For a while, I had to hear their random stuff. Why do they have to come here to talk about random stuff? Men are ridiculous.

"Hey, Jungkook..." I whispered hoping to get his attention. But there was no response. I slowly turned to look at him. And he, he wasn't here. Wait, did he just leave me here alone? Did he disappear right now? Does he like to put me in danger? This idiotic jerk, what if I get caught? What if they do something to me? Who is gonna take responsibility?

With these questions in my head, I didn't concentrate on their conversation but I snapped out as I heard their loud talk.

"So,'s it going with that hot chick?" A person spoke as he looked at Sehun. Sehun chuckled and spoke, "Rose, she is so stubborn and clingy. Absolutely not my type. But she is so sexy to resist." He spoke making them laugh.

My anger rose with every word he let out of his mouth. "Anyways, I am only marrying her to fuck her up. And then leave her." He finished leaving me in an indescribable state.

"Are you the only one who is gonna enjoy with her?" One of his friends asked. Sehun smirked and then spoke, "Friends are meant to share things. Have her to your heart's content." My fists clenched at his words.

I don't think I can bear this any longer.

I got up from there slowly making them divert their attention to me.

"Who are you?" A person questioned me with a shocked face due to my sudden action. "Well, what's a girl doing here? Sneaking here all alone." I heard a man beside Sehun speak. "We aren't the best people to guarantee your safety, Miss" Sehun spoke while giving me hisdisgusting stares.

Never knew he was so disgusting.

I smiled. "I want to speak with him...alone." I said pointing out at Sehun. He smiled at my action and his friends laughed a bit. "Then we are gonna leave you for a bit." They left from here.

Sehun looked at me. "So, what do you want from me?" He said while moving closer to me. Almost left no gap between us. 

I chuckled making him raise his eyebrow. "What's your relationship with Rose? Do you like her?" Sehun laughed at my question. "Of course not. I don't like her. She is just a hot chick to play around. And she is the one who clings to me and does all the dirty things. But how do you know Rose?" Sehun replied and I obviously ignored his question.

He is shameless. He still has the nerve to talk like this behind her back.

"So, you really don't like her?" He grabbed my waist as soon as he heard my question. "I would surely choose you over her. Believe me, you are hotter." Sehun replied.

And all of a sudden, a noise interrupted. Sehun looked shocked as soon as he saw the person behind me.

"Rose..." My eyes widened as soon as I heard Sehun speak. Is Rose behind me? Wait, how did she come here? Did she hear everything?

Sehun left his grip on me. He quickly moved towards Rose and I moved away from there as I don't want Rose to see me. I saw Jungkook standing behind Rose.

So, I landed on a conclusion that he brought her.

I quickly went up to him. 

"Rose, it's not what you think it is. Look, I seriously love you a lot. I would never betray you." Sehun tried to convince her with his bluff words. But she jerked his hand.

"Enough, I don't need your explanations." Rose's voice was breaking while she spoke. I could hear her sob. "Rose, it's really not what you think it is." She pushed him away. "I said don't talk anymore. We are over." She spoke sternly.

"Rose, please no. I love you-" Rose didn't let him speak any further. "Expect a lawyer's letter infront of your door tomorrow. Goodbye." Rose finished her sentence. Right, Sehun must have had no idea. Rose's father is a top lawyer in this country. He deserves it.

We quickly went out of this room and reached the main hall of this club. Not so many people were here. And all this while, I hid behind Jungkook trying my best to not let Rose notice me.

Suddenly, I saw Rose making her way towards us. I quickly turned around.

She came and stood in front of Jungkook. "Thanks for helping me." Rose thanked Jungkook while he just nodded. "And...." I could feel Rose looking at me. I can't let her see me. "Jungkook, I have some work. I will be back." Saying that I quickly left from there. 

As I was in a hurry to leave, I didn't notice the guy who was coming in my direction and we dashed into each other.

As I was about to fall, this guy caught me. In seconds, my whole attention was diverted to this man.

His brown doe eyes met mine. His fair skin is so mesmerizing and his perfect jawline deserves an award. His messy reddish black hair gave a hot look to him and those plump lips of his...woah

Am I whipped for handsome men? 

He made me wonder whether he is an model. He helped me gain my balance. And he quickly took his hat up which fell down and wore it.

He wore all black yet he looks so hot.

He just left from here without another glance. And I stood there trying to process everything. I got back to my senses but it absolutely took time. And the next minute, I left from here still having the urge to get to know him. I wonder who he is.

I tried my best to not let it bother me and made my way to the alley. And as expected Jungkook was not there. Here I am alone again. I swear to god, if he went back leaving me here alone again, I will surely see his death.

I sighed. 

Suddenly, I remembered the guy back in the club. I don't know who he is, but he is so handsome. Why didn't I meet such handsome men before? 

"Daydreaming isn't good." I heard someone whisper out of nowhere. I flinched a bit and turned to look at Jungkook who was standing calmly behind me with his hands in his pockets and with that poker face of his.

"Why do you always come so suddenly and disappear into thin air in difficult situations? Why did you leave me there alone? I never said that I am going to do this mission alone." I raised my voice. "I didn't go to play, I went to bring your so called friend and finish this mission soon instead of playing with you. And..." He continued as he came closer, literally so close.

"Who gave you the permission to raise your voice in front of me? Remember, you agreed to obey me no matter what, as you wanted me to do these missions with you. If you forgot, I am reminding you again, You need to obey me no matter what." He spoke with his husky voice. I didn't dare to look at him now. 

I just moved away from him and looked away not uttering a single word.


We just roamed around thinking about what we should do next. Because we still haven't completed the mission, we need Rose to marry a good man.

Jungkook and I haven't spoken a word with each other for a while. And I really do hate silent atmospheres.

"Well, thank you for bringing Rose there and for letting her know the truth about Sehun." I decided to thank him cuz he really helped Rose this time. I guess he deserves a thanks. "Yeah, I was just preventing your friend from choosing Sehun and become tasteless in men like you." I scoffed at his words. "You-"

I was wrong. He definitely doesn't deserve a thank you.

As my thoughts were wandering as usual, an immediate thought stroke me. I quickly looked at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, how about we..."


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