next to me and doodled on the next empty page. "I hope Aunt Loretta doesn't start any crap," I added. "Well," Allison defended as she took a sip of coffee, "there was no way you could've invited all of Dad's other sisters and leave her out without starting drama." "I know," I agreed. "But, remember when she started a fight at Uncle Brian's wedding? Or when she basically started world war three with your neighbors across the street during that cook out three years ago? She had no right telling the Henderson's to get a new set of teeth for heaven sake." Allison let out a laugh, "I've heard she's changed. Be polite to her when you see her please. She's coming there to support us," "I'll be polite alright. I don't want to witness world war four." Allison changed the subject. "Does Tristian know the baby shower is today?" I nodded, tossing a piece of cantaloupe in my mouth. "I mentioned it over the phone. He said he's going to ask his staff if he can come, so it's up to his rehab if they'll let him out on a pass or not." I got up from the kitchen table, getting ready to get dressed and pick up Oliver from the Henderson's across the street. They were nice enough to babysit over night while I got caught up on homework and sleep. "You know, I wonder how he's feeling right now. When we first seen him he was getting settled into the place. You think he's matured at all?" Allison asked me. I shrugged at her question. "He has no choice but to mature if he wants to live here with me." Allison's eyes widened. "Wow sista! I like the new attitude." "If he thinks he can hang out around here drunk like it's nobodies business with two babies in the house, he's dead wrong. You know what Oliver's teacher told me yesterday? That Oliver told another boy his father is in jail. You know how bad that breaks my heart Allison?" I scoffed, continuing on under my breath. "If he doesn't come out of that place as a better version of himself even in the slightest, I'm going to be so disappointed. I've been thinking so much about him lately, and ever since he told me to leave visitation that one day, I've been feeling betrayed. I still love him, but lately I've been questioning how much love he has in him for me." I started to get choked up all of the sudden, and I fought so hard to hold back my tears. "How much love does he even have in him for himself?" Allison got up from the counter to hug me but I pulled away. "I have to get dressed and grab Oliver from the Henderson's. They were kind enough to let him sleep over while I finish class. Apparently their grandson slept over, too. She said she was going to put on Blue's Clues and order a pizza for them when I dropped him off." "I love our neighbors," Allison told me with a warm smile. "Me too. We'll finish our conversation about Tristian later. I'll be back." "Sure," Allison replied, wiping down the counters with Lysol wipes. "See you in a bit."

Later on, Allison and I went to Sunrise diner to set up the baby shower. Jasper was going to meet us after his shift at work and help us finish the rest when he got off. I talked it up with Louise and she was kind enough to let me host the baby shower in the back room of the diner, where a lot of events are taken place in the neighborhood. Everyone in the city knew about Sunrise Diner. "I got two different color table cloths. Baby pink, and baby blue. The gender will be revealed in the slice of cake you and Jasper cut," I told her as I handed her the table cloths. "You set up these, and I'll display the balloons in the middle of all of the tables." Allison grabbed the table cloths eagerly and smiled. "I'm so happy. Finally, I can live the life I deserve." It felt so good to hear my sister talk about how much she loves life. Even though I'm not in the same boat as her as far as that goes, I'm happy she's happy. "I'm going to guess this baby's a boy," she went on. "Jasper thinks it's going to be a girl but I'm not sure." I grabbed a bowl of pink and blue wrapped candies and set them on each table as well, along with a few party games. "Jasper just texted me. He'll be here in fifteen minutes to help set up." I didn't admit to Allison that I wished Tristian would come. I missed Tristian so much, but I know he needs to be in rehabilitation to get himself together. Oliver scooped a handful of candy into his little hands. "Sweetheart, why don't we eat real food?" He shook his head defiantly. "No. Candy." I laughed and looked at Allison. "You ready for all the tantrums? Or terrible twos?" Allison nodded, walking passed me. "Yup. More than prepared." "Have you and Jasper decided any names yet?" "Well," Allison beamed, "we agreed that if it's a girl, he can choose. If it's a boy, I get to choose. He hasn't picked out a name for certain yet but he likes Rose and Violet." "I like that," I told her. "What do you like more, Rose or violet?" "Neither," she laughed. "But I already promised Jasper he could choose, and that's what he chose, so.." she trailed off.

Seconds later, I heard Oliver pitter patter across the room as he shouted, "daddy!!" I whipped my head around t to see Tristian standing in the entrance way, picking up Oliver and giving him a hug. This was unexpected. As happy as I was to see him here, I didn't expect for him to be here.

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