First Days Make Me Gag

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~Mary Jay~

I was awake as quick as I was asleep.

My playlist had come to an end and I woke up wondering what time was. It was still relatively light outside meaning I wasn't out for too long.

I rubbed my eyes; probably a little too hard considering I saw stars.

Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I wasn't alone anymore. This was probably a crazy sight to come in on; your new roommate passed out in an uncomfortable position but who cares. Not I.

She must've noticed I was awake because she glanced over as soon as I sat up. "Well, Goodmorning to you. Or afternoon, whatever," she welcomed.


"I noticed you were here a few minutes ago but you looked knocked out cold so I didn't bother. I'm Feya."

"Mary Jay, or MJ, either works." I hope that didn't sound too cold. I did not wanna make an enemy on my first day, let alone my roommate.

"MJ, like Michael Jackson?"

"Yup." I responded, popping the 'p.'

"Nice. What year are you?" She plopped down onto her bed.

"Year 4, you?"

"I'm in year 3, sadly."

They let different grades room together? I mean it's not completely surprising; I just wonder how many seniors have complained about having to room with a freshman.

"I'm rank green by the way," she explained, "I'm only here because I stole a couple dollars from my parents. Which I think is really stupid because I could've just paid them back but I guess parents will do anything nowadays to get their kids out of the house. I'm rambling aren't I?"

Oh Jesus.

I didn't respond, and instead flashed an innocent grin.

I was hoping she wouldn't ask what code I was. I wasn't looking forward to making friends, but the last thing I wanted to do was scare away my roommate. Not only would I feel psycho, but it'd probably spread rumors like wildfire.

"Whats your rank?"

And there goes my slither of hope. Goodbye peace, see you in hell.

I pushed a strand of bar behind my ear and sighed before answering, "Guess there's no point in lying. I'm code red."

I expected a wide-eye, terrified, ballistic expression, but instead she just stared and me and blinked a few times for a good 5 seconds.

"Sorry, I tend to zone out a lot. I have ADHD. What did you say?"

If there's a lord before us, thank you.

"Oh, nothing important, don't worry. My sister does the same." I quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, it sucks sometimes, but anyways a few friends of mine are going to this kickback thingy on Friday, you could tag along if you'd like!"

No, thank you.

"Oh, how fun, I'm not a big party girl though."

Her expression dropped slightly before going back to its careless appearance, "Well that's boring, no offense. I'll still be here if you change your mind though." I nodded in response and stood up to use the bathroom.

It was only then did it hit me. I had no damn clue where the bathroom was.

As if she could read minds, "Did they give you a tour?"

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