He put his hands in the pockets, "I know right?" You sat down on top of the desk as you just started to talk to him, and Kirishima eventually joined your guys' conversation. "I can't believe it. That's actually your account?"

"Mhm, I've been streaming ever since Boom Boy got me addicted to video games, but now he's salty that I'm better than him." You glanced over you shoulder to see him roll his eyes and make a 'tch' noise.

"That's sick. Do you mean it though? We can join your stream?"

"Yeah, but lower your voices." You laughed a bit. "We can have a full squad if that idiot joins us too." You mentioned, but when you saw Mr. Robot boy walking over you immediately knew what was coming. He was already moving his arm up and down. Before he could say anything you cut him off, "Y/N, do not sit on the desk like that! It is disrespecting the desks that our upperclassmen used." You even mimicked his arm movement, and Kaminari and Kirishima broke out into seemingly endless laughter.

"You would insult and mock your own classmate?!? How could you! As class rep-" You slid off the desk, and ignored him when you noticed Aizawa walk into the classroom. He was just standing there waiting for everyone to quiet down and listen as usual.

"Okay Engine Boy go sit you're gonna get us in trouble..." You mumbled, and Kirishima and Kaminari's laughs started to fade as they took their seats quickly as well when they noticed Aizawa.

"Almost thirty seconds, twenty-eight to be exact. Unacceptable. I will make sure you do more extreme training today." Aizawa announced before sighing, "For now-"


"You are going to pick your hero names, and we will be here to help." Midnight said as she walked in like a fashion model. Strutting as she walked in holding her whip.

"This isn't really my strong area, so they will be doing this with you guys while I take a nap." He pulled and zipped up his sleeping bag as he plopped onto the floor. You just sat there as the yellow blob fell out of view before looking back at the other teachers in front of you.

"Okay, take these whiteboards, and write down any Ideas you have for your names. We will share with the class, and give insight before approving or disapproving them." Midnight said as she took a seat on the stand Mr.Aizawa taught at. You were trying to think, but it was hard considering the grape head was drooling all over the place murmuring who knows what.

You noticed the boy in the front get up with his whiteboard. Aoyama, this is going to be interesting... "Hold you're breath." He stared, and you rolled your eyes, "The shining hero: my name is I Can Not Stop Twinkling! Which means you can't deny my sparkles!" You groaned, and a few of your classmates looked over at you.

"It will be better and shorter this way. Take out the I, and change the can not to can't." She started rubbing the white board, and writing down new stuff before turning it around. "There!"

"It's stunning Madam!"

"You're kidding me. She likes it?" A few of your classmates mumbled.

"Come on you're not really French are you? That's just an act!" Sato spoke, and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit with a few others.

"Ooo let me go next!" Mina said as she skipped up to the board, and set her mini board down on the stand. "My code name: Alien Queen!" 

"Hold on... like that scary monster with the acidic blood? I don't think so." Midnight commented getting a worried expression on her face. 

The Quirkless Twin Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon