Ginny and Georgia: The Younger Shadow

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Chapter 28- Ginny's Surprise Party!
"Abs, can you unzip my dress? I can't reach it!" Aria groaned as she stared at herself in Madi's bedroom mirror.
"Do it yourself, Aria. What are you, five years old?" Abby scoffed and her dolled up lips pursed in mockery. I got up and zipped Aria's zip for her. We were all getting ready for Ginny's birthday party while Hunter had promised to take her for coffee at Blue Moon. Kara was juggling her legs in anticipation and even the adrenaline had caught up to me. Mom must've worked hard to hide that secret from us. But then again, maybe it was just second nature by now.
"Charlie, you good?" Abby asked as she posed in the mirror, her eyes travelling to mine in concern. I suppose I looked as I felt.
"Yea, I'm good, Abby. Are we gonna go now?"
"Just wait for Max to pack her bag. She's got all kinds of crap she needs." Abby rolled her eyes as Max burst through Madi's door, making me jump at least ten feet in the air in horror.
"Oh my god, Maxine! Be careful!" Aria shrieked as she fumbled with her bag to hit Max with. Norah stood up, scrolling through her phone and chewing some mint gum. My stomach just twisted more knots. All the girls would be coming for a sleepover tonight. Mang were going to stay In Ginny's room while my friends and I stayed in the living room. Apparently that was the plan. After everyone had gotten their stuff their stuff ready, we walked across the street, to where Hunter's car strayed outside. It was a stony colour with a deep dent at the side, which Hunter had said his sister had done. Somehow, I felt sure with the way he scratched at his neck self consciously and he refused to meet our gaze he had caused it himself. Mom opened the door and greeted us warmly. She seemed a lot better than that morning. Maybe she was in some sort of a smiling depression.
"Charlie baby! Come here my girl! Come see what mom has done for Ginny. Hunter walked out the door when I let you in." Georgia beckoned me over, and while the girls were kicking their shoes off and putting their bags away, mom dragged me to the kitchen. She poured me some bright orange juice that I drank in a hurry. She looked like she was aching to say something.
"Charlie, I know things haven't been the same lately, but I just want you to know, nothing is wrong. There are no problems, so don't go hunting for them. I handle everything, ok? I am the mother. Just relax and enjoy your teenage years, my sweet girl. You do make me so proud, you know. I know I don't always say it, but I sure have raised some pretty strong daughters." She gave a half hearted laugh and squeezed my hand affectionately.
"I know, mom. Don't worry. I'm just excited to have my sisters- best friends, over." I had called them sisters! Shit!
"Sisters, huh? You're really close to each other then? What about that other girl, Anika? You spoken to her lately?" I shook my head. The awkward conversation seemed to end at last. When I came into the living room, I was breathless with excitement. Faint polka dot music played from mom's stereo, and there was grand platters of pizza, chips, crystal fruits and drinks. Balloons were higgledy piggledy everywhere, and Austin was playing a game with Abby, where they threw the balloon to each other without it hitting the floor. Max had her arm around Madi and was already dancing, her body matching the perfect beats of the music. Even Aria was a lot more relaxed, and a sweet smile played on her face as she watched Abby and Austin. Everyone was having an amazing time. And there stood Ginny, in all her glory. She had cute white overalls on and was singing into the microphone with Norah. Even she had managed to let loose, at least for a little while.
"Your mom is so fun!" Kara breathed in my ear as she grabbed my hand swiftly and took me to the dance floor. And we were all just lost in the fun. In those breathless moments of laughter and shining eyes. No boyfriends were allowed at the party though. Mom's rules, Ginny told me. I think that she was easing up with mom now, which I was grateful for. And it still amazed me that through all our shit, Austin always managed to keep it together. I suppose it was just a Miller thing, that we looked after our own. We shielded him with everything we had.
"Right, ladies, who's for some manicures?" Georgia yelled to a flurry of feet scuffling as we all pushed and barged to be first.
"Abigail Littman goes first!" Abby announced in a deep, growly tone as she sat down on the sofa and rolled up her pants. A few hours passed of us watching yet more movies, making pizzas, and general chatting before the doorbell buzzed. It was so sudden I started again, but the other girls didn't seem to hear it. They were much too lost in the creepy horror film my sister had chosen. Trying to not tip the popcorn bowl over, I picked my way through everyone and mumbled some nonsense about going to the toilet. Poking my head through the hallway, I saw two people standing at the scarlet painted door.
"Hi, Nick. What do you need?" Mom said in her sickly sweet voice. Nick cleared his throat and said,
"Evening, Georgia. This is my boyfriend, Gabriel, or Gabe, that I was talking about. I also heard it was Ginny's birthday, so I wanted to drop a present off for her." He handed a pink parcel and mom thanked him as he stood aside to let the other shadowy figure greet mom. I had to fight the urge to scream and I recognised who the man was- the guy who had been watching me like a hawk in the park, never once leaving my eye. He wore a smart black suit and shoes so shiny I definitely would've been able to see my reflection in it, had I been close enough.
"Very good to meet you, Madam. Nick had told me so much about you." And I didn't miss it. I didn't miss the way he looked at my mother like a predator stalking their prey, that disturbing grin as he met her eyes. Or how he slowly raised the ends of his mouth as he caught me staring at him. I swayed slightly where I was standing, trying to take it all in. Nick worked with mom at the Mayor's office, and Gabriel was his boyfriend. So why had he smiled at my mom like he could see right through her? I walked back into the room and sat down between Madi and Aria. Aria rested her head on me and I nervously stroked her hair, my hands shaking. Was that just a coincidence? Or was he tracking us? Tracking my family?

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