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~Mary Jay~

"Stupid concealer.." I mumbled to myself as I continued to pound my face with a beauty blender. The bruise on my cheek bone had only gotten more prominent and the cut on my eyebrow had stopped bleeding but was starting to scab.

I poured more concealer onto the beauty blender and went in again, this time a little softer.

I couldn't care less about some stupid infection. I just wanted these to be covered so I could get through the day without questioning.

By the time I was finished, the bruises were barely noticeable and could only be seen if you were staring too hard.

I exhaled and put the makeup back into my pouch and looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like myself again— which may not be a good thing but old habits die hard, I guess.

I lifted up my uniformed shirt to reveal the scar on my rib. It still had a bandage over it and hurt when I touched it. I closed my eyes and put a hand to it and pressing down in a circling motion.

It hurt, but it was a good pain. The soreness, the blood, all of it felt so good.

I was brought out of my daze as the bathroom door swung open, and in came Regina George along with her groupie, attached at the hip.

Oh goodie.

They're playful grins faded as they looked at me. I scanned them both up and down and raised my eyebrows.

"Why are you like. . everywhere? It's getting creepy." Trinity scoffed and looked at her nails.

"Hm." I didn't have time for this. I went to grab my pouch and leave but they were standing right in front of the door.

"Where you going? You don't wanna stay and have a little fun?" Naiomi blocked my path and Trinity thought it was hilarious.

Groupies, man. I swear.

"I'm not in a playful mood today, sugar."

Trinity scrunched her face up and shook her head, "You seem to have no problem playing around with my boy, no?"

I scoffed, "Man, you really are insecure, huh?"

"Please, you couldn't even compare to me if you tried. You're just getting in business that doesn't pay you."

I blinked and pouted, "Aw, how adorable. So obsessed with me. Fans, what can I say?" I tried to leave again but she moved slightly to block me.

I deadpanned, "I will drag you into a toilet and drown you."

"Is that a threat, Mary Jay?" Naiomi put an exaggerated hand to her chest.

"No, it's a promise." I reached for shirt and pulled her back so I could get through. I grabbed the door handle and pulled it back harshly, causing Trinity to stumble forwards as well.

I waltzed out the bathroom door as I hadn't felt the need to argue today. I hadn't even done anything to them yet they're hell-bent on making my life miserable.

Seems pretty obsessed if you ask me.

I'm sure they said some insults as I left, but who in the world is scared of them? From my experiences, not many.


"Good morning, my lovelies!" Mrs. Rivera was in a good mood this afternoon.

Everyone was in class, including Easton and Carter. Easton kept eyeing me as if trying to read my mind.

Even if he could, he'd only find out how much I wish the bell rung so I could go to lunch.

Mrs. Rivera scanned the room and her sparkling green eyes landed on me, "Mary Jay! You're here today, is everything alright?"

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