Chapter 12: For I Am Here!

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Bakugou opened his mouth to say something else but got interrupted by Midoriya's phone ringing.

"Sorry, hold that thought, I need to take this, it's work." He got up and walked into the next room to answer the call.

"This is Deku speaking." He voice was low and serious.

"Yes hello, you need to report in at the Agency tonight to review the case details for the mission."

"I was told I didn't need to be there because I am on the support and recuse team."

"You've been reassigned to the assault team."

"What do you mean I've been reassigned?! I told him I'm done fighting on the front lines, why did that bastard switch my placement?"

"You've had the most experience with high profile rescue missions with the most success. As you know this is extremely important."

He sighed and rubbed his temple with his free hand.

"Well you know what I'm going to say next don't you?"

"Yes, it's already been arranged for you to get extra pay on this mission."

"Tell that bastard if this happens again, I'm finding a new agency to work for. I'm done working front lines, I will not go through that again. I'll catch the next train back to Kyoto but it'll be late when I arrive." He hung up before the assistant could say anything else.

His hands trembled as he looked at the train times on his phone. Next one was in 2 hours, that would give himself enough time to finish the visit with his mom and Bakugou and make it to the train station on time. He took several deep breaths before heading back over to the next room, he needed to calm his nerves so Bakugou wouldn't see him like this.

He put on a fake smile and walked back into room and found that Bakugou had migrated from the table to the couch. He was scrolling through his phone with his feet resting on the coffee table as he peered over his phone to watch Midoriya walk over and sink into the couch next to him.

Midoriya pulled out his phone and was scrolling through it, his hands still trembling. Bakugou could tell that Midoriya was scared, it was something that carried throughout his life from childhood, it was a look that he wished he could forget.

Only a couple seconds after Midoriya sitting down he spoke not looking up from his phone, "Sorry about that." He pulled his wallet out to prepay for his ticket back.

Bakugou reached over and place his hand on top of Midoriya's and the trembling instantly stopped as he felt the warmth of their hands together.

"Hey is everything okay? You're scared. Why?" He heard most of the conversation from the other room but he didn't want Midoriya knowing he was eavesdropping.

Midoriya quickly pulled his hand way, it caught him off guard. Of course his stupid hands gave it away. He wasn't ready to let Bakugou back into his life so easily. His defenses were still up but he felt the urge to confide in someone else, something he hadn't felt in a long time. He gripped his wallet so tight his knuckles were turning white trying get the trembling under control, even though it was just stopped a second ago by the warmth of Bakugou's hand. He was trying to think of something to say, the way Bakugou blatantly said that he was scared and asked why all in the same breath, threw him for a loop.

"The mission" his breath was shaky, "the mission I got assigned to was moved up to tomorrow. We were originally suppose to leave Wednesday. I've been requested to arrive at the agency tonight for mission details."

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