Ginny and Georgia: The Younger Shadow

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Chapter 25- Telling Little Mang about Jonathan
"How does he look like? Fat, skinny?" Kara asked as she rolled off the side of the bed to look at the photos.
"Woah, that's so uncanny. You guys look just like each other." Madi whispered.
"Uncanny? Since when do you speak like some posh royal, Mads?" Aria laughed and tossed back her hair as she made large bubbles with her gum. Something that even after years of trying I still couldn't master.
"Why are you so interested in finding him now, Char? How come you didn't ask about him before?" Madi said. They all looked up at me expectantly, but how could I reply?
"I don't know. My mom at least told part of the truth. She said his name was Anthony, and that when he found out she was one month pregnant he just left her and my sister." Madi gave me an outlandish look and raised her newly done eyebrows.
"Charlie, idiot, don't you see?"
"See what?" I asked.
"You said your dad Anthony left when your mom was a month pregnant. But that photo was taken a few days before you were born. Of course he would've noticed your mom's bulging belly!" She cried and smacked her forehead.
"Oh my god. How did I not notice that before? So that just means my mom is telling more lies. My dad didn't leave her. I want to find out what happened more than anything. I want to know the story behind Georgia Miller and Anthony Greene. Something must've drove them apart. And maybe Ginny and I could learn more about our mom as well."
"God, almost sounds like we're in one of Amos's adventure drama books!" Aria laughed. Their beautiful and joyous laughs always got to me, no matter the mood. Soon we were gasping for air in Madi's room. The door flung open and there stood Maxine and Abby. They were meant to be hanging out in Max's room.
"Will you guys shut it?" Abby snapped, and she went over to smack Aria's head, because she was still trying unsuccessfully to stifle her laughs.
"Ow! Why do you always get away with doing that, Abs?" She massaged her head while Abby scoffed.
"Because I can, Aria Littman. Why are you always so loud? Ever thought of maybe zipping your mouth? I think I'd quite like that." She said, and she and Max shut the door.
"Wonder what they're doing in there?" Kara moaned and this time I could actually feel my lungs begging for life.
"Shut up! We can hear you!" Abby screamed from next door.
"It's the crazy ginger hair!" Madi gasped and made a mock drama display, while also pulling a hilarious face with her tongue poking out "it's the ginger devil!" After a few hours of sitting around and watching romance films, I asked,
"Will you guys help me find my dad? Or his friend? They might still live somewhere in Wellsbury, and I just haven't seen them."
Kara sat up and gave me a kind look.
"We'll try, but we've lived in Wellsbury our whole lives. And we've never heard of anyone called Anthony Greene or Jonathan Hills." Was she right? My dad could be anywhere on Earth! He was everywhere but nowhere. But maybe Jonathan Hills was here somewhere. Would he even want to see me? What if he took one disgusted look at me and decided he didn't want to know me? And I burned with a different type of fear when I thought of how mom would react if she ever found out I was hunting to find out who my birth father was. Trying to push those thoughts to the back of my mind, I could see my friends were already having a competition to see who could throw the most cheese balls into their mouths.
"Wait. Oh my god." Their faces stiffened as they stared at me.
"What, Charlie?" Aria asked.
"It's Ginny's birthday tomorrow."

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