Ginny and Georgia: The Younger Shadow

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Chapter 3- Going to school
The light filtered in through my window as my alarm started blaring. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and got dressed, despite the fact I was half asleep. I brushed my delicate blonde hair, cursing myself as I realised after packing, i had just sunk into a dark, dreamless sleep, I had completely forgotten to wash my hair. It looked faded and dead now, but I just had no time. Mom had said she'd drive us all to school anyway. A knock came on my door. Ginny came inside just as I was fitting my bra on. " Char, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I know you just wanted a bigger room. But we have school today, huh?"
"Thanks, Gin, but I'm changing, so can you get out?"
"Charlotte Marie, I really don't care. You're my sister, you fool. Come downstairs to breakfast,mom's making toast." And with that she shut the door. A few minutes later, I flung my bag down the stairs and went to eat. I was ravenous, and stood by the counter licking the jam at my fingers. Then I caught mom watching me with the most eccentric look on her face. Sometimes I always caught her watching me out of nowhere. When I was reading, or outside. Even when I was sleeping, she just stood there in the doorway, her soft and delicate features messed up as she furrowed her brows. It was always so weird, but I never dared ask her why. Maybe it was just some mom thing about keeping precious memories, or something sentimental like that. "Mom, are we going?" I asked. "Yep, just wait for Austin, he's getting his books." And out of nowhere, she just burst into a fountain of tears. It was so unexpected, Ginny and I took a cautious step back. Georgia sniffled for a minutes, then looked up. She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
"My girls are growing up. My babies." With those words came a fresh flood of tears. The knot in my stomach just tightened. Did I really need more things to think about? "Mom, it's ok. We'll-be fine." I gave her a tight squeeze that I hoped said everything I couldn't. She seemed to understand, though. I shot my sister a sarcastic look, rolling my eyes. She took my pale hand and squeezed it. "You're paper white, Charlie. But meet me in the hallways after class. You've always been better at making friends than me." I nodded, and we all bundled together into the car. Luckily, the day dawned crisp and clear, and I allowed myself to breathe. Austin was playing with his Harry Potter figures, so I got his Harry and played with him. At his last school, he had been bullied and tormented for playing with his figures, and I hoped nothing happened now. Kids could be cruel. When Austin was dropped off, Georgia got out of the car and gave us a kiss in front of all the other kids. Embarrassment was one thing. Red hot embarrassment was another. My insides were seething, but I hugged mom, and Ginny and I had to sprint away from the car. It was ok if she wanted to do that with Austin; but in front of everyone?

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