Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV
When we arrive in Vegas everyone's on edge.It's understandable I am too Shawns the first to speak as we drive down a road in an area that looks like a forest "When we get there y'all can choose a room,there's guards so no need to worry but if anything stay ready to fight" he meets our eyes with a knowing nod.As we pull up we noticed the front doors open and two men laying on the floor with there necks turned the wrong way.We rush out the car "Get ready to attack" Lucy says.I turn into my wolf form,Ally floats off the ground,Dinah's arms glow in different patterns,Normani's eyes glow a dark red,Shawn turns into his wolf form,Lucy's eyes glow blue,and Camilas eyes glow a deep gold.We hear clapping from the front door and a buff man comes from the door. "Wow impressive honestly" he says coming from the last step and standing there looking at us. I step in front of Camila ready to attack she puts her hand on my head letting me know it's ok. He turns to Camila "You are the chosen aren't you?" He asks "Yes? Why does that matter?" Shes staring at him intently he turns into a wolf and starts running towards Camila but I lunge forward causing me to pin him down.I growl at him and he does the same he throws me off and goes to attack Camila but she lifts her hand and he goes flying back I take the this as an opportunity and jump on him ripping his throat out.He let's put a Yelp before going limp I step back going back into human form everyone calms before Camila comes running towards me and crushes me in a hug.I hug her back before Shawn comes running and turns into a human "You ok Camila?"He asks she nods we look down to see he's turned back into human "Who is he? Why is he here?" Ally asks looking at his face "He was a guard at Neosi he worked for Zeus for a while and then he had to quit to take care of his daughter..guess he called him back to kill you Camila."Shawn says dragging the guys legs to move him he then snaps his neck. "Why did you do that?" I ask"What you did was really great Laur but make sure you snap the neck it's how you really make sure to kill them" he says putting the body in a bush."Let's get in before anyone from Neosi sees you Camila" Lucy says.I go in first as my wolf form to see if I see anyone or smell anyone.Once I checked everyone comes in and chooses a room to stay in while we're here. Camila and I decided to share a room and even if she didn't want to I still would have slept outside her door. Once we unpack I sit on the edge of the bed closing my eyes for a little Camila moves my hands and straddles my legs sitting on me she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me.I hug her back "What's wrong Camzi?" I rub my hand on her back "Thank you for saving me today" she hugs me tightly "Your welcome but no need to thank me I promised I wouldn't let anything hurt you ever I-I Um love you Camila I really do" I say getting nervous she pulls back and looks me in the eyes "I love you too Lauren" I smile and we meet in the middle out lips connecting.
Camilas POV
    We're gathered in the living's quite until we hear a knock on the door we all stand up ready to attack. "Karla it's your father open up" he says but it's not my father it doesn't sound like him. Then it clicks I go to the door "Camila wait" Shawn says "I know who it is" I say I open the door. A tall man with eyes the color of fire,a smirk on his face,and wings that are black coming out of his back. "My my you look so good all grown up" for some reason I couldn't help but hug him...It's weird because I feel In my soul and heart that we're connected and we are he's the ruler of hell,my real father and he's here.He hugs me back "Come in" I say he nods and steps forward "Lovely home" he says.
Everyone's eyes are on the man "Who is he?" Dinah asks "This is Satan ruler of dad" I say with a smile "Please call me dad Karla or what ever will" he says "So Camila your ok with me calling you that?" He turns to me I nod "Ok well Camila introduced me to your friends so I can tell you what I'm here for" he says "Ok well this is Normani"I point to Mani who's next to Dinah holding her arm "Next to her is Dinah" she gives a wave "That's Shawn" I point behind him where Shawns taking a call "This is Ally" I point to the couch where Ally's watching us she waved and smiles "And this is" I walk to Lauren's side taking her hand in mine "Lauren my girlfriend" we keep looking in each other's eyes smiling at each other adoringly.In the corner of my eyes I can see him smiling "It's lovely to meet you all Lauren I would love to have a conversation with you later yes?" He asks Lauren looks up "Yes of course" Lauren says with a smile "Shall we seat?" We nod and sit on the couches. "So Camila I'm sure your mother the one who has sadly passed told you about me and how it all started?" He asks putting his wings away in his back "Yes she has" I say cuddling next to Lauren "Ok great I can only be summoned if you call out my name which is 'Satan' but only in case of an emergency or if you need me for a plan.I'll give you my number to keep me updated on everything but there are somethings you must know"he clears his throat "When I die you will become ruler of hell or the after life what ever you may call it.You have amazing power but it can only be triggered in a serious life threatening danger or if something happens to someone you care about or love is in danger or something might have happened to them it will trigger your powers.But remember where you came from,don't let power over throw you,do not and I mean do not let it change you.You may be daughter of an incredible dangerous man who doesn't have feelings for others besides the ones I love but your heart is pure gold.I created you because I know you can do amazing things.You will do amazing things." He says looking into my eyes his eyes changed to a dark blue no longer the fire burning color. "I'll make your proud" I smile at him he returns it "Be careful my dearest child" he says standing up "Now Lauren I must speak with you" Shawn was still on the phone Lucy had left to go get somethings from the store.Shawn hangs up and comes to join us Lauren gets up to follow my dad into the kitchen. I can't hear what there saying but Lauren looks serious.
Lauren's POV
After entering the kitchen Camilas father speaks "So Lauren I can see you and Camila are deeply in love" he says Turing towards me with a serious face "Yes sir we are" I say "Please call me Alfred it's a family name" he says fixing his suit "Yes of course" he speaks up "You don't need to fear me I won't hurt you unless you hurt her,and I know you won't not only because you might be scared of what I can do but because I saw the way you looked at her while I spoke.So focused on every detail on her face looking into her eyes when she would look at you.You will protect her and I know you will when she cuddled up to where so gentle with her and I normally don't say stuff like this but it was adorable and precious.And if you ever ask for her hand in marriage I give you my blessing" he pats my shoulder I give him a smile "Thank you Alfred shes one of a kind and I would never hurt her ever" I turn to the living room where she's attacking Dinah with a koala hug laughing I smile at the imagine in front of me.He pats my shoulder and walks off "Well I must be leaving I have some business I must attend to in hell...literally" he chuckles "It was nice meeting you all" as he brings his wings out of his back "I'll walk you out" Camila says getting down from Dinah.
Camilas POV
I walk my dad to the door "Give me hug" he smiles with his arms stretched out I chuckle.He whispers in my ear "I love you Camila when I first saw you I couldn't help but think you will be powerful and be pure.I always loved you even before you where born and I always will love you" he steps back and clears his throat "I must be on my way till next time Camila" he turns to walk away but I stop him "Wait" he turns around I hug him one more time "I love you too even though I just met you I feel like I knew you for so long" I pull away from the hug.He smiles and stands back and opens his wings he gets his left hand in the air across his face and brings it back to his side and disappears.I will miss him I go back to the group who where all tickling each other's like little kids Lauren comes behind me and hugs me. "You ok camz?" She asks wrapping her arms around my waist putting her head in my shoulder "Yeah I'm fine" I turn and kiss her cheek Shawns phone rings "Hello?" He says catching his breath "Wh-What? What are you talking about?" He asks with a confused face "Ok ok we're on our way don't worry" with that he hangs up by now where looking at each other confused and scared. "We need to go it's your parents" with that we all run out of the house where Lucy had just pulled up in a rush "Did you get the call Shawn?" She asks "Yeah everyone in we're leaving" we all get in the car. And Lucy drives off.
Hope you all like this chapter!! SPOILER ALERT 🚨:Next chapter Camila will finally meet Zeus so get ready YALL!!!! BYEEEE

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