Chapter 3: Nerves

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After getting back home Midoriya showed and plopped himself on the couch, he started sitting up and slowly found himself laying down. He dozed off watching a random movie that was on the television. He slept for several hours before getting woken up by the 'breaking news' melody interrupting the movie.

Breaking news: Pro-hero Dynamight investigated and stopped a newly founded small gang of criminals plotting to attack several banks in the area. We have Dynamight here with an exclusive interview.

Reporter: So tell us Dynamight, how dangerous was this investigation, could've a lot of people gotten hurt if these criminals weren't stopped?

Tch. Bakugou scoffed. They were just low level scum, I doubt they could've done any real damage. Just more of an annoyance than anything.

His voice was rough like it had always been, Midoriya smiled watching his old friend on tv but his heart hurt, he missed him. He missed his friends. Turning the television off, he laid in the dark looking up at the ceiling. He draped his arm across his eyes and sighed deeply. What could have his life been like if he has decided to stay in Shizuoka prefecture? He pictured all his friends in his head and couldn't help but smile.

He decided that he wouldn't let his nerves get the best of him this weekend. He was excited to see everyone again, although he knew it would probably be awkward at first. But the surprise of him coming back without them knowing made him excited. Maybe he should be bringing something for everyone also to make the return not so weird.

Midoriya rolled up off the couch and started researching Soba Noodle restaurants in Shizuoka prefecture, maybe he could pick some up for Todoroki before arriving at his house for a gift. He also was looking into bringing tradition Kyoto candies for everyone at the party.

The more he researched, the more excited he got.

He threw his phone on the couch, made his way to his bedroom and started digging through his closet looking for anything that could fit the theme

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He threw his phone on the couch, made his way to his bedroom and started digging through his closet looking for anything that could fit the theme. Although he was born in '96 he was absolutely enamored with 1980's fashion, culture and American rock music. Knowing Todoroki and his vague message of it being 80's themed, it could mean any part of the 80's fashion. It could be the pop fashion with the bold neon oversized fabrics with the weird shapes and animal prints. It could be the jean jackets with striped collared shirts tucked into acid washed jeans. Or maybe he should just stick to what he knew, American 80's rock n' roll. He already had some black slightly ripped skinny jeans and some black work boots he could wear, he just needed a old rock band shirt and a spike studded vest.

Midoriya was digging through some old boxes in the back of his closet that he never bothered unpacking from his moved, when he came across something that made him stop on his tracks. He pulled an All Might plush from the bottom of a box and held it in his hands. Kacchan got this plushie when he was in the coma. He rubbed his thumb anxiously in one spot on the stomach of the plushie thinking how weird it was that he had the nightmare only a few days before.

He had forgotten about the plushie Kacchan had giving him, he brought his head down to touch the plush All Mights'. Fuck. It was an instant reminder that he'd be seeing Kacchan again in a few days. He had told himself earlier that morning he wouldn't let his nerves get the best of him but here he was again, his stomach was in a knot.

He sat on the floor against his bed with his elbows propped on his knees and he face buried in the hands. Something made his stomach turn with the thought of seeing Kacchan again after cutting him out of his life and moving away like it was nothing. Would Kacchan even be willing to talk about what happened after 7 years, would he even care?

Midoriya slowly got up off the floor and put the plushie on his dresser. I've got to stop thinking about it. If I over stress about it, I'll puke. His head started to ache, he walked to the kitchen and took some pain killer. Maybe it'd be best if I just stopped for the night and went to bed. He looked at the time. It was midnight. He didn't realized how much time had passed since he had texted Uraraka earlier than night. He figured he should get sleep before the next upcoming day.

He grabbed his phone off the couch and headed to bed. Just a couple more days before I'll be back in Shizuoka. He pulled the blanket over his head and fell asleep

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