Ginny and Georgia: The Younger Shadow

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Chapter 30- Amaya Ghader
"Everyone turn to page 5 to answer the questions on the screen. You have 15 minutes, and move on to the challenge if you're done." Ms Jacobs barked as she went to sit down on her desk. Without warning the door flung open and in walked Aria, her breathing jagged and hair messy.
"Miss Littman, would you care to explain to us why you have chosen to come to the class 20 minutes later than everyone else?" Ms Jacobs snapped, and Aria shook her head and sat down next to me.
"That will be a 45 minutes detention with me after school, Miss Littman. And as you think you are so above everyone else here, you can do an extra assignment of the Catcher in the Rye." Ms Jacobs added as she continued to teach the lesson. As her back was turned and no longer preying on us, I turned to Aria with a befuddled look In my gaze.
"Where were you?" I mouthed. She glanced back at me and scribbled something on a stray piece of paper. The note read,
"I'll tell you later. Bring Kara and Madi with you at the bleachers at break." It read in her hasty handwriting. I scrunched up the note so nobody else could see and stashed it in my bag. Kara and Madi were staring at me with shocked expressions twinning on their faces, and I mouthed at them '"later". Madi shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly and bent down to do her work, but Kara just leaned back in her chair and bit her pencil hard. I couldn't concentrate much either. At last, the bell gave it familiar BRRR! sound and we all scuffled to get out of class. We still had another period to go through. Madi and Kara were in my class but Aria wasn't. After another painfully full hour of solving equations, I dragged Madi and Kara to the bleachers and explained Aria's note. Luckily, I had a clear view of the playing fields as well, and I could see Leon playing football. My stomach churned with hunger as I thought of the pitiful satsuma I had eaten that morning. If Aria didn't hurry up, there was going to be trouble.
"God, where is she?" Madi complained as she scanned the crowds. A few minutes later I spotted a flame of red hair bouncing and shoving her way past several people.
"Idiots! I meant you guys had to meet me on the far side of the bleachers!" Aria groaned as she grabbed my hand and pushed us through the crowd.
"Aria, why were you late this morning? Was it Abby needing to do her hair last minute?" Kara asked, and I nodded too. I wanted to know the answer to that.
"Geez, that's the reason we're going to the far side of the bleachers. Just be patient, Kara Nilsson." Aria rolled her eyes and eventually we reached the far side of the bleachers. It was the the area that cut you off from any clear view of the playing fields, and hardly anybody came here except to smoke and drink with their friends. The whole place was deserted, anyway. Why had Aria brought us here? I turned around to ask her, and then spotted something. A figure in the bleachers. Funny, that. When I looked around the first time I couldn't see her. Almost like she had faded into the seats. Whoever it was had hunched up their shoulder and was hurriedly writing something down.
"Um, Aria, why are we here?" Madi hissed in a hushed tone.
"We're here to meet someone. Come on, ladies." She replied with a flourish. I didn't even try to question her. When the girl had noticed we were walking through the seats to her, she gave a distant nod and beckoned us over. Kara stifled a gasp as she saw her. Saw her eyes. She had a simple yet powerful gaze, but that wasn't it. One of her eyes was a rich, wooden brown colour that I thought you could lose yourself in, and the other a dangerous ocean. The shape of her eyes was wideset, and she had an almost quizzical look on her face.
"Aria Littman. Kara Nilsson. Madison Baker. Charlotte Miller." She announced, and she gave a half empty smile, sort of raising the corners of her mouth.
"Um, hi." I said, and Kara and Madi just stared.
"Yes, my eyes are of different colours, Kara and Madison. It is called heterochromia. Problem?" The girl asked. Kara opened her mouth like a stunned goldfish. Aria cleared her throat expectantly, and continued,
"Thanks for meeting us here. Girls, this is Amaya Ghader. And she is- she's going to help us find Jonathan Hills, and hopefully your dad, Charlie." My heart stopped. My hands became clammy. Find him? Find my dad's friend- oh my god.
"A-aria? What the hell?" I stuttered as I trembled with my whole body. My blood ran cold. We had talked about tracking down my dad, but now that it might actually be happening... it felt so unreal.
"I met with Amaya before first period, but it took a while to find her. She was under the cafeteria tables. I talked to her about it, about Jonathan and the situation...and she agreed." Aria said, as she scratched at her face and gave me an understanding look.
"But why would you just get a random girl?" Madi jutted in. Her eyes flashed back and forth, constantly deciding who to look at.
"I'll have you know I'm not just some random girl, Madison Jean Baker." Amaya said. Her voice was almost whispery and angelic, but her words had cold hard truths to it.
"How do you know my middle name?" Madi asked.
"Let's cut to the chase, then. Aria Littman came looking for me because she had heard I track people down. Kids come asking me to find old friends from elementary, or long lost relatives. I have a way of tracking people down. And I will try to find this eccentric and oh so important Jonathan Hills. If he lives in Wellsbury, it will be a piece of cake. The only thing is deciding if he wants to be found."Amaya finished. With a sharp THUD! she slammed her book shut and got up.
"Of course, I do these things for a fee. Your friend here gave me a hundred dollars to find this esteemed man." 100 dollars? Aria gave her a hundred dollars?
"Aria, what? No, don't pay that! It's way too much!" I hissed. Amaya gave a small smirk and turned to walk away.
"How do you know she'll even find him?" Kara said, biting her nails.
A small voice echoed up into the stadium,
"Oh, and you girls are In my class. Hopefully by the end of the week I will find Jonathan Hills." My head was swirling with countless thoughts: Aria had found someone, a girl who was apparently in my class with strange eyes and secrets, to track Jon down. And would she? What if she was just having a laugh? Mocking and laughing at us behind closed doors.
"Guys, i wouldn't have paid her if I didn't know what she was doing. She has found so many people; friends, cousins, you name it. I heard Zuriel Winters taking about how Amaya found her old friend Grace from elementary. They had been separated for years!" Aria cried. She took my hand and gave me a solemn look.
"Charlie, I know how much this means to you. Remember, we would do anything for each other. Anything."

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