Chapter 2

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Zeus POV
    I woke earlier then the Sinu and Alejandro.I had to take care of a couple things before they wake up,I then go to my room and act as if I'm asleep so they don't think something is happening.After a couple minutes of laying down and just thinking someone knows on my door "Zeus it's time for breakfast come down to eat" I get up and get dressed in my respectful clothes and get downstairs.
"Good morning Zeus how did you sleep?" Sinu asks taking a seat "It was great I had a good dream" turns out I'm great at hiding the fact that I found Sinu and Alejandro actually had a daughter given up."Wheres Alejandro?" I ask helping the cooks take off the plates from the cart and putting them on the table "Thank you sir" our cook Romeo says bowing and leavening.He says Hi to Alejandro on his way out "Hello all" he says taking a seat by the end of the table,I sit in the middle and Sinu sits on the other end.I stare out of space before l'm brought back to earth with the sound of forks and spoons on plates and conversations being made,I drop my spoon and pick it up Sinu speaks up "We'll get you-" she starts coughing she goes to take a sip of he water but it just gets worse "Sinu are you-" Alejandro speaks up but is interrupted by a cough."Ill get someone in here" I guy up and run to the door "WE NEED SOME HELP IN HERE IT'S THE KING AND QUEEN" that's wut alerted everyone the cooks and the royal doctor comes rushing in "What happened Zeus" the doctor asked me "I-I don't know they where all eating perfectly fine and I hadn't started eating I was thinking about something but then I dropped my spoon and I went down to get it then she just stared coughing and then she coughed up blood"I say as he rushes to the King and Queen he checks there pulse" he removes his hand immediately looks back at me and shakes his head.I fall to my knees they grown too weak to even stand up and I start to cry.Harder then I had ever cried,they come to my side and help me stand up and take me to my room.
"Would you like us to get you anything sir?" On of the cooks asked I shake my head and mumble a no thank you.They bow and leave me.Once they close the door and I know there gone I wipe my tears and start to laugh,silly them I say to myself I killed them.I poised the food when I had gotten up early that morning the thing I had to take care of was poising the food to make it seem like the cooks had done it.They wouldn't suspect little old Zeus would do it,my plan had worked I'm crazy.They made me angry I was like a second choice to them they didn't care they didn't even want to tell me what was going on with that other girl what was her name? Kim? Oh-wait it was Karla but she liked to be called Camila.Now no one can take me away from that thrown Alejandro did lie to me though and that's not good why tell me I was going to be king of Camila was going to be Queen when they passed? So instead I switched out the paper the original said "If the royal majesties the first blood born shall be king or queen of the higher thrown.Karla Camila Cabello shall become Queen when the time shall come" I changed it instead of Karla Camila Cabello it says Zeus Theodore Smith.Am I crazy? Yes....Yes I am and I like it.
"May I present the new king of Nesoi" My right hand man says as I walk down the aisle to my big black thrown in the front of the room with all eyes on me.I like this I like the power I'm feeling right now.This is how it should be no one is going to touch the thrown but me.After Alejandro was pronounced dead along with Sinu I was told I would take there place as king,I told them I needed to think but I already had my mind made up.I'm wearing the pendant Alejandro said that he would give me when the time came oh and I made sure to hide Sinus journal that mentions Camila and everything that mentioned Camila."Now it is time for the new king to give words of encouragement" Sailor my right hand man says it's his Nick name given to him by Alejandro Sailor says that he gave it to him because he gets things done and knows the direction like a sailor. "With the Death of Queen Sinu and the Death of King Alejandro I have taken his place as the new kind of Neosi.I promise I will fulfill my duties as new King I will make the changes if needed I will do what needs to be done by a king.May Queen Sinu and king Alejandro live on forever" I bow and take a seat while everyone gets up to clap and cheer.After that everyone when to go the ball room to celebrate and live for Sinu and Alejandro.
"I believe you will go great things my king" Says Sanchez the last name of one of the royals. "Thank you sir" I shake his hand and we both bow and he leaves.This feels so much better then I thought it would so much better then it needs to be I can't wait to control these people I have them under my wing.This is going to be so enjoyable.
Hey besties I hope you all like the book so far I'm trying to write more in my free time.I might get chapter 3 out later this week or something school is a pain in the ✨ass✨ but oh well also srry if this chapter is shorter.I hope you all are having a great day or night bye bye

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