Chapter 12

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Camilas POV
    "Wow Laur this room is..just wow" I speak as I take in the room. There was a perfect view out the window and a little chair hanging from the ceiling to sit and look out of. The black interior just tops it all off "I-I know it's so beautiful" Lauren turns to me and kisses my cheek. We unpack and met in the living room where Santana,Brittany,Quinn,and Rachel where sitting having conversation. "Ah perfect you two are done we just need to wait for the rest to start training" Rachel speaks up looking at us with the same smile she wore when we all met. "Oh ok cool" Lauren says taking a seat pulling me to sit in her lap. 'I don't like the way she keeps looking at you' Lauren learned how to mind link with who she wants she's been doing it on me for practice. 'Who?' I think back giving her a confused look 'Rachel..she's even staring at you right now' she thinks to me I give a side eye and see her looking. 'Lo are you starting to get jealous?' I tease her 'I don't know...maybe' she looks down. 'Don't worry Lo its cute' she looks up with a small smile I connect our lips for a long kiss. "Seriously you guys can't go 10 minutes without eating each other's faces" Dinah groans come from the hallway.Lauren and I pull back "Shut up Dinah and leave them alone" Ally says with Lucy,Shawn,and Normani following close behind. They laugh "Are you guys always like that?" Quinn asks with an amused smile on her face "If your talking about Camren" Dinah points to Lauren and I then continues "Then yes you should hear them sometimes at night 'Ahh Lau-'" I slap Dinah's arm "Shut it Dinah" I say my eyes turning red Dinah sinks down into the couch. "I guess that answers my question" Quinn chuckles. "What kind of powers do you guys have?" Rachel asks. "I'm a Kanya" Dinah smiles and starts to show the prints on her arms "Wow that's so cool so am I" Quinn says showing her prints "That's so cool what kind of stuff can you do?" Dinah asks. "Can you throw fire balls?" Quinn asks Dinah nods "Watch this" she says "Ok Ok Q be careful I don't need you burning the whole building down" Santana says. Quinn roll her eyes her prints show up again she puts her hands up and and two huge green fading into blue flames shot up she puts them together and they start to blaze bright. She puts her hand back and release the ball but before it can hit the wall water comes spraying out of her hands and causes a sizzling noise and smoke to come from it.A round of applause erupted in the room "That.Was.AWSOME!" Dinah Says clapping hard Quinn bows."Thank you thank you" she says taking a seat "I can throw fire but not like that holy shit" Dinah says.
"Show me the color of fire you have" Quinn asks Dinah lifts her hand and a blue to purple fire comes out.She closes it again and opens her hand and this time a regular color fire comes out. "Wow that's so cool I can never get the regular kind of fire" Quinn says "I can teach you" Dinah says giving a thumbs up Quinn nods. "Why don't the rest of you show us your powers? Then we show the rest of ours" Rachel questions we nod "I can go" Ally asks standing up. She begins to lift off the ground and disappears "Wh-Where did she go" Santana asks "Behind you" they all turn around "Holy shit that's so cool" Santana says. "Thank you thank you" Ally disappears and reappears sitting on the couch. "Ok my turn..who wants to be my test subject" Normani smirks "I guess I'll do it again" Lucy says nervously "Why are you nervous?" Brittany asks "You'll see" Lucy says taking a breath ready for what's about to happen. Normani's eyes change to a red she locks eyes with Lucy and squeezes her hand.Lucy groans in pain and grabs her body trying not to scream Normani stops. Claps boom through the room "That was scary" Brittany says still clapping Santana smiles at her girlfriend. "My turn to shine" Lucy says her eyes Turing a dark blue she puts her hand out in front of her and lifts one of the couches where the other four where sitting and pretends to drop it causing them to scream "Ok I think you can put us down now" Rachel says holding on to Quinn. Lucy puts them down in a graceful manner her eyes turn back to normal. "Shawn you wanna go?" Lauren asks "We can do the same thing we can do it together" he smiles Lauren nods. I kiss her cheek "good luck" I smile at her I get up off her lap so she can get next to Shawn. The both transform into big werewolf's Lauren's eyes a dark but beautiful green. They begin to walk around on there paws.Shawn goes to Quinn and Lauren goes to Brittany. Brittany pats Lauren's head "Look how cute" Brittany coos "Lauren you can leave now" Santana says jealousy in her voice Lauren steps back nods and comes my way. I get off the couch and on to the floor where Lauren is I hug her my arms around her neck and put my face into her neck 'I love you Camila' She thinks to me I smile 'I love you too Lauren' I think back. Shawn and Lauren turn back to human we get up Lauren sits and I sit of her lap she pulls me closer. "Ok Camila that leaves you" Rachel smiles "Which power do you want me to try" I ask "Wait you have two?" Santana asks I nod "It's so cool too she has telekinesis and demonic powers her dads..." Dinah gets closer to them and whispers "Satan" the gasp and look at me "Holy shit" Quinn says looking at me. "That's so cool" Rachel says smiling at me I smile back. Lauren growls a little only for me to hear I lean more into her "Show us both of them" Brittany speaks I nod and get up. Lauren slaps my ass and smirks "Cuban ass" Dinah says and smack my ass as well we all laugh. My eyes turn gold I pull my hands up like I'm scooping something and everything in the room levitates up.Gasps eco through the room I put everything down and let my eyes durn a blood shot red this time more gasp come from everyone. And the door opens "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" the male voice yells and a group of five men come in and point there guns at us before they can shoot I squeeze my hand and they all fall to the gown and scream in pain I lift them up with the same hand and with the other I snap my fingers and there necks break and they fall Life less and still.I look at the others sitting there in surprise "Well that was...amazing" Brittany says. "Who are they?" Lauren asks "There my worker" Santana says anger in her voice "They came to kill us and take everything and run the business" she gets up her eyes turning black she gets up and runs to them in a blink of an eye and kicks them. Brittany gets up and pulls Santana away to what I'm guessing is there room.
"SATAN" I yell.I just want to get Sofia back it slipped my mind we really need to get out shit together to get her back and then we can be together and then defeat Zeus and be happy together and have fun with our powers.In a matter of seconds the ground shakes and fire shots up like the first time and my father appears with his wings. Santana and Brittany come back wide eyes to see him there "My child what is the matter? Are you ok?" He rushes to my side "Did they try to hurt you" he points to the men "Yes but we need your help with a plan it slipped my mind but we need to get Sofia back and then we need to kill Zeus" my father nods and looks at the men he swipes his hand to the right and they vanish. "You all grab onto each other we're taking a trip to the under world" he smirks we do as told and appear in an office. "Camila my daughter and her friends please follow me" he begins to walk to a door in the room with a key pad. "Turn please" we all turn "Camila you may look" I turn and see him put the code is "You may know for when ever you come or need my help" he whispers I smile up at him. "Follow me" he says again and he leads us in the room where there's a table in the middle and pictures of demons on the walls. "Take a seat we must get started" He gestures to the chairs.
This chapter is all over the place...sorry about that.SPOILER ALERT FOR NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!: Camila will finally get Sofia back but then BAM!! More things get revealed and something else will happen!!! But yea enjoy bye yalllllll!!!!

The Queen that was lost Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora