Chapter 8 (I love her not)

Start from the beginning

“I will leave but I just want to let you know how stupid you are for defending a woman who broke your home and changed you from who you really are. Leticia is just an unlucky girl who just happens to love you no matter how much you resent her.” I looked at him making sure he was listening to what I was saying.

“She has a big heart and a breaking point, if you continue to treat her like this; she wouldn't be able to take it anymore and might leave when you need her the most.”  After that I left him alone and headed downstairs.

Leticia's P.O.V

I woke up in a strange room. Everything was white except for the flowers, my clothes and some medical files. I realized I was in the doctor’s session of the pack house; I sat straight and noticed someone sleeping with his head on the right side of my bed. He had his hair covering his face so I moved it to reveal Jordan's peaceful beautiful face.

“God, why can't you be like this? Why can't you be this peaceful with me, I am really hurting just because of you. There are times that I want you and don't want to be without you. At the same time, I know I love you but I don't want to love you. I don't want to be without you but I'm afraid of being a broken hearted girl.” Tears wanted to fall out of my eyes but I stopped myself and decided to go out there for a run.

I went out of the room and out of the doctors section without seeing anyone or the pack doctor. I went downstairs and transformed into my dark chocolate wolf. I ran for more than an hour because when I get angry, I run for a long period of time to get my anger out. At last I stopped and transformed back into my human form and sat down to relax. I didn't know my surroundings but I knew I was farther to the end of the packs boundaries.

A twig snapped behind me, I suddenly became alert and studied my surroundings really close but there seemed to be nothing around. I let my guard down but it happened again so I spoke up. “Who is it, who are you?” I felt someone's eyes on me. “Come out and stop hiding, I won't hurt you.” Still no reply but I didn't let that stop me from relaxing. I still had my guard up but I felt no presence. I found a big tree and lay underneath it, before I knew I was fast asleep.

When I woke up, it the sun was setting so I quickly gathered myself and started my journey back home. It took me about two hours to finally find the pack house and when I arrived, it seemed like most of the warriors were gathered in front of the house. It looked like they were receiving instructions from Jordan. I guess someone saw me and shouted the “Luna is here”. They all turned to look at me so I gave them the “what's going on look” as I made my way to Jordan.

“What’s going on,” I whispered to him but he just looked at Ash who came to take me inside. In the house most of the women and children were gathered around including some of the teenage girls. Everything about them looked really gloomy. As I headed upstairs to freshen up, Ash was still following me.

I paused and turned to look at him. “What's going on”?

“A pack member is nowhere to be found. We're sending the warriors to go in search of her. The Alpha and I will be gone so we need you to be safe, we'll keep some warriors here just in case something comes up so as of now stay in the house till she's found. It’s almost night time and it could be dangerous out there.” What he said took me by surprise; I mean this is supposed to be the strongest pack in history so how can a girl go missing.

“Does anyone have an idea where she may be?” I asked him but he shook his head.

“Just be safe for the pack and the Alpha's sake.” He says and headed downstairs.

I began to worry about this girl and her family; I mean what could possibly have happened to her. I took a shower and changed my baggy clothes and wore flannel shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. It was thirty minutes past six and still no sign of their return. I couldn't possibly be the Luna who always hides or stay upstairs do I decided to go down and check on the pack.

Downstairs in the big dining room, some people were having dinner and other seemed to be done or almost done. They all looked a little surprised to see me so I changed my posture to seem as one with authority. I went to stand in the middle of the room to address them and make them feel a little at ease because I could feel the tension on the families sitting in the living room.

“Can I please get your attention?” I was extremely nervous. “Um_um first of all I would like to say that I feel the pressure and the tension in the room right now and I just want to let you all know that everything's going to be alright and that you all should calm down and wait upon the Alpha and the warriors. Also I know the girl’s family might be feeling very uncomfortable in this position but I want to let you know that everything is going to be better and let's hope for the better and clear all the negativity in the air.” They house was packed with a lot if lack members more than a hundred but u knew not all if they were currently in the lack house.

The pack members looked at me with what seemed like hope and I knew they took my words into heart. I nodded and went to the family at the back of the room. They were the missing girls parents, her little brother and older brother who is a warrior but was left back to help comfort his family, I spoke a word of encouragement to them. They thanked me and I headed to the kitchen to help Louise with the dishes. Even though there were some women there I wanted to help. After everything was done I had dinner and went back to the living room, there seemed to be less people meaning some of the people had gone to their rooms and homes.

Stepping out of the kitchen, someone came to block me and guess who, the slutty brunette who gave Jordan a side hug. "So our Luna has now started taking her role serious even though she hasn't been marked and inducted into the pack." She commented. 

"Oh well you know since I am Jordan’s real mate, I thought it wise to start taking up my duties as a Luna and you know get close and acquainted with some of my pack members." I replied her in a civil manner which is expected of me as a Luna.

She rolled her eyes at me "He doesn’t even want you so why don’t you stop all this dreams you are dreaming and get packing to go back home." She retorted. How in the hell did she know that Jordan doesn’t want me. "I mean everyone knows he's blindly in love with Elisa to start being in love with you." She snickered and turned to leave oh hell no, there's no way on earth I’m letting this Luna wannabe have the last word. 

"You know what, I'm actually that powerful to break Jordan's love for Elisa, he asked to mark me the first time he set his eyes on me but I said it was too early. We were going to make love to each other for the first time today if this sad event hadn't happened. So yeah, whatever your name is, don't make up stories you know nothing about. Good Night." Yes, I high-fived myself me and tapped myself on my back mentally when I saw her jaw almost drop. 

Her face was so red that it made me want to add salt to injury and laugh right in her face but I chose not to. "My name is Caty, short for Catalina a--"

"I don't care what was name is whether it’s Doggy or not." I cut her off and turned to leave but not before I told her to catch her jaw before it dropped. Leticia 1 Caty 0.

For what seemed like five hours, I was up with the girl’s family, some older pack members and her little brother who was fast asleep when Jordan walked inside caring the body of a lifeless girl in his arms and he hurried her to the doctors section of the pack house.

Thanks for all the wait guys. Thanks for all the support and your patience, love you. <3 <3

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