Chapter 8. - Higher Grounds and Silly Talks

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As the sunlight kept on getting blocked off by the tall bamboo placed all along the side of the road, you could hear loud clanging, the horse's legs swinging rapidly back and forward, a clap echoing everytime it's hoofs met with the cobblestone pathway.

Along with the two boys sat on the horse's back, they moved closer and closer towards the valley in sight, a cherishing smile crawled up the blonde's face, both their eyes holding a mesmerizing look as they stared at the beautiful scenery.

A smallish lake covered the right side of the valley, a tiny village on the left, seeming full of life and good energy. A graded, rocky hill stood right behind one of the smaller houses, a bunc, h of animals occupying the top, munching on the fresly grown out grass and letting out delightful hufs every now and then.
A number of steep mountains encircled the place, bringing some contrast into the breathtaking greenery of the lower grounds, the sun making them glow.

"Finally," they both spoke out in sync, giggles filling the air right after. 

"I know, right?" A scoff escaped George's mouth, "I'm like– I'm about to pass out, do you know how long I've been awake?"

Dream's eyes slid down to his hands, holding tightly on the leather straps to keep balance. He too was tired, the thought of seeking a shelter right after their arrival sounded weirdly annoying to him, though.
After all, they were promised to walk around the place, wonder around to the point there's not a single spot unvisited left along the whole valley – however, the brown-eyed boy seemed to be shutting off his plans.

"You? Probably like 9 hours, that's nothing-"

"Woah- What? That's literally so long, how- what do you mean?" The brunette's eyes shot open, his eyebrows furrowing at Dream's hilariously stupid statement.

"I said what I said," Confidence. "I barely even sleep, you're just a baby, stop fucking crying,"
The words left his mouth, making the other gasp at the filthy comment.

"Oh look at me, I'm Dream, I'm so big and strong– shut up," he whined out the sentence in a mocking voice, a harsh-like tone hanging onto his last two words, making the boy sound almost agressive.

"Okay, okay," a playful, yet raspy chuckle echoed through his ear, an eyeroll following right by.

A comfortable silence fell upon the two, the brunette unconciously snuggling deeper into the other's shoulder, the fabric of the shirt rolling over, annoying the boy. The corners of his mouth slowly crawled up into a beaming smile, his eyes scanning the village just a few steps away from them.

He could have been focused on anything there was, the broken lantern on one of the outer tables or the light illuminating on the cloth an elder woman wore, carrying an outstanding, vibrant, red color  — and yet, his thoughs traveled to a thing not even close to it. Or to a person, should I say?

Oh, the brunette's mind, all there lived was the polished memory of the other male's soft chuckle, along with his awoken smile and the slight movement of his neck everytime he took in a bit of air, all these little things proving a point the brunette wasn't yet to agree on.

He admired the boy all too much, the worry instantly tapping on his nerves, but he knew he never was supposed to feel anything similar, they never were to be so close for him to think the way he did. The boy should have never taken him to the tree, he should have never fulfilled the blonde's wish, he should have never agreed on going.

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